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Stamets , avatar

Oh this is a great thread!

There are a couple Discovery quotes from Georgiou that I like (“The goop in this bowl is vile!”/“Orange? Really? Ugh.”) but there’s one that really kills it. Stamets and Culber are having some issues. Culber is wearing a black suit for some reason, and looking beyond dashing, while in Stamets lab. Georgiou is doing her thing to try and make the two realize they’re being stupid but of course she does it in the least tactful way possible. Culber and Tilly’s reaction, however, makes the entire thing utter gold for me.

Philippa Georgiou: [Talking to Stamets and referring to the Paul Stamets from her universe] You are savvier than he was.

Dr. Hugh Culber: Um, you-you do know that he’s gay, right?

Philippa Georgiou: Don’t be so binary. In my universe, he was pansexual, and we had DEFCON-level fun together. And you too, Papi.

Dr. Hugh Culber: Did you just call me “Papi”?

Paul Stamets: Uh, well, in my universe, and pretty much any universe I can possibly imagine, I’m gay. And so is he.

Philippa Georgiou: Of course you are. I’m glad we all see what’s right in front of us. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to talk to Captain Pike about setting a course for Essof Four.

Sylvia Tilly: [in a hushed voice] What just happened?

Nmyownworld OP , avatar

I love this scene! I think they all nailed it. Wilson Cruz’ delivery, posture, head tilt, everything for, "Did you just call me ‘Papi?’ " is wonderful. I’m loving the Georgiou quotes, too.

Stamets , avatar

Exactly! Anything with Georgiou is fantastic. Michelle Yeoh is truly wonderful and I’ll take anything that we can get with her. Stamets reaction to the entire experience is pretty great too. Georgiou flirting with him and you can see something blue screen inside as he tries to figure out what the hell is going on. Been there.

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