georgetakei , avatar

With polls still showing President Biden in a tight race with Donald Trump, looking merely at the polling can be disheartening. The fact is, there's good reason to be cautiously optimistic looking ahead to November. In today's The Big Picture, writer Jay Kuo breaks down his Top 10 Reasons why we should all feel hopeful about Biden's chances.

AFiveDayStorm , avatar

@georgetakei I’m not hopeful because Biden is just as unpopular as Trump is.

number6 , avatar


Biden has almost the same policies as Trump.

He's willing to sell the environment down the river, because he thinks he can buy off the unions with tariffs.

In reality, these tariffs will result in inflation, making the Democrats less popular than ever, even if he manages to get re-elected.

The world is burning. Can't we have even one world leader who gets that?

That_Damn_Frank , avatar


I've seen Rump and I've seen what he does and what he's capable of.

I will never stop fighting for Joe Biden; I will fight for him with my last breath. I will because I know that if Rump wins it will be.

11231972 , avatar

@georgetakei We will storm all the polling places across the country on November 5th just like those cowardly sore-losing MAGAs had stormed the Capitol on January 6th, George Takei! We WILL NOT allow these MAGA fools to destroy over 240 years of independence, democracy & freedom! The ONLY way we'll allow it to happen is over our dead bodies!

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