@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar


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Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

It boggles the mind doesn't it? The left tells them what behavior is unacceptable. So they ask how they're supposed to behave. But the left already told them what was unacceptable. Then they get upset when the people who told them how to behave react to negatively to them acting ignorant.

If men really need to be told how to behave at all. There's no hope for men's liberation. If you don't know what patriarchy and misogyny is. You shouldn't be taking part in any debates activism or discourse on the subject. At least not until you've gone and educated yourself.

And to those who really don't know or would actually like to understand. Asking how you're supposed to behave is the wrong way to go about it. You can behave however you like as long as you don't act misogynist and patriarchal. Don't imply someone must be a certain way or can't do a certain thing because of who they are. For example I think most guys would get a little upset if someone assumed that they were an ignorant caveman incapable of learning.

If you really have to ask. The best way to ask is to be genuine. To tell anyone acting offended that you're aware some of the behaviors Etc that you've been raised with are problematic. And that you are doing your best to understand when they are and learn to not do that. And then ask the person to help you understand what Behavior it was that upset them. You'll have infinitely more success and much better answers that way. Just by being sincere.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

I have KDE installed on a Core 2 Duo Tower. It runs fine most of the time. About the biggest thing you can get to make that generation of machine Snappy and more livable is an SSD. If you are still running on spinning rust there's no way any machine is going to be considered usable by today's standards.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

I don't believe during the core 2 Duo days terabyte hard drives were a thing or at least all that common. I know I was upgrading with 128 and 256 GB drives. So that is very possibly and upgrade itself. But unless your laptop is your main system where all your data has to reside. Or you're going to be using it for mobile video editing? Which would be pretty sketchy with a core 2 Duo. I'd honestly recommend getting a 256 GB cheap SATA SSD toss the two terabyte drive in a computer on the network to share it with the laptop if you need the storage. That's what I've done with the laptop I use. Though it's new enough to have nvme storage. But all my other data is shared over my local network via NFS

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. Look up the upgrade process for the laptop. 9 times out of 10 its just pop the bottom off. The other 1 is like the old dell laptop I upgraded. The laptop had to be nearly 100% disassembled outside the screen. The HD was sandwiched between 3 different PCB at the center of the lower half. Bit of a nightmare. The HP, Lenovo, Acer laptops I've worked on we're simple. And the ssd swap made them almost like new. I had a core 2 duo mackbook I upgraded the drive too. Made it very usable.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

Good. It was a 2012is model laptop. So hopefully they learned better. That was a rediculous difficult upgraded.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

And this folks, is why despite not being perfect. We absolutely should keep the biden administration going. This and the NLRB ruling are some of the most earth shattering empowerment of workers and people in half a century.

No, it doesn't make up for the missteps in Palestine. But the other option is for things to get worse in Palestine in the short term and beyond. But to also not have any consideration by our own government domestically either.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

About the same coloration and size of our poochon.

Eldritch ,
@Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

Ah so sort of like a slightly more journalistic version of The Pitch from the KC area. Which is not to cast shade on either.

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  • Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Well let’s be 100% honest. Teddy Roosevelt got in under the bull moose party. But it was such extraordinary circumstances it could never be applicable to any other 3rd party run. First he had already been a popular president. But had been abandoned by his party. So he had wide, favorable name recognition and history to run on. Something no other 3rd party candidate has or likely ever will have again.

    The average person couldn’t really tell you who Jill Stein is or what she does. Other than run as a spoiler candidate in the green party. People may know Cornell West as an academic. But likely couldn’t tell you much more than that even if they knew that. Kennedy, most people know nothing about him other than his name. And any of the others currently running have less visibility than that.

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  • Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    When it comes to right wing libertarians, the only proper response is fear.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    If the satanists were performing unwilling human sacrifices. It would be a very apt comparison. Your comparison is the irrational and absurd one. The Temple of satan and even the church of satan generally don’t get as many people killed as eager contradictions like right wing libertarians do defending their corporate masters.

    I mean look at you. Here you are defending them even as Milieu takes away people’s social freedom. If you were actually concerned about freedom, you’d be as aghast as most other people here. But nope, you’re going to defend it. Because right wing libertarians will never recognize social freedom, only personal freedom.

    Eldritch , (edited )
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Trump would gladly send troops over to assist in the genocide. Biden is doing too little to address it and being too supportive of it. There’s a massive difference. It’s going to happen regardless of which of them wins. It will be better under Biden 100%. To claim otherwise would be feigning accelerationism. Hoping to get millions more killed so that something might change here at home.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Biden has literally had a ton of policy victories that the average person should like. If you can’t find any, it’s only because you haven’t looked. No seriously go look. I’m not saying he’s wonderful, great or perfect. But if you think the likely alternative is going to be better than him. You’re only fooling yourself.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Cringing as I quote a fictitious asshole who has a point. “Your boos mean nothing. I’ve seen what makes you cheer.”

    Your criticisms are hollow. ML kvetching over Biden’s shit take. Calling him a monster for saying the wrong thing over something he really couldn’t impact much personally. While hand waving away the millions oppressed and slaughtered by ML governments. It’s hypocritical.

    There’s almost no nation in the world that isn’t an abomination. Especially the biggest ones. China, India, Russia and yes the US are all abominations.

    Everyone needs better. And yeah Biden is definitely flawed. Despite being one of the best presidents the US has had in nearly 40 years. Ironically you of all people should appreciate that he singularly is one of the biggest reasons we have marriage equality. His administrations NLRB decisions truly a sea change. Pushed to invest in national infrastructure that everyone needs in a scale not really seen since the new deal. But yeah, old man tone deaf, gotta go.

    It’s honestly too late right now to start pushing for better this cycle. They are seriously ready to put in place a fascist dictator. I know ML are 100% on board with dictators. But I think you would be concerned by the fascism part. Right now we need to survive and hold on to any type of democracy or republic we can. After 2024 we can focus on better younger Democrat candidates for 2028. But we have to remember good change comes incrementally and slowly with compromise.

    And don’t get me wrong. I’m open to any ideas for positive change you have that don’t involve magical thinking. Such as what if everyone did the thing that everyone doesn’t do. Or the typical conflict resolution ML employ. You get a gulag and you get a gulag disappearing and re-education for you and for you as well! Yadda yadda.

    Eldritch , (edited )
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Marxist Leninist. Most of those we mistakenly call Communist simply because Lenin and co chose it as the name for their authoritarian party. They realistically reject a lot of the basis of communism. And similarly, Marxist leninists reject a good chunk of the philosophy of Karl Marx. Misinterpreting the intellectual philosophical statement of a dictatorship of the proletariat. Something which on it’s face is contradictory and oxymoronic. As being a literal commandment to them. From a man who knew all too well the problems of actual dictatorial power and had spent most of his life fleeing from country to country trying to avoid it. Marxist Leninist are to Marxism what evangelicals today are to Christianity.

    I can’t think right now of the actual country the .ML domain refers to. But Lemmy.ML and Lemmygrad.ML both use it as a reference to that ideology.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    No worries. There are a lot who are who don’t share the ideology. It’s one of the oldest servers after all. And for a long time was also one of the more default servers. The original and still main coders IIRC behind Lemmy also share the ideology. Starting the project after largely being run off of reddit.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m not going to say none of it is but I think you really over estimate how much.

    Biden honestly has a singularly outsided role in the fact that we have marriage equality at all. More or less because Mr gaffe sputtered it out in the open. It basically forced the more hesitant and reticent hand of Obama in pursuing the policy. Who had traditionally been opposed whenever publicly asked.

    The NLRB Union decision under his administration administration was quite earth-shattering. A sea change. This sort of thing most of us thought we would never see again and would only ever read about in history books over the new deal.

    Not to mention his push for public infrastructure. At its highest point ever since, practically the new deal. Works that will benefit everyone and our desperately needed. As well as his American rescue plan and many of the other things that he pushed for, which as you said tended to undo a lot of the damage Trump did.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    If it’s anything like jxl there was a separate library to install for that. Might check there

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    People are people. People in the US are not special compared to anyone else. Just as susceptible.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    It needs to be replaced with something else. Which I’m not opposed to. As long as it isn’t crypto currency.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    There’s no such thing as theft via printer. Just theft via improper wages. And crypto will do nothing to address that. Any currency would need to be fiat still as well. Fear of fiat currencies is irrational. The closest thing to problems with it are with those who might be administering it. But value capital more than people.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    That is not an argument against fiat currency or government. Merely and acknowledgment for the necessity of responsive and responsible government.

    The quantity of goods is not set. It can grow and shrink. Therefore the money supply should be allowed to grow and shrink. Something only Fiat currencies can do. Further having a unit of currency that is the value in and of itself while also being finite. Always arrives at the point at which in order to increase one’s own value. It’s inevitably becomes more effective to hoard said resource. Increasing its scarcity and your own perceived value at the cost of everyone else. Something that cannot be done effectively with a fiat currency. The more they hoard the more they can be printed to keep the economy and Society liquid.

    In fact there is no currency more perfect than a Fiat currency. It has no inherent issues unto itself. Any issues that arise from it always arise from those administering it. Not the concept itself. We should have never let thieving capitalists set the value of our currency. It should have always been tied to the value of a worker’s labor and paid to that worker. Our monetary policy failures are failures to tax effectively.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Fair tax is anything but fair. Disproportionately punishing those that are not wealthy. People must consume to survive. Taxing that would only impact their ability to survive in the long run. Conversely the wealthy get wealthy by stealing more than they consume. Making a flat 20% tax on their consumption useless. As the amount of their theft consistently increases. Our ability to recover it decreases.

    A recurring 20% tax on wealth might be workable. But that isn’t what the so called fair tax has ever been about. There should be no minimum wage anywhere in the world. There absolutely however should be tightly controlled maximum wages and compensation. After which things are taxed at 100%.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes but it would be combined with guaranteed fulfillment of basic necessities for members of society. No one would be homeless unless they chose to be. No one should starve unless they chose to starve or everyone starved. No one’s labor would be worth hundreds to thousands to millions of times more than anyone else’s labor. And no one should be forced into debt slavery to survive.

    We will only truly have liberty if we can actually choose to “work” at all. And not just have the illusionary perception that we have any say of who we work for.

    Outside of all that, someone could absolutely try to entice someone to work for pennies an hour. They shouldn’t be entitled to much more themselves however. And would be unable to effectively force someone to accept such compensation if they didn’t see it as fair. So more power to them.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes. Basic libertarian mindset. Maximizing freedom within reasonable bounds. Not dogmatic blind anarchism. But solidly anti authoritarian and anti capitalist.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    What can be asserted without citation, can be dismissed without citation. Bye Felicia.

    Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy?

    Earlier in the pandemic many news and magazine organizations would proudly write about how working from home always actually can lead to over working and being too “productive”. I am yet to collect some evidence on it but I think we remember a good amount about this....

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    I find it real fascinating how many people are blindsided by the fact that the people who own things that focus on making a profit skew the information they put out to benefit themselves. Did they think they were impartial or something? I mean they claim their neutral they don’t ever show that they’re neutral.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    It didn’t start with Trump and certainly won’t end with him.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Shapiro has never outwitted anyone ever. Well maybe except for himself. I’ll never understand people’s fascination with him. Or desire to associate with him or what he calls thought.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Nah. Nothing about Shapiro is humorous. Just sad.

    Eldritch ,
    @Eldritch@lemmy.world avatar

    Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they lack values. When it comes to fascists in America it’s honestly often quite the opposite. They disagree based on intense values shared with many other races classes etc.

    And the fact that American Conservatives so often claim to be color blind etc. All while perpetuating systems with disparately racial outcomes. Only proves their dishonesty.

    There are no cultural dynamics that contribute to Shapiro’s behavior. And don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that he has no values. They just don’t extend much beyond self interest and personal wealth and power. He has no concern for anyone else. And his seeming lack of concern for programs with racial disparities outside of the ones that might impact him personally or be abused to him personally proves it.

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