georgetakei , avatar

“Mother Teresa could not beat these charges.” Yes, that's a real quote from Donald Trump, who is now awaiting a verdict in his Manhattan criminal trial. As the jury deliberates, Jay Kuo breaks down what happens next in the trial, including what a likely conviction would look like.

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei I mean, if Mother Theresa actively performed numerous crimes, performed actions that intentionally got people harmed and killed, acted completely morally defunct in public every chance she got, and was just generally a horrible person then maybe she would indeed not deserve to beat such charges... Why does Trump get to be an exception for the standards the rest of us have to live by?

jack_of_sandwich , avatar

@georgetakei of course, Mother Theresa really doesn't deserve her reputation.
Her reputation as a good person is about as well founded as Trump's reputation as a genius businessman.

Garst , avatar

@georgetakei If "politicians" are allowing hypotheticals all of a sudden (I know. Whether or not they allow them is based on whether it behooves them)... Where was I? Oh, right! if Mr. Trump beats these charges, I think we should start the canonization process! If he beats these charges, it will be his first miracle! 😇🙄

ilust606 , avatar

"Donald Trump, you're no Mother Teresa."
h/t: Lloyd Bentsen

Mother Teresa probably never tried to pay off a porn star or engineer a coup d'état.


farbel , avatar

@georgetakei As Jimmy Kimmell said, "Yep, if Mother Teresa had an affair with a porn star and then covered it up, she couldn't get away with it either."

BM_Bourguignon , avatar

Hmm that's interesting... Personally, I'd love to see this criminal in orange suit.

bobby115 ,

@georgetakei isn’t that what is called a nonsequiter ? Or is it just remarks of a madman?

Toadman628 , avatar

@georgetakei We have to imagine divine introversion in the Trump world version. Personality cultures build narrative.

nikatjef , avatar

Well of course she couldn't beat the charges, if you had sex with a pornstar, then paid said pornstar to keep quiet with the intent to win an election using using fraudulently allocated funds... But of course she didn't do any such thing and so she managed to completely beat these charges.

LGS , avatar

@georgetakei "...and I'd totally 'do' her" - a quote not attributed to Donald Trump. As far as anyone knows.

huntingdon , avatar


Donald Trump wouldn't know Mother Theresa if she blessed him in the middle of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Nor would he give her the time of day. He would deport her.

If Trump is convicted, it won't be because he has the slightest thing in common with Mother Theresa. It will be because the evidence led the jury there, beyond a reasonable doubt.

wolf , avatar

@georgetakei Frankly, Mother Theresa was a horrible person who thrived on her image as a benevolent being while using truly suffering people for her marketing campaigns. I can imagine why Trump would compare himself with her.

Probertd8 , avatar

@georgetakei What me worry?

skaverat , avatar

@georgetakei considering what an aweful human being she was, I'd sure hope so

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