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DrTautology ,

The sad thing is that we don’t even need to use violence. We have the power to bring this country to a halt with nothing more than a well organized revolt.

DrTautology ,

Unfucking believable. Not a single mention of the actual problem in that article. Not a single mention of who is to blame.

DrTautology , (edited )

Billion dollar companies can pay their employees $2 an hour…

DrTautology ,

Because they’re greedy and it’s legal…

DrTautology ,

Not only is this untrue, but it is disingenuous. I suggest you do more research about tipping and service wages in general.

DrTautology OP ,

Hey, that’s the Reddit user I love! Reasonable discourse and argument.

DrTautology OP ,

It was a grouchy mod, with a power trip and no respect.

DrTautology OP ,

It doesn’t matter. I’m over it. Just happy to find a good alternative to Reddit. I was only asking if anyone knew of business cards with information and directions to resources for people that would benefit from unionization. I come across a lot of workers that would benefit from unionization and it would be nice to just be able to discreetly hand them a card.

DrTautology OP ,

Because I’m not going to bother with this community if it’s run by the same petty assholes that banned me and lied about the justification. Thus my request to be banned if this is just more of the same.

DrTautology OP , (edited )

Fair enough. Officially I was banned for making a post that violated the subs rules, which I never did. In reality I was banned because a mod didn’t like my attitude. I made a post asking about union materials, but I noticed that the post never went up, so I sent a mod mail asking if there was something wrong with my post. What I got back was a snarky remark about the mods not being bots and they have to manually approve every post and how dare I ask that question again and waste their precious time. To my surprise I made a post about a year ago and it didn’t get approved after 7 hours so I sent a similar inquiry. Naturally I had completely forgotten about this interaction, so I thank the mod for being petty enough to look it up and mention it. Basically a case of give snark get snark, and they didn’t like it and decided to power trip. That’s the whole story.

DrTautology OP ,

I don’t see anything I’ve said as “weirdly combative”. This community has the same name, same logo, same rules as the subreddit. It’s not weird to assume it is the same place run by the same people. I’m glad to hear it is not however. I’m a staunch proponet of the mission and wholly support spirit of the community.

DrTautology OP ,

Old habits die hard. I spent 9 years on Reddit.

DrTautology OP ,

I can’t support it anymore. Not just the company, but the entire site has gone to shit with bots and spammers flooding it and harassing people. I went those 9 years without really noticing a single bot or spammer, then suddenly over the last couple months it was like an explosion. I kind of hope it was retaliation from the users and an attempt to push people off the platform.

DrTautology OP ,

Hello. Thanks for replying. I’m happy to be here and I appreciate what you’ve done. I’m a diehard believer in the mission and philosophy. I was always more of a lurker on the sub than a contributor, but the message resonates strongly with me, and it was an important part of my daily feed.

I’m still finding my way around this platform, and learning the new jargon and culture, but I can see this replacing any need for Reddit. I’m definitely rooting for the platform and your community.

DrTautology OP ,

Did you read what wrote? I was permanently banned and my post was removed because they said it violated the sub’s rules, which it didn’t. That’s officially why I was banned. I didn’t lie about anything here.

DrTautology OP ,

Oh thanks, really helpful and totally not perry assholery!

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