arstechnica , avatar

Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women

Some of our fellow citizens seem to voluntarily do the work of spreading fake news.

mrcompletely , avatar

@arstechnica dammit Karen

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@arstechnica My own mother is one of these. I don't know what to do. I can't block it on all of her devices and even if I did, she receives some misinformation straight from misinformation sources via email and etc. What can one even do when a person is just willingly indoctrinated?

Though her poison of choice is Facebook of course. She believes she is an "independent" but actually is hardcore republican (repeating republican propaganda word for word and believing every bit of it.)

Robb_Munson ,

@arstechnica Karen needs to chiiiiilllllll

halla , avatar

@arstechnica If "research" "confirms" a centuries old stereotype: women to old to bear your children are gossips, is that research likely to be rigorous, well-conducted and well-done, or not?

fabi1cazenave , avatar

@arstechnica Coucou @flore, un cadeau pour ta maman !

Terrogaunt , avatar

@arstechnica the digital age of "old wives tales"

stonehand , avatar

@arstechnica Gam-gam No!

JoeBecomeTheSun ,

@arstechnica Define misinfo, who decides what is misinfo? When the experts have been wrong over and over again that means you need new experts.

glasspusher , avatar

@arstechnica does this balance out weird tricks discovered by single moms?

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