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Cryophilia ,

I think the guys in the trenches in WW1 would love to trade places with you

Cryophilia ,

And die at the ripe old age of 35

Cryophilia ,

Ooof I guess they don’t teach kids history anymore.

Cryophilia ,

Yeah yeah the average life expectancy was dragged down because of infant mortality I know. Congratulations, you found a technicality, dumbass. Do you deny my general point - which there’s no way you’re dumb enough to miss - that the standard of life, and medicine in particular, have vastly improved in the modern era?

Cryophilia ,

Fuck you, Sealion, I’m not spending all day defining obvious concepts.

Cryophilia ,

Why do you care if it’s shameful, you’ll be dead

What a weird thing to worry about

Cryophilia ,

Ah, you’re one of those “I never personally heard about the plan so there must not be one” people. You guys got on my last nerve during the pandemic.

Cryophilia ,

We’re not talking globally though.

Cryophilia ,

Congratulations, you win the “stupidest shit I’ve heard all day” award.

I suppose you also think Christian Bale is actually Batman?

Cryophilia ,

It’s a parody account.

Cryophilia ,

It’s a parody account, you dumb fucks

Pull the sticks out of your asses for christ sake

Cryophilia ,

Lol a ton of people literally starved during the Reign of Terror

You keyboard warriors are so annoying

Cryophilia ,

both large american parties

Whoa whoa whoa let’s not “both sides” this shit. There is one party doing this, and another party sometimes having to make concessions to them.

The US could also increases taxes, seize assets from rich people and imprison tax evaders. With that money they could invest in infrastructure, schools, hospitals, renewable energies…

Guess which party is working on all of this right now (minus the higher taxes part)?

Hint: the answer is not “neither”

Cryophilia ,

I dunno about him, but I’m asking for specifics.

Cryophilia ,

Will they though?

Cryophilia ,

Before that psychopaths have been described and usually killed off on the spot.

What a naive misreading of history. What mythical era do you think this happened in?

Cryophilia ,

Is your autistic ass really arguing against the entire concept of satire and parody?

Cryophilia ,

Menelaus: “Am I a joke to you??”

Cryophilia ,

Who gives a fuck, they’re not regressive fascists. “Both sides” is bullshit propaganda.

Cryophilia ,

Jesus you fucking kids

Cryophilia ,

Are you…acting like a dumbass or…?

Cryophilia ,

Why does it seem like you guys have never heard of primaries? Or democratic party elections?

I stood in line to vote for my local reps who go to the national Dem party who decide what the party platform is and what to spend money on and who to support. Did you even know that was a thing?

Cryophilia ,

Ah I see, you’re not American so you literally don’t know.

General elections for us are binary. We vote for Democrats or Republicans or we throw away our vote. There’s no 3rd party.

Primary elections are where we determine the candidates that will be put forward for each party. This goes for President but also every other executive branch office, at the federal and state levels.

Internal party elections are where we decide the party reps who decide funding, advertisement, official party endorsements, etc.

Bernie lost the primary election because his core supporters have no idea any of these other races exist. They show up, barely, every 4 years to vote for president.

More centrist progressives like me show up every single election. We are constantly pushing our agenda up the chain.

Flighty Leftist voters don’t stand a chance until they consistently show up to push their agenda.

Cryophilia ,

The idea of some glorious revolution that will fix all the problems in our democracy is the equivalent of Christians believing that Sky Daddy will send them to heaven.

Cryophilia ,

The parts of us that consistently vote Democrat are nomal, rational places to live. Funny how that works.

Cryophilia ,

You’ve accused like 3 people of being this dude’s alt

Maybe just admit you enjoy sharp sticks up your butt?

Which is fine, but keep your dysfunction to yourself.

Cryophilia ,

Or your audience is fuckin stupid

Cryophilia ,

Stalking me? Who’s the weirdo again?

Cryophilia ,

the US

…is a conglomerate of 50 different countries.

Parental leave is a right in my state. Health care is nearly universal. Vote by mail is universal. My state guarantees sick leave and paid time off to vote, care for a sick family member, or other circumstances. My state has sane labor laws, rent control, anti-corruption measures, and progressive taxation.

You clearly have no idea what the US is like, so kindly stop talking about something you have no knowledge of.

Cryophilia ,

Yes, please, for the love of Christ, sexualize me! God my 20s were fucking miserable, and I was very attractive! I was just dirt poor so I might as well have been invisible.

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