georgetakei , avatar
geographile , avatar

@georgetakei I mean, he's sweet and all, but he's still the Pope

AngelaScholder , avatar

@georgetakei Are you surprised?

Developmentdoc , avatar

@georgetakei I have lived in Italy for many years. The word he used is simply the equivalent of „gay“ in Italian. One may certainly criticize his position on gays as priests, but the whole bruhaha about him using a slur is totally beside the point, even more so as Italian is not his native language.

mycams , avatar

@georgetakei He seems to have forgotten “judge not lest ye be judged”.

MatthewChat , avatar

@georgetakei f****t is an old english word for a bundle of twigs or kindling (now used for cigarettes). It refers to when witches were burned alive at the stake, gays were laid out at the foot of the stake, and burned directly on the fire.

NerdyKeith , avatar

@georgetakei the man is a fraud. Trying to put up a front and failing every time he even tries.

peterrone ,

Let's please not try to listen closely. Why don't we re-enact mount Golgotha all over again. This time with hamburgers and hot dogs. "... chi sono io...." was something to erase from memory.

Christo , avatar

This Pope should just retire
Maybe they can elect a new Pope in a modern voting system and tje new Pope can dispense with silly hats and outfits

wfk , avatar

@georgetakei but not unexpected

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