bouh , to Men's Liberation in Andrew Tate is a symptom, not the problem’: why young men are turning against feminism

I agree with you. But I have another blame to this: the far right is the only political side that works on young men, especially on the romantic side of things.

Feminist is the other group that talks about sexuality and men/women relationships. Their fight is the good one, but they vomited men when it comes to and the consequences, and sometimes men were even excluded.

The outcome is that when you’re a men struggling with women, and this is especially a problem with gamers, long time single men, and young men discovering everything about this kind of things, when you’re struggling, feminism is basically abandoning you and sometimes even blaming you.

The only solution you can find about this is from far right with the most toxic and conservative philosophy there is. But it is the only one you can find, as a man, to try to get better about this. Or at least it was.

Those men were politicaly abandoned. And even here on lemmy you can easily read about people arguing that if a man can’t find a woman, it’s because he is a shitty person and not respectful of women.

So indeed on the one hand the far right led a political fight for this result. But on the other hand no one else was fighting on this ground. The left need to stand up and fight this fight too, rather than to send people seeking help to the far right.

New batch of unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents claim that former presidents Clinton and Trump and tycoon Richard Branson were part of the pedophile’s circle of clients ( )

The new documents include court petitions, e-mail exchanges, photographs and some victim statements, which — always taken with great caution — include explosive accusations with unverified indirect testimonies about some of the people who moved within Epstein’s circle, including the ubiquitous Prince Andrew of England,...

NovaPrime , to U.S. News in New batch of unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents claim that former presidents Clinton and Trump and tycoon Richard Branson were part of the pedophile’s circle of clients avatar

You throw enough shit at the wall, some of it’s about to stick. The rumors of this were around long before QAnon nuts came on the scene, same as the accusations

SkepticalButOpenMinded , to Men's Liberation in Poll finds that fewer Gen Z boys identify as Feminists than Millenials-- and the same % as Gen X.

Though others have pointed out alternative interpretations of the poll (such as merely disagreeing with the label, not the ideals, of feminism), I am going to voice the minority opinion here: the straightforward interpretation may be right. In fact, I unfortunately find it completely plausible. Millennials, after all, went through ten formative years of and BLM, the biggest protests for equality in a century. The younger generation aren’t going through a cultural revolution anywhere near that scale. Things have quieted down, and sentiment may have regressed to the mean.

I also think people may be underestimating how powerful rightwing bro media has become, with radical figures becoming mainstream like Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, etc. I don’t see many countervailing feminist voices with as much reach, especially those targeting impressionable boys. I’m not sure about any of this, and I know some may not like to hear the alarm, but I think we need to be realistic about the possibility.

RaincoatsGeorge , to Politics in Former White House Aide Cassidy Hutchinson Says Trump Threw His Food 'Once or Twice a Week'

Don’t get me wrong I’m glad all these traitors are speaking up about king traitor but I can’t help but feel like they all should be held accountable and not celebrated. It’s not like trump was some saint going into his presidency and we suddenly found out it was all a ruse. He literally has just been himself from day one. So these people willingly signed up to back a wannabe dictator and we are to believe they had a ‘ crisis of conscience’ and are now speaking out? Fuck that. These bottom feeders hitched their wagon to a losing party and now that it suits them they’re going full like we aren’t aware they supported and enabled all of it.

Fuck her, fuck trump, they all need to be behind bars for getting us here. Send a clear message that Hitler wasn’t the only Nazi and just because they took off their Hugo boss uniforms and stopped goose stepping doesn’t mean they’re forgiven for their crimes.

They’re just angling for the next con, trying to find a slightly more intelligent fascist to hitch their wagon to while they destroy the country. All of them should pay.

bouh , to Men's Liberation in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are

It’s not only a question of men. If you want a romantic relationship, you need to fit the society’s standards for the sex you are looking for. If women are looking for toxic virility, the sad truth is that men who embrace it will have an easier time finding a relationship.

This is not something you take from anyone. And this is the biggest problem many men have with the era: we acknowledge toxic masculinity is toxic and can even be deadly, but what is the alternative? There is none currently.

There is no model for modern men that is worthy of both modern men and women. This is why we have incels and other hardcore conservative going hard on hating women or even more toxic masculinity.

But I digress. The solution is not in a fight, it’s in acceptance from both men and women.

Spectrum8044 , (edited ) to men in People in the mainstream should stop saying "Toxic Masculinity", "Patriarchy", and yes, even "Feminism"

there is a danger to dropping these terms as you suggest. The danger is that the related problems are not discussed.

The problems are only being discussed now because it was finally realised that men's gender expectations are negatively affecting women.

The men's movements of the 80s and 90s (which originally coined the term TM) already worked out that men suffer under harmful gender expectations. Nobody gave a crap. Here we are, 35-40 years later, and we only give a crap because of .

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