Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

I sincerely hope it does well, and continues for many seasons with fresh content.

That said, I don’t really like it. It’s too geared for children for me, but that is their target audience. It’s not really fair for me to judge a show when I am not their target audience.

Having said that, you know what’s coming.

I didn’t feel like Avatar: The Last Airbender was “too childish”, save for a few spots here and there, but this show feels different.

that’s okay, I don’t have to like it. But as a star trek fan, i want it to do well.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

It is not in my wheelhouse either but what one has to give it that despite being a kids show it is actually “really” Star Trek.

What I mean by that is if you look at the Star Wars kids series in contrast, its a series with interchangable stories, very simple kids stuff. Could be Star Wars, could be something else. Honestly, if you take away the lightsabres, you would not know its Star Wars until you see Yoda. They do display themes like its good to help each other, but honestly what other kids show does not do that?

Prodigy on the other hand does it better since it actually introduces the Federation and its ideals, the protagonists are also exploring the planets they come by. Overall it feels quite like a real Star Trek show but of course still at the level of kids shows.

My two cents, others might disagree.

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

Absolutely a good point!

It felt like it was for kids without being “childish” but also DEFINITELY felt like star trek.

Bebo ,

Just watched the first episode yesterday. Really enjoyed it and look forward to watching the whole season.

admiralteal ,

I'm about 6 episodes in and so far it is enjoyable, though I doubt it'll go down in my heart as a one of the very special shows. It's pretty heavy-handed with its kids writing, which is still TBD if it will wear me out before I get to the end. And at about 6 episodes in, it is not at all episodic. I'm hoping that eventually changes. All the best of Star Trek is mostly episodic.

Extreme disappointment that the hologram did not introduce itself with "Please state the nature of your ___ emergency."

Reverendender , avatar

I got through 3 episodes I think. You’re right about the writing. Just wasn’t keeping me entertained. I also don’t like Lower Decks, and u gave that two seasons.

andrewrgross , avatar

It’s on Netflix? I thought Paramount only put Star Trek shows on Paramount Plus?

lolrightythen ,

They kicked it off paramount for whatever reason. I just watched it and it’s good!

andrewrgross , avatar

That makes no sense. Is it still in production? It’s it the only one in Netflix?

mister_newbie ,

S2 will be on Netflix

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

Paramount+ cancelled it, but CBS Studios sold it to Netflix and it remains in production. Season 2 will debut there in 2024.

lucas , avatar

@andrewrgross @lolrightythen I think some of the streaming services are starting to realise they can make more money licensing shows to netflix than they will standing up their own entire streaming service and hoping they have enough good shows to grab customers.

andrewrgross , avatar

That’s interesting. It also makes some sense.

GammaGames , avatar

It got cancelled at Paramount and Netflix picked it up

RootBeerGuy , avatar

As with the usual shenanigans around licensing not every country seems to have it though.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

We’re doing our best to sort out the international availability in a stickied post, if you haven’t seen it!

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