
@[email protected]

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BananaTrifleViolin ,

I find the logic behind this uncomfortable. This may help people try rationalise issues in the US or other colonialised regions but it's actually a fairly absolutionist view of the issue - the chain dismisses any argument or discussion about what it means to be indigenous vs a settler as invalid.

At first glance that may not seem to be a big issue but lets invert this for a moment: I'm a white person living in Europe; does this stuff apply to me too? This absolutionist view is problematic - it'd also excuse the anti-immigration rhetoric of white nationalists in my continent. I'm an "indigenous" person in my country but I would not argue in favour of this chain or logic.

I can understand the motive - a deep sense of injustice and dismissal of one group by another "majority" group. But this is not the solution - this just stifles discussion and frames any discussion as if there is no valid opinion that does not conform to one narrative.

Indigenous vs colonial/settler/immigrant issues are not simple, they cannot be reduced or distilled in such an absolutionist way. You do not solve injustice or right the wrongs of the past by replacing it with a new type of injustice.

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Yeah we had this in the UK for a time when minimum wage was introduced. Up until about 2008-2009 when it was finally changed so that employees had to have minimum wage regardless of tips the hospitality industry didn't collapse despite the noise made in the right wing press.

However we now have issues with employers stealing tips from employees via various dodgy practices. The law is likely to change again here to protect tips too.

Chicago are making a step in the right direction but employees will still lose out of tips aren't protected too

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Yeah I agree they went too far. Season 2 was disappointing; they seemed to want to spend their time indulging themselves with musical shows and cross overs. It feels like they alternated each episode - one moment you get a serious episode and the next a silly one.

However the season also gave us Ad Astra per Aspera which was one of the best star trek episodes I've seen in a long time. Among the Lotus Eaters wasn't bad; they just didn't need to shoehorn Khan in - it undermined what was actually otherwise a nice character driven story for La'an. The "should I kill hitler/my grandad" bit at the end was something that could have been impactful but was just didn't feel right.

Among the Lotus eaters and Lost in Translation were decent serious stories. Under the Cloak of War was an another attempt at a serious episode; it just didn't come off in the end.

And for me, Those Old Scientists was actually one of my favourite episodes. It was not Ad Astra Per Aspera good, and it was undeniably silly, but there was just something very warm and wholesome about the episode, and it actually reflected much better on Lower Decks than SNW; Boimler and Mariner felt a bit more fleshed out by the episode and it made me more appreciative of the show and what it's doing.

I think all in all, it was a decent season. It didn't maintain the high level of quality of the first season, and there were some really poor episodes (the opener Broken Circle and Cherades were terrible, and the muscial episode was just too far EVEN in a season with a crossover with a cartoon) but the highs were high and most of the other episodes were decent even allowing for some silliness. Season 1 was masterful TV in my opinion. Season 2 was decent.

Did they overdo the gimmicks? Yes. I still enjoyed the show despite the flaws but I sincerely hope they reign it in in season 3.

BananaTrifleViolin ,

If Reddit think small.communities are worthless then they really dont understand social media. Lots of users belong to big and small communities. I left Reddit because the small communities I engaged with are gone.

I'm not drawn back by the big generic communities - they've lost me from both. Multiple that up everytime a small community has fallen apart with a proportion of its users are gone for good, and you have a real problem.

It's all part of the same enshittification. Reddit is dying through death by a thousand cuts.

BananaTrifleViolin ,

I think you misunderstand what is happening. You're merely guests in the cats second home, and he's making sure you're not misbehaving in his property. That cat is on the make.

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Reddit really is done. This will drive spam and discourage people posting original content as they will see it stolen and reposted by the karma farming parts of reddit. They already flood communities with crap; reddit seems to just be taking another giant crap on the moderators who will have to deal with the tide of people trying to manipulate the new system for financial gain.

The best content on Reddit is not by "top contributors" whoever they may be. It's the random helpful posts that you stumble across or find on Internet seaches, or the thought provoking posts and comments that push back against the hive mind. Generally I find most (not all but most) of the up voted and awarded content to be trash or low value. Moving to financially incentivise that show Reddit really don't understand their own site.

How can I stop birds from flying into my windows?

I’m a very light sleeper, so I have blackout stickers on my bedroom window. (They’re vinyl sheets that stick to the inside of the window with water.) I’ve used these most of my life with no issue. Well, I moved from the city and my new place is in a wooded area. I’m hearing birds and squirrels bonk into the window...

BananaTrifleViolin ,

You could switch from the Vinyl to a combination of blackout blinds and black out curtains. At least these can be opened in the day time which is when you'll get the majority of your problem presumably? Blackout blinds are also not usually black on the outer surface; they're better white to help reflect light so wouldn't look like a cave?

It is not Lemmy or kbin, it is the fediverse. ( )

I don't think many people understand that if they use Lemmy or kbin, they are posting to the fediverse. There are other platforms and will be more to come. Referring to a post on "Lemmy" or "kbin" is like saying you saw a post on your Windows or Mac computer....

BananaTrifleViolin ,

"fediverse" isn't correct either - it's too broad. Kbin and Lemmy post to a part of the fediverse - the "threadiverse". Meanwhile job in can also post to the microblogverse connecting with Mastodon. And there is not one fediverse - ir is both separated by different algorithms for different bits and also within areas some bits federate with others.

If you want a good term for the threadiverse, then Feddit seems like a good catch all name?

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Genuinely I don't understand the issue? You can search the Fediverse from one instance using the Magazines tab in Kbin to find places to sub, or sub to communities you find in all feed etc? Is the issue to do with the duplication of communities at present and lack of clarity which ones are more active?

For me at least the federated set up works well, but I need more visibility of total community sizes when searching Magazines. The search shows me the number of users subbed from this instance, where as I'd also like to know the total number of users subbed across the fediverse to guage how big that community is overall.

Also as you mention, it would be good to see duplicate communities merged across instances - but some of that is the reddit migration with 1000s of new users creating the communities with the same name on multiple instances in a short amount of time. Consolidation will take time (and sometimes there may be a good reason to have two separate communities with the same name) but long term there does need to be tools to allow communities to migrate base from one instance to another or merge; otherwise there is a risk a community could die if an instance falls over.

But I'm not switching between instances - I was initially and realised it was pointless. I have chosen to be on 2 instances - and, deliberately to keep my UK and generic feed separate for now, and also to have a Kbin and Lemmy experience. I personally strongly favour Kbin at the moment. I don't get the analogy of tabbed browsing or separate forums; you can see the whole fediverse from one instance (barring defederated instance like Beehaw). What am I missing?

BananaTrifleViolin ,

True, and this is also a side effect of the mass migration from reddit. People have created multiple versions of the same community name on different instances. Things will consolidate over time, and people will navigate to the most active community (or communities).

But the other aspect of the fediverse is you can have more than one community with the same name; thats a benefit. Like why should there be only 1 "PCGaming"; different groups of users might want to form their own community which approaches the matter in their preferred way. So you could have 2, 3, or many different communities reflecting different ethoses, based on different instances. That's not a bad thing, but might be hard for people to get used to initially coming from the monolithic approach on Reddit.

BananaTrifleViolin ,

Yes and no. Invite only clubs risk become extreme echo chambers because they self select their members. Arguably much of social media often becomes echo chambers as people self select what they want to see. But if you then add in secret invite only clubs you're creating echo chambers within echo chambers.

Beware the alure of exclusivity, it can be false gold.

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