Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?

What the title says, I’m tired of the trope where humans are the least advanced in the universe.

I’d like to read something different where we’re the more advanced ones (not necessarily the most advanced). As an example I quite enjoyed the Ender’s Game sequels and the angle of us being the more advanced ones was quite interesting.

Do you have any recommendations?

Lucien , avatar

In Star Trek humans are quite frequently the more advanced species

Pingudiem ,

Children of Time.

sleet01 , avatar

I’m a big fan of C. J. Cherryh’s Chanur series, where humans are on an at least equal footing but mainly incidental (except for a few parts). The nice part is you can then read her Cyteen and Foreigner series to find out how being technologically advanced doesn’t necessarily always work out well for the humans.

matthewmercury ,

Vernor Vinge- A Fire Upon the Deep…/77711.A_Fire_Upon_the_Deep

LoganNineFingers ,

Project Hail Mary comes to mind

rikudou OP ,


zaphod ,

The explanation why humans and aliens were comparably developed made sense.

TheBananaKing ,

“The Road Not Taken” by Harry Turtledove.

boredtortoise , (edited )

Current book and upcoming movie version of Project Hail Mary. Kind of. Still reading no spoilers pls

rikudou OP ,

This has been recommended multiple times to me, so guess that’s the next one I’m reading after I finish the one I’m reading now. Thanks!

tvmole ,

I second that recommendation. Project Hall Mary is probably my favorite book

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