georgetakei , avatar
BluesHarp ,


heavyboots , avatar

@georgetakei Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.

godzero , avatar

Karens will Karen 🤦‍♂️

elliots , avatar

@georgetakei Knowing the Secretary Transportation but not your airline is a weird combo!

caspercdn , avatar

This is West Jet eh?
Good day … hoser

dkmcf ,

@georgetakei Sadly, I have suffered such misguided & embarrassing outbursts myself. So I feel for her, and for all the people who suffered outbursts from her, and from me.

anchorneck , avatar
KevinGuthrie , avatar

It's Pete's fault that TSA wouldn't let her through, She just wanted to exercise her constitutional right to walk across the tarmac to the Delta terminal. Yeah, that's the ticket.
At least she made it to the right airport.

csstrowbridge , avatar


This is one step away from, "Ma'am, this is a Wendy's."

georgetakei OP , avatar
Lane , avatar


You know George, you may just inspire the next fad in flash mobs! Randomly breaking out into cussing at Mayor Pete, in situations where it makes no sense. (Yes, he will always be Mayor Pete to me, even if he winds up as President)

Meckerkopp , avatar

@georgetakei 😂 👌

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