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bloup ,

Do you ever think about how if every sports team was structured like the Green Bay Packers, there would be no conflict of interest with the city funding the development or renovation of a stadium for the team? What’s even more fun is that the NFL expressly prohibits any team from joining the league which is not privately owned. Literally the only exception is the Green Bay Packers and they only got that exception because they’re so old.

Powderhorn OP Mod , avatar

That’s a strong and damning take. Also, totally apt.

It’s truly baffling to me that people who could never afford to go to their home team’s games nonetheless want endless piles of taxpayer money thrown at them.

By this logic, all country clubs should be funded by taxes yet remain exclusive.

sadreality ,

Aint that a more recent development, ie after 2000/10. Were not sports for everyone at some point? Gen pop has not caught on that is now mostly for well off.

With that said, the point stands either way. Why is the tax payer funding this shit!

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