arstechnica , avatar

A crushing backlash to Apple’s new iPad ad

Hydraulic press destroying "symbols of creativity" has folks hopping mad.

BenSoupy , avatar

@arstechnica Steve Jobs passed away and so did the Apple company.

number6 , avatar


We seem to have left the information age and entered the whine-about-anything age.

Personally, I think they crushed it.

bubbajet , avatar

@arstechnica The intended meaning of the ad is crystal clear and unambiguous, although I’ll grant that it’s a dumb way of going about it. It’s not clever, and it’s about three times longer than it needs to be to make the point.

Getting upset over this ad is stunningly obtuse, so willfully petulant about your own ideas. There are so many more important things going on today - and people are whining about this?

dstruchel , avatar

@arstechnica With a world filled with real problems, people are "mad" about an Ad. Wow.

shac , avatar

@arstechnica People like to be mad at things. They should find constructive ways to channel their anger, like making music and smashing their instruments.

borisv , avatar

This ad is a remake of an LG ad from 2008.

theaporetic , avatar


The ad is a metaphor for the flattening of experience in screen world

kitsuneofinari , avatar

@arstechnica Well the ad is memorable, in all the wrong ways...

It certainly does not convince me to get the new iPad.

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