georgetakei , avatar

Maybe the customer isn't always right...

muhnin , avatar
dcon3131 ,

@georgetakei when the candlelight is the dinner.

cobaltrose ,

@georgetakei it’s a shame that Bill Walton isn’t around to comment on this one

BeaugiBear7177 , avatar


How stupid have we become? From my perspective, the only humans ignorant enough to eat candles are children who are too young to read. So who is this sign for?

ROMCat1952 , avatar

@georgetakei Candles: not edible, but candies: edible

number6 , avatar


Just be aware that many candles are not vegan -- even if they say "asparagus scented"

podkaynelives , avatar

@georgetakei @UncleDuke1969 Uncle Duke, you're famous! I can say I knew you when.

benjamincox , avatar

@georgetakei In my experience, the customer always THINKS they're right - even after you've proved them wrong and your manager has come to back you up. 🤷‍♂️

iamKhris , avatar

@georgetakei The customer is ALWAYS right……in matters of taste. I guess literally and figuratively in this case. 😂

Probertd8 , avatar

@georgetakei Do they eat them at both ends like Lady And The Tramp?

RachelBeth99 , avatar

@georgetakei It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to... Definitely need one of the cupcake candles...

winnipegguy , avatar

@georgetakei but they smell similar good…

jackcole , avatar

@georgetakei Waxing followed by waning.

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