georgetakei , avatar
tmstreet , avatar

@georgetakei If you want to vomit in the morning, this seems like a good method.

HailSatan , avatar

I'm glad if he's able to earn a lot of money. I'd say it would be a good thing if he earns enough to pay the many millions in debt he has to his victims and it should be enough to be able to pay for his funeral after he payed for his debts so the american taxpayer doesn't have to. I'm not sure what fucked up his brain so badly he ended where he is now but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Crack combined with Meth.

ozone89 , avatar

@georgetakei roasted... Eheheh

mrbruno , avatar

@georgetakei Is that how he became the jacked-up raving lunatic that he is now? No thanks.

wcow , avatar


Ground Zero (not my joke).

NerdyKeith , avatar

@georgetakei I don’t even like him and I’m embarrassed for him lol

That_Damn_Frank , avatar


TIL- Marisa Tomei has switched to tea.

optimist , avatar


...will be roasted after dead even more !

violinguy , avatar

@georgetakei look it's the only honest work he's done since 2016.

HybridElephant , avatar

@georgetakei oh, come on... he was "america's mayor" a few decades ago. now he's just "america's fucking idiot" and i still wonder why he's not in jail yet! 👎🏼🤬

MatthewChat , avatar

@georgetakei Rudy: I love my coffee so much I had 2/3 of my blood replaced with it!

nutriamix , avatar

Grifters be griftin’!

chessert , avatar

I know I’ll be missing a real “experience”, but I’m gonna forego the urine and hair juice, thanks. 😬

BeeT1123 , avatar

@georgetakei isn’t “organic” a leftist conspiracy?

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