georgetakei , avatar

Millennials, is this accurate?

yosarrian , avatar

@georgetakei I don't know about cucumber melon, but the music was fantastic 🤘

dreckeffekt , avatar

@georgetakei 90s Europe: Everything smelled like the cigarette smoke of your parents and it was the height of low quality techno so the music sounded like "OOMPTS OOMPTS OOMPTS OOMPTS GRAB MY TITS OOMPTS OOMPTS OOMPTS OOMPTS"

cthululemon , avatar

‘and’ not ‘but’

catmisgivings , avatar

@georgetakei went off to college in 1997; my roommate positively bathed in cucumber melon body spray

TheMNWolf , avatar

@georgetakei I'm a child of the '80s but I do seem to recall this was more or less the way things went.

Soulshine , avatar

@georgetakei And vanilla deodorant, ugh. But Soundgarden, Pantera, Down, Kyuss, Clutch, Fu Manchu, Electric Wizard, Monster Magnet, COC, Alabama Thunderpussy, Smashing Pumpkins, AiC...

Dr_Elizabeth97 , avatar

@georgetakei , GenX here. I remember cucumber melon as part a more recent fruit-water craze.

pencilears , avatar

@georgetakei the music was, in fact, terrible. But we lacked context, so we liked it more.

Spot on about the cucumber melon.

petunientopf , avatar

@georgetakei in the area of the ex GDR all the smell was cigarettes, alcohol and weed. That was essential and there was no money left as a student/pupil to buy fancy perfumes. You know, priorities! :smug:

adorfer , avatar

@georgetakei that's possibly true for privileged western CIS Caucasians.

MaryAustinBooks , avatar

It was certainly true in my Bath and Body Works loving group of friends.

telorand , avatar

Yep, fairly accurate, though I don't personally think the music was great in general. Certainly some good hits and bands (Seattle grunge was a phenomenon), but music didn't become "good" until Daft Punk became popular with "One More Time." The rise and recession of French House in the following decade was a golden era, as far as I'm concerned.

sollat , avatar

(Gen-X) Oh man. I’d forgotten all the cucumber melon scented soaps. I was mostly looking for pomegranate soap and never finding it.

isisevrinen , avatar

@georgetakei The music was funny but actually not that good 😅 the smell is accurate though.

outofosthofen , avatar

@georgetakei Music was amazing, for sure. But, at least where I am from it smelled like mostly like vanilla deodorant. It was a phenomenon.

drakenblackknight , avatar

Late Gen X here. The music was amazing until around 1997-1998 when boy bands and teenage girls from the Mickey Mouse Club were forced on the airwaves.

Probertd8 , avatar

@georgetakei I was a mature student in '91 (31 studying Philosophy) everything smelt of Jack Daniels to me.

CrypticMirror , avatar

@georgetakei I'm a late Xer, so I don't recall the music being all that great. Songs in the key of whinge, I'd call most of it. The best parts of the nineties were the pre-94 stuff.

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