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Cryophilia ,

The regulators are the National Labor Relations Board, who brought the suit attempting to force Starbucks to re-hire them. The regulators are doing their jobs in this case. The courts, especially the Suprene Court, are the ones captured.

Cryophilia ,

I think most normal people can understand the difference intuitively without needing it spelled out.

Cryophilia ,

I think you might be missing the point of the comic.

Cryophilia ,

Just absurdly impractical for an everyday couple.

Cryophilia ,

Another reason for the lack of liberal response from think tanks in the last few decades is infighting and cultural purity tests:

Cryophilia ,

Not trying to be an asshole, but this is privilege in action. For low paying jobs, managers will fire you at the drop of a hat. Jobs that pay better are more secure.

Cryophilia ,

Businesses don't care about your costs. They care about paying as little as possible for as good a quality as they can.

Same way you don't care if your grocery store mega chain got hacked and lost $300 million, that's not your problem, if they raise the price of bread you'll go somewhere else.

Cryophilia ,

Yeah but not enough of the "real feminists" call them out.

It's like that saying, if there's one bad cop sitting at a table with 3 other cops, then there's 4 bad cops sitting at the table.

Cryophilia ,

If no one is calling then out, then they are true feminists.

Cryophilia ,

You have described a core issue I have with feminism very eloquently and succinctly, thank you.

Cryophilia ,

The truth is men would benefit far more from connection, understanding, and knowing that they can have social standing beyond fucking somebody.

Please stop viewing men as defective women. Maybe fucking somebody is more important than you think. Maybe the problem is that instead of supporting men we're telling them to stop wanting the things they want.

Cryophilia ,

Tons of men I’ve known endlessly talk shit about women.

Which is also fucking gross and shouldn't be tolerated.

Cryophilia ,

I'd argue that it's everyone's responsibility to call out shitstains who claim to believe one's own ideology. Muslims should disavow Isis. Jews should disavow Netanyahu. Just as men's lib disavows Andrew Tate.

Cryophilia ,

Granted, that’s just me. Maybe other men do in fact need to fuck somebody to feel like a worthwhile person.

Correct. And I'm saying that's not a defect. That's just an aspect of personality, and it's as valid as any other.

Anyone who says you're less of a man for not wanting to fuck a different girl every night is an idiot and an asshole. But conversely, anyone who says I'm toxic for wanting to fuck a different girl every night is also an asshole.

Cryophilia ,

the average feminist

Hold on just a fucking minute. The misandrists are fringe, never forget that. The great mass of feminists - and women more generally - do not hate men. I say this as someone who's been calling out feminism, check my post history. I'm not a feminist, I have my issues with feminism, but don't fall into the trap of thinking they all believe that.

Cryophilia ,

Okay this whole "sex bad" thing has got to stop, I'm getting sick of it. I thought we were moving past ignorance like that.

What is the Triad of Male Violence and how does violence manifest against oneself ( )

"I’ve had many clients up and tell me that their friends, their family members, even their partners criticized them or mocked them for recognizing out loud that they were struggling. Of course we’re gonna be scared of being judged or seen as weak if we admit they’re struggling emotionally or mentally, if we know that’s...

Cryophilia ,

I haven't fully read the article, but just from skimming it, it doesn't really present any solutions, does it? Just "stop being traditionally masculine bro". That's not terribly helpful.

Cryophilia ,

That's fair. At points in the article, I was thinking "duh" but that may not be true for everyone. Perhaps I'm just not the audience.

What do you think an alternative to traditional masculinity might look like?

Cryophilia ,

What is gender if we don't have a societal idea of gender? Is it nothing? The existence of trans people suggests that many, probably most of us, have an innate yearning for at least a loose idea of gender identity.

Cryophilia ,

The reason I'm not a feminist is because while feminism says it advocates for equal rights for women, in actuality it's advocating for more power for women.

When women are unfairly discriminated against (which is most of the time), fighting for more power for women is equivalent in outcome to fighting for equal rights. But in those situations where men get the short end of the stick, feminism is supremely unconcerned.

Feminism is not concerned with equality. It is concerned with better outcomes for women. It's a subtle but important difference. And it means it's an ideology that as a man I can mostly support but cannot subscribe to. Feminism does not care that the vast majority of workplace deaths are men. Feminism does not care that boys are failing school at unprecedented rates. It's not their issue, and that's fine, but don't pretend feminism is for everyone. BLM is sympathetic to Indian rights movements but it is not their issue. LGBT+ groups are sympathetic to unions but it is not their issue.

My struggles as a man are not feminism's issue. And that's fine. But we shouldn't pretend otherwise. We need our own group, separate from feminism.

Cryophilia ,

Words matter.

Cryophilia ,

I like "feminist adjacent community for men". I'm a fan of that.

I don't like "feminist community for men".

95% of the time, anyone concerned with men's struggles should agree with feminist takes.

I just don't want us to be beholden to the 5%.

Cryophilia ,

Academic feminism, much like any other "-ism", has little connection to real life and what everyday adherents of the "-ism" believe or do.

I don't factor academic feminism into my thinking at all, because it's so far removed from today's reality on the ground. Feminism is what the majority of feminists make it.

Cryophilia ,

That "pretty much" is huge imo. It gives us wiggle room to disagree without also attempting to win the rest of feminism over to our side.

Cryophilia ,

I disagree. I think progress is largely made at the ballot box and on the airwaves. Academic feminists are not scientists in a lab discovering new things. They're also not leaders of the movement. They're just academics. Over time, some academic points do filter to the broader movement but it's a trickle compared to the action of everyday feminists.

Cryophilia ,

I don't want to be part of the feminist movement because I vehemently disagree with some of the things feminists do. I don't want us to be called to task for those things, or have to explain them or implicitly support them. I don't want to have to say "we" when talking about feminist theories or actions.

Cryophilia ,

Which is why you should choose your affiliations carefully, especially for a fledgling movement that is still finding its ideological footing. I think men's lib is something that should be seen as closely aligned with, but distinct from, feminism.

Cryophilia ,

And then we abandoned it to the Andrew Tates of the world. Because it threatened feminist moral supremacy.

Cryophilia ,

Right? My first response was HELL NO I don’t want my employer having anything to do with my emergency fund

Cryophilia ,

All these headlines are always like “employers trying yet more tricks to make employees happier while not paying them any more”

Cryophilia ,

I could see a case for, like, emergency fund matching. But straight up having your boss control your money? No way in hell are so many workers asking for that. I am highly suspicious of their numbers.

On Retirement Savings

I’m almost 40 and according to the wisdom found everywhere on the internet, I don’t have enough saved for retirement. Which worries me because I’ve been saving for as long as I’ve had a proper job with access to a retirement vehicle. But also because the internet wisdom doesn’t make sense or sound feasible....

Cryophilia ,

Or they lost their job and their emergency fund wasn’t enough to tide them over. A lot of people were out of work for YEARS after 08.

But yes, your overall point is correct, can’t lose if you don’t sell.

Cryophilia , (edited )

You think corpos could sell you a burger for $8 but are only charging $6 out of the goodness of their hearts?

Companies always have charged and always will charge as much as consumers are willing to pay. If consumers won’t pay enough to keep them profitable, they go out of business.

The whole concept of “passing on costs to consumers” is just a psychological ploy tricking you into accepting higher prices. If we don’t accept higher prices, they won’t charge higher prices.

If enough people believe that higher wages = higher prices, then it will become so. In fact it likely already has become so.

But higher wages COULD = lower profits/exec salaries/stock buybacks etc. If we refuse to pay higher prices. Or if there’s nowhere else to make up the costs, they go out of business. Capitalism baby!

Cryophilia ,

49$/h (roughly 100k a year),

That’s TOTAL COMP, not actual pay. Includes medical, 401k matching, etc. Actual pay is closer to $30/hr ish iirc

Cryophilia ,

Fuck em

Cryophilia ,

the amount that anyone is compensated with company stock should be limited to a very small fraction of their overall compensation amount.

I don’t understand. Why? Wouldn’t more stock options to regular workers be a form of seizing the means of production? Always sounded like a good idea to me.

Cryophilia ,

Commutes would instantly get 10x slower

Cryophilia ,

Only people who work in the relatively few jobs that cam be done from home believe most jobs can be done from home. Y’all are in a white collar bubble.

Cryophilia ,

Literally happened at a place I worked at. They hired people near to the work, who then within a year bought a cheap house out in the boonies and increased their commute to 3+ hours daily. And they got paid for it. Such a stupid policy (for the company, I don’t blame the workers for taking advantage).

Cryophilia ,

You’re right and that pisses me off. I didn’t realize how many jobs like that there are. Most recent data I can find says at least a third of all jobs can be done from home.

Fuck you lucky fucks. 0% of my industry can be done from home. I hate all of you.

It’s all the rich people jobs too.

Cryophilia ,

I looked into it and there’s a LOT more of those useless office jobs than I thought. Something like at least a third of all jobs can be done fully remote. I’m jealous as fuck.

Cryophilia ,

No I’m just too wise for your bullshit to work on me. “Define ‘modern era’” what a crock of shit. Come on. I fought in the Meme Wars of 2016. You have to do better than that. Stop trying to bog shit down in useless technicalities. Address my central premise or gtfo.

Cryophilia ,

Waah waah technicalities. Stop distracting. My original and central point was that in Democratic strongholds, the US more closely resembles a European standard of living. Do you agree?

so workers who dont habe them shouldnt fight for them.

Stop making shit up and pretending I said it.

Cryophilia ,

The federal level democrats are NOT reluctant, they just literally don’t have the numbers to enact change. In most cases, you need 60/100 senators to pass a law over the objections of the other party, and Republicans object to almost every single bill democrats put forward.

If we vote in more democratic Senators, federal law gets better.

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