georgetakei , avatar
martindrogat , avatar

Republican theology at it's best.

serfdeweb ,


She's been reading her bible upside down again...

MyrddinEmerys , avatar

@georgetakei I know it’s been a while since I left the church, but I remember Jesus being a lot nicer and far less of a liar than the small hands orange man. I’m not sure what Bible she read, but it was far different than what I read.

drakenblackknight , avatar

Sadly, exists (unlike Jebus).

kitsuneofinari , avatar

@georgetakei Hitler was a convicted felon too...

Which is a far more apt comparison than Jesus...

Then again, Hitler actually did serve time. Trump will probably never serve time. And if he does it'll most likely be house arrest...

StandUp2Fascism , avatar

@georgetakei Oh, she’s desperate.

Mor696 , avatar


And then she bitches that Jamie Raskin says she worships Trump.

Hey MTG, maybe don't compare Mein Fuhrer to Jesus???

benjamincox , avatar

@georgetakei So… we should crucify Trump? 🤔

Probertd8 , avatar

@georgetakei If only he's crucified in the election???

khoji , avatar

OK. Nail him up. If he comes back after three days I’ll reconsider.

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