georgetakei , avatar
SteveJB ,

@georgetakei There is no bar too low for them to slink under.

raiaren , avatar

@georgetakei Horrible, hateful people 😠

JamesPadraicR , avatar

@georgetakei This goes along with the barely hidden racism the CO Republican candidates have in their commercials.

18+ Smarty_Undernuts , avatar

@georgetakei I genuinely feel if Jesus were to return in the modern day he'd be physically sick to see how his teachings have been twisted, used for gain or abuse, and how it's all about him and not his god (or dad.. or whatever you believe).
I'm not gay (or I've not met the right guy yet) but where's the harm in two (or three or more) people of any gender loving each other, or just loving cock?

Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei Just like book burnings, if you actually purchase these items you intend to burn, it only serves to drive up business and make money for the makers of the product!

stile99 , avatar

@georgetakei Wait. Isn't this the "flag burning is treason" party?

Of course, recent events have shown us they really aren't that bothered about treason.

PhilthyPierre , avatar

If god hates flags, that means it's OK to burn any flag, right?

postralphaelite , avatar

@georgetakei - Christian Nationalism is to Christianity what Mililtary Justice is to Justice.

thesequesterednook , avatar

Ain't that the truth 🙄

CrypticMirror , avatar


They say lgbt flags, but we know they really mean lgbt people. They are not fooling us.

Dervishpi , avatar

@georgetakei I want to say "But they aren't Christian" - however, 'good' Christians have refused to condemn this kind of thing for decades, and at some point I have to say, "You're absolutely right."

mikey_in_sd , avatar

@georgetakei Waiting for the corresponding rise in trespassing, vandalism, and arson charges.

optimist , avatar

really... "Christian" has nothing to do but shit with poor Jesus.

BryanW , avatar

@georgetakei the State of The Union. 🤔

amazing_ces , avatar

@georgetakei Preach!

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