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FrickAndMortar ,

If it’s any consolation, I’m in the Midwest and it’s -14 with the wind chill. I’ve spent probably seven hours over the last four days outside running my snowblower, trying to keep my house and three others from getting buried.

The snowplow came by three times in half an hour yesterday, and one of my idiot neighbors parked his truck in such a way that the plow had to divert around d it, dumping an entire block’s worth of snow in one of the driveways I’m supposed to keep clear.

Honestly I love the winter and I don’t even mind snow blowing, but even so it’s a lot. I could use a coffee from Cafe Vivace :) do bakeries still make “butter horns”?

Anticorp ,

Man, and I thought we were getting hammered up here in the mountains above Seattle. We lost power today for 5 hours or so. Thankfully we have a backup generator and a gas fireplace, or we would have frozen to death.

FrickAndMortar ,

Oh damn, sorry to hear that, losing power in cold weather is no joke! Glad you had a backup, stay safe and toasty!

Drusas ,

When the power goes out, I'm very glad I have winter camping gear. I can easily dress up all cozily, put myself in a sleeping bag or under a quilt, and I'm pretty good to go.

Anticorp ,

Yeah, I don’t think we would actually freeze to death. We could always dress up like Joey when he wore all of Chandler’s clothes, and then pile all of our blankets on top of ourselves, but we’d probably be pretty miserable, and we definitely wouldn’t get anything done.

SeaJ ,

We lost power here in south sesame and had to head over to my sister in law’s place in Renton. The power was initially annoying because it would go out for a split second and then come right back on. That went on for a couple hours then it finally went out for about four hours.

Anticorp ,

Ouch! That sucks. How were the roads and traffic?

SeaJ ,

There were a couple patches of ice but thankfully nothing too slick. Traffic was sheepishly light. SCL had a good estimate up pretty quick (which they beat) so I’m guessing a bunch of people either bundled up or went shopping close by for a few hours.

Anticorp ,

This is such an amazing area when traffic dies down. That was one cool thing about the pandemic, you could drive anywhere in 1/4 of the usual time.

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