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Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x10: “Life, Itself” (SPOILERS)

The title was first used in the context of the Progenitors in TNG: “The Chase” when Picard remarked, “[The puzzle] is 4 billion years old. A computer program from a highly advanced civilisation, and it's hidden in the very fabric of life itself.“ In DIS: “Red Directive” the phrase was used in conjunction with saying...

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x10 "Life, Itself"

LoglineSeries Finale. Trapped inside a mysterious alien portal that defies familiar rules of time, space, and gravity, Captain Burnham must fight Moll – and the environment itself – in order to locate the Progenitors’ technology and secure it for the Federation. Meanwhile, Book puts himself in harm’s way to help Burnham...

Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x09: “Lagrange Point” (SPOILERS)

The title refers to points of gravitational equilibrium in space between two gravitationally massive objects, named Lagrange points after Italian scientist Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813). Five Lagrange points can be defined for two bodies. Lagrange points are well known in science fiction as locations where orbital colonies...

Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x08: “Labyrinths” (SPOILERS)

The title refers to Labyrinths of the Mind, a book written by Dr Marina Derex, a Betazoid and one of the group that hid the Progenitor technology 800 years prior. A labyrinth is also a term for a maze, the original designed by the inventor Daedelus of Greek myth to house the Minotaur....

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

In this list of suggestions, I wanted to showcase episodes that try to give a good overview of the cast and what they do and the feel of the series they are in. Note that these are what I feel are representative and relatively newbie-friendly, not necessarily the best episodes or even my favourites. So in that context, here are my picks and why:

  • TOS: "The Doomsday Machine" - it showcases the Enterprise encountering an alien menace, how the crew and ship works together to defeat it, the strength of the relationship between the central trio of Kirk, Spock and McCoy and it's a great, exciting story to boot, with one of the strongest guest stars they ever had.

  • TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star" - this is one which I felt they could have done for TOS if not for the budget. It feels the closest to a live-action TOS episode.

  • TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds" - especially the remastered HD movie cut. There really is no substitute for introducing people to TNG. This is the show firing on all thrusters: suspenseful, thrilling, and truly epic. It's a cracking good story, pretty self-contained, moves at a steady pace, it has great characterisation and action, and if effective, it should lead to a lot of questions about the broader universe - the Borg, Guinan, Data - you can use as a means to lead newbies to more episodes.

  • DS9: "Civil Defence" - this may seem like an odd choice, being a bottle show, but DS9 was always a bit of a bottle show. I like this because it's strong on character and shows off the relationships between the characters in a crisis situation, and it brings in both Garak and Dukat, whose interactions are always a delight.

  • VOY: "The Equinox" - another two-parter, but this shows off the difference between a principled and unprincipled captain and crew, a glimpse into how Janeway and Voyager could have succumbed to the dark side. (very close runner up: "Timeless", just for an example of how VOY loved to muck with time travel and alternate timelines)

  • ENT: "Dead Stop" - a strange space station, Mayweather actually gets something to do (he gets killed), the need for the NX-01 to get repairs in unexplored space, and a genuine horror mystery to solve.

  • DIS: "Stormy Weather" - an episode so Star Trek it couldn’t possibly be more unless it put on pointy ears and attended a convention wearing a I GROK SPOCK t-shirt. It's sciencey, it's hopeful, it's philosophical, it has kisses to continuity and even has everyone in the ensemble have a moment. And apart from that it is paced well, suspenseful and thoughtfully written. Well done all around. Honorable mention: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad".

  • LD: “wej Duj”- which I would argue is
    the finest Star Trek episode of the last few years and one of the best ever Star Trek episodes ever for the way it portrays the lower decks of Klingons, Vulcans, Federation and even Pakleds and… well, wait till the end credits. It also introduces fan favorite T’Lyn to the audience.

  • SNW: “Memento Mori” - there’s a lot to like about the episode - the submarine warfare conceit in Star Trek space battles has always been a signature so it’s nice to see it crop up again, and you don’t even mind that the correspondence is so blatant because it’s so well executed and the keeps the tension up pretty much throughout the episode.

I’m skipping PIC because that’s not really a show for fresh eyes.

khaosworks OP ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

You may be right - but it was the way she said it that brought the name to mind.

khaosworks OP ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Wasn’t too sure about that because the closed captioning said “Ashalon”. But thanks!

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x07 "Erigah"

LoglineWith Moll and L’ak finally in custody, the Federation is pulled into a diplomatic and ethical firestorm when the Breen arrive and demand they be handed over. Meanwhile, a frustrated Book looks for ways to help as Tilly, Adira, and Reno work to decipher the latest clue....

A question about Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. [Spoilers]

The whales Gracie and George were stated to have wandered into San Francisco as calves. Outside of feeding events which can include the famous bubble nets, humpback whale pods usually consist of a lone mother and calf (or calves) pairing with a trailing "escort" male. Humpbacks are one of the few mammals that can be nursing and...

khaosworks , (edited )
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

In beta canon it’s explained that, eventually, the humpback whale population of the 23rd Century is restored with the help of George and Gracie’s offspring together with cloned humpbacks from DNA stores, which establishes enough numbers for a breeding population.

(And to answer the inevitable follow-up question of "if they had whale DNA why did they have to go back in time?":

Cloning whales wouldn’t have helped because quite apart from not being able to grow clones in time, those whales would have no knowledge of whale songs - as Spock noted, they couldn’t just reproduce the sounds; they needed the meaning as well.

KIRK: Spock, could the humpback's answer to this call be simulated?

SPOCK: The sounds, but not the language. We would be responding in gibberish.

So the fact they didn’t clone whales doesn’t necessarily mean they didn’t have the genetic material. It just wasn’t a viable solution. One assumes George and Gracie would teach the newly cloned humpbacks about whalesong.)

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x06 "Whistlespeak"

LoglineWhile undercover in a pre-warp society, Captain Burnham is forced to consider breaking the Prime Directive when a local tradition threatens Tilly’s life. Meanwhile, Culber tries to connect with Stamets, and Adira steps up when Rayner assigns them a position on the bridge....

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Today’s annotations will be a little late - it’s been a day (to those few who were looking out for them).

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Annotations for 5x06 up at: https://startrek.website/post/9827520

Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x05: "Mirrors" (SPOILERS):

The title of the episode, of course, pretty much telegraphs which parallel universe we’re likely to have elements of this week. The Mirror Universe was a major part of Season 1 of DIS, and the Mirror Philippa Georgiou was a supporting character through the first 3 seasons....

khaosworks OP , (edited )
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Thanks! I actually noticed it earlier but I thought I corrected it.

(Turns out that I corrected it on reddit and Facebook but missed startrek.website. D’oh!)

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Annotations for 5x05 up at: https://startrek.website/post/9566841

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Bashir said in DS9: “In Purgatory’s Shadow” that the Breen didn’t have blood, but considering they never took off their suits, how did he know that? And if they don’t have blood, how does circulation work?

There are animals that don’t have circulatory systems, but they’re usually of a very simple order like sponges, nematodes and flatworms for example.

So either the “fact” that the Breen have no blood is misinformation, or they have something else that substitutes for blood.

Some invertebrates have circulatory systems which carry hemolymph, a fluid made most of water and contains various substances like carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, etc. It’s not blood, but it still serves a circulatory function.

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

There was another starship that was also covered with dust…. crewmen dust

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

I wish they’d update it with LD, PIC and SNW

Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x02: "Under the Twin Moons" (SPOILERS)

It is Stardate 866274.3, which places it, by TNG reckoning, in 3189. However, as I’ve noted before, this is an impossibility, since Burnham arrived in the 32nd Century in 3188, then spent a year before reuniting with Discovery (3189), then months passed between Seasons 3 and 4, and also between Seasons 4 and 5 so at a minimum...

Does anyone here have the Eaglemoss Enterprise D dedication plaque? If so, did you figure out a way to mount it on the wall? ( lemmy.world )

I can’t figure it out. It isn’t huge, but it’s heavy. Specs are 9 x 2 x 12 inches - ‎1.52 pounds. And it’s totally smooth on the back. Nowhere to put a hook. Has anyone figured out a way to do it?...

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

I second this, because this is exactly how I’ve mounted it on my office wall.

khaosworks OP ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Well, the Genesis Planet did do something similar in ST III (keeping it vague for spoilers), but that one had a body to work with.

As for 06107.2, it could be a birthday (June 10, 1972), but the only reference I could find to that was the birthday of a background actor on ENT named Bobby Pappas.

khaosworks OP ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Someone suggested Stardate 06107.2, which works out to February 8, 2329, which might be Freeman’s birthday.

Annotations for *Star Trek: Lower Decks* 4x09: “The Inner Fight” (SPOILERS)

The title is a play on the TNG episode “The Inner Light”, where Picard is hit by a beam from a Kataan probe that makes him live out a lifetime of memories in the space of less than an hour. A similar probe last appeared in LD: “In the Cradle of Vexilon”....

khaosworks OP ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

It’s definitely not coincidental, considering that “The Inner Light” is one of the most famous episodes of the series. It’s a pun, a play on words in relation to the TNG episode title. It doesn’t have to have a thematic connection for it to be a title.

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight"

LoglineWho knows? They never released one. Edit: They finally released one - how novel to release the actual episode first! Captain Freeman assigns the Lower Deckers an overly safe mission to try and keep a self-destructive Mariner out of danger....

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

Annotations up at: startrek.website/post/3057890

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

T’Lyn did mention an “encounter” with a Klingon and Pakled ship to Mariner, but Mariner may not have connected that with the Cerritos.

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

I think you got most of it covered except for living materials, which can’t be replicated because of the resolution limitations of replicators - like cargo transporters they operate on molecular resolution instead of the quantum resolution required for live transport. Gagh is a good example; because it ideally needs to be live it can’t be replicated in its intended serving form but has to be kept in barrels in cargo.

The other limitation would be stuff that’s prohibited by program not to be replicated, like weapons, banned substances, although that’s of course a coding issue rather than a materials issue.

Also, to correct a common misconception/inaccuracy repeated above - replicators don’t convert matter to energy or vice versa. They operate by dismantling the raw material for replication like a transporter does then reassembling them in new forms. The underlying technology is the same as the transporter, except that it rejigs the matter stream into a new configuration.

Which is why the question as to whether you want a holodeck or a replicator strikes me as a bit off because replicator technology is part of the way holodecks work. When you eat food on the holodeck it’s very likely that it’s replicated food, not a hard light illusion. Holograms of people can also either be hard light constructs or meat puppets manipulated by force fields, depending on the program and its requirements.

So if you ask me - holodeck or replicator, I’d choose holodeck because that gets me both the entertainment value and the ability to make objects and food.

Annotations for *Star Trek: Lower Decks* 4x08: “Caves” (SPOILERS)

The title may allude to a line of dialogue from LD’s first episode, “Second Contact”, where Mariner says she was once trapped in a sentient cave for weeks: “You ever been trapped in a sentient cave? That’s a dark place that knows things.”...

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

It would if he had visible genitals in that sequence, but he doesn’t.

khaosworks ,
@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

In LD: “Second Contact”, Mariner says she was once trapped in a sentient cave for weeks: “You ever been trapped in a sentient cave? That’s a dark place that knows things.”

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