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khaosworks , avatar

One day they’ll do a proper adaptation of “How Much For Just the Planet?” and I can die happy.

shenandoah , avatar

Yes! That would work incredibly well with the SNW crew! Writers, please do that! I love that book!

Prouvaire ,

Is there somewhere a list of the songs that Ford was parodying in How Much For Just The Planet? Even though I'm a huge musical theatre nerd, I didn't get some of the references in the book and it always bugged me.

(And speaking of John M Ford: Personally I still regret that the Klingon culture that the franchise developed through TNG and subsequent shows differed so much from the one Ford created in The Final Reflection.)

khaosworks , avatar

It’s a puzzle that has confounded readers for years. There are some obvious ones like “Rawhide”, but a lot are still unidentified. Here’s a good attempt at it.

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