georgetakei , avatar

The approval rating of The Supreme Court has plummeted to historic lows. Between the Court's radical rulings and blatant displays of corruption and partisanship, the American people have lost faith in this Court. What can Congress do now to implement real reform and accountability?

Toonwatcher , avatar

@georgetakei Start booting out Republicans, starting with the race traitor Clarence Thomas.

mrblissett , avatar

🎉 Raskin!

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei Our current system seriously makes zero sense. It's literally the most important court position in the entire country, but appointments are made politically basically with the assumption politicians would never approve someone who wasn't appointed based on merit. Such assumptions never made sense and now here we are.

knowattitude , avatar

A Congressperson can write a bill right now. It probably won't pass at this time. But that bill can be written, submitted, publicized. It can get attention. It can control funding, reduce it, or increase it in areas that contradict SCOTUS rulings that are blatant in stench.
Congress has the power of the purse. SCOTUS does not.
It can be a tool to increase the temperature and pressure on the corruption, by gaining attention and more supporters. It can introduce or suggest a way to get to real reform and accountability.
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can". - Arthur Ashe

mftassano , avatar

@georgetakei Disapproving of the Supreme Court is very much like shouting at the rain.

Sassinake , avatar

The only people that approve this court are those that benefit from the corruption, and idiots

frankcat , avatar

@georgetakei I suppose if you know that the last time a SCOTUS Judge was drummed out was 219 years ago you might get a wee bit arrogant and start thinking you are fireproof.

3conxme3 ,


Mr Sulu, go back to Twitter.

BenjaminKlein , avatar

@georgetakei congress is around 18%, the supreme court 22% and the presidency 38%. Reform required all around.

interfluidity , avatar
kstewart , avatar

@georgetakei THIS Congress? Not a whole helluva lot.

IF people vote and Democrats take the House and Senate in filibuster-proof fashion, then we have a shot.

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