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Anticorp ,

modern audiences seem to have a harder time trusting institutions or imagining Trek’s utopia.

Paramount doesn’t even want to write about the Utopia anymore. All of the Picard series is about corruption, greed, power, and the Federation failing on all accounts. I hate them for it. Star Trek is supposed to be a glimpse into a hopeful future, not a reflection of our current problems but with phasers added.

VindictiveJudge ,

It’s always been both, just with our current problems offloaded to aliens for scrutinization. That they’re no longer using aliens for commentary is the problem.

Anticorp ,

That’s true. It would be aliens, or a single scientist, or an admiral with a vendetta, but always the Federation sided with the objectively ethical viewpoint. They never showed absolute corruption or incompetence at the head of the Federation, and there were always more ethical people than unethical. The situations involving corruption, or fascism, or other similar themes never seemed hopeless. Perhaps because of the episodical nature of the previous shows. Everything would be neatly wrapped up by the end of 1 or 2 shows. In Picard the same struggles extend across 10 episodes, and it’s not fun. Not for me anyways.

porthos , avatar

Paramount doesn’t even want to write about the Utopia anymore. All of the Picard series is about corruption, greed, power, and the Federation failing on all accounts. I hate them for it. Star Trek is supposed to be a glimpse into a hopeful future, not a reflection of our current problems but with phasers added.

I think there are many valid criticisms of new trek but I really just don’t see this, old star trek had the same shit

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