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EldritchFeminity ,

Lawyer/Legaltech Journalist

Yep, sounds about right. The only thing that would check out more would be if she wrote corporate seminar speeches.

EldritchFeminity ,

I think it boils down to the whole "we learn by doing" thing that's at the heart of a lot of play. And especially for kids, imitating what you see the adults in your life do all the time holds some mystique and new-ness that makes boring tasks seem like exciting activities. To us, filing taxes and loading the washing machine are repetitive tasks we do out of necessity, but to kids, it's a "grown-up thing" to be able to do.

EldritchFeminity ,

In the current climate, internal promotions are a rarity. They say that you should be changing companies roughly every 3 years to ensure you're getting paid what you're worth, as pay raises don't keep up with experience. New responsibilities come quickly while promotions and pay raises come slowly. The number of times I've heard somebody say that they left a job for an immediate 10-30% (or even 50%!) pay raise and reduced responsibilities for even the same job has gotten to the point where I just expect it now.

Like everything else, it varies, but company loyalty is long dead.

EldritchFeminity ,

Yeah, and there's the old saying, "It's not what you know, but who you know." Even ignoring the nepotism that that can obviously be applied to, there's something major to be said about social networking and finding a good job (whether that's a new job or a promotion within a company or even changing fields entirely).

When I was in college over a decade ago, our school had a program set up with GDC (the Game Devlopers' Convention) to send 3rd year students and put them up in a hotel for the duration of the convention so that they could meet industry professionals and see what was new in the industry. And right from the first day, our professors expressed how important going to the convention and getting to know the people in your major were because they could potentially lead to you getting your next job, whether your first year out of school or decades later. And that was years before the current climate of the job sector had really taken off. Some of those guys had been making games since the 80s or 90s.

Make a good impression on someone, and they might call you about a new job opening before it's publicly posted.

EldritchFeminity ,

A good point on the luck aspect, and you reminded me of the fact that people who already have money have "better luck" in the respect that they have more opportunities to try new things.

It's like one of those carnival games where you throw darts at balloons. Middle-class kids might get one or two darts while wealthy kids get 10. And the poor kids are the ones working at the carnival.

Something like 20% of businesses fail in their first year, and 80% are gone by year 5. If you can afford to start 5 different businesses, your odds of one surviving long enough to get bought up by Google or something are much better than somebody who put their life savings into their company.

EldritchFeminity ,

Management forgets that strikes and unions were the concession negotiated in lieu of beating factory owners to death in the street.

EldritchFeminity ,

So instead of voting, you took the lazy way out and went running with your tail between your legs. Just another “lazy youth with a million excuses about why you couldn’t fight for your rights.”

You come in here acting like a fool when you did the exact same shit that you’re accusing people of, and you wonder why you get met with hostility? Maybe take a step back and look in the mirror before you mouth off. Because I dunno if you smoke pot, but you sure look like one in here.

EldritchFeminity ,

Nah, I just hate that holier-than-thou attitude that you got because you and I are lucky enough to live in places where we don’t have to deal with the crazy bullshit places like Texas heap on top of the normal crazy bullshit like not making voting days holidays and closing the polling places before people get out of work. You’re blaming them for being too lazy to vote when you yourself skipped outta town instead of voting. Would’ve mistaken you for a Trumper if we weren’t literally talking about how awful they are, with the way you make assumptions about people.

That attitude ain’t gonna get those asses out of office any faster. It’s just gonna make sure that when the jackboots come for you, no one will have your back.

EldritchFeminity ,

I was hopeful that you might see the hypocrisy of what you’re doing and stop making a fool of yourself, but I don’t care what you do. I have no skin in this game, and you’re a free person, you can make your own choices like a big boy. And you’ve shown that you’re just another Republican anyways. All too happy to see pregnant women die and victim-blame because it doesn’t directly affect you, and ignoring any information that doesn’t fit your narrative.

Don’t worry, the leopards are coming for your face, too. Texas ain’t some other country, what happens there affects you too. I’m sure the Democrats of Texas will be all too happy to motivate you to go vote when the fascists are knocking on your door. Gotta give you something to hate, or you’ll just keep making excuses.

EldritchFeminity ,

Dude’s in here literally talking about how he gave up and ran away rather than fighting against the fascist government, and he thinks he’s won and is better than the people who can’t turn tail like him. Can’t find entertainment like this on TV, that’s for sure.

EldritchFeminity ,

Okay? Good for you? Do you want a gold star for your MAGA hat or something?

We already knew that you ignore any information that doesn’t fit your narrow worldview, just like any other Republican.

EldritchFeminity ,

Agreed, the hypocrisy on display is fascinating to me. Apparently hates the people in charge, and yet is all too happy to see them hurt people who voted against them, like he claims he did?

It’d be one thing if he was laughing at the Republicans who now can’t access porn, but he’s laughing at pregnant women who might die or end up in jail due to the abortion bans too? Does he think trans kids deserve to be denied access to healthcare for not voting hard enough? Where does he draw the line. Does he draw a line somewhere at all?

It’s clear he has that good old Republican “I got mine, fuck everyone else” and “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mindset now that he managed to get out of Texas.

EldritchFeminity ,

Jesus, and I thought you were just an ass. Here you are making fun of a woman with chronic pain who does the exact thing you’re calling people losers and lazy for not doing. What a scumbag.

I bet you think the dead kids in Gaza deserved it for not voting hard enough or just leaving, too.

EldritchFeminity ,

I get it, you really wanted me to know how much you don’t read my responses and don’t care, baka, but at least look at the context of who you’re replying to so you don’t make yourself look like an even bigger cunt than you already have.

But based on your replies so far, aren’t you happy those kids are drowning? After all, they’re in Texas, so it’s their fault for not voting hard enough.

EldritchFeminity ,

Ah yes, the good ol’ “I’m not an asshole! The Russians are plotting against me to make me look like an asshole!” defense. Nobody needs to pretend to make you look like an asshole, you’ve shown your whole ass all over this thread.


EldritchFeminity ,

Don’t bother, he’ll just take offense at you trying. If you look at the other comments, I and several others tried to point out how hypocritical he’s being victim-blaming the people doing the things he says they’re lazy for not doing when he himself gave up, and he just became more and more belligerent. Here, he made fun of a guy’s wife who has disabling chronic pain and accused him of “voter suppression” because of it. In another comment, he made fun of women no longer having access to abortion. He’s not looking to fix things, just a target so he can make himself feel better.

He came in here to hate Texans and nothing you or I say will change his heart. You can’t fix that any more than you can compromise with fascists.

EldritchFeminity ,

I just saw the other month that only like 46% of Millennials own a house, compared to the 65% average of other generations. And of those who don’t, 52% of them aren’t saving for a down payment, often because of how shitty wages and even finding a job are. On top of that, only 20% of houses are currently affordable for the average American worker, down from 60% in 2016. And people wonder why we have no faith in the system.

Gen Z saw what happened to Gen X and to us Millennials, and don’t expect it to get any better for them either.

EldritchFeminity ,

You’re falling for that propaganda too, a little bit; as are we all. We don’t need to be productive every moment of the day - hell, studies have shown that humans are only really productive about 4 hours out of the day. If you work a 9-5 style job, 4 hours of every day is spent doing things other than being productive. So don’t feel guilty for doing things just because they make you happy. Play video games, make Warhammer models, do silly little drawings that only you will ever see, whatever makes you happy, simply because that’s what life is about: doing things that make us happy. Time spent doing that is never time wasted, and screw the people that tried to convince entire generations that we only have worth as a person if we’re being “productive.”

EldritchFeminity ,

In my experience, small businesses can be even worse, because they’re run by the kind of middle management that everybody hates in a big company. Except now they’re the boss and have final say over everything that happens in the company.

EldritchFeminity ,

The 401k replaced the pension. It used to be that a company would pay for your retirement, now you pay for your own by being forced to pay into the stock market, and it doesn’t go nearly as far as the pensions used to. People are working well into their 60s or older, because 401k’s often don’t pay out enough to live on. It’s another way that companies have figured out to avoid having to pay their employees while pumping up the value of the stock market at the same time.

EldritchFeminity ,

Yep, worked for a small business as a teen. My experience was that the boss was decent at giving us raises every year, but got pissed when people gave us tips, never had enough people on hand to account for kids going on vacation or getting sick, and, as my buddy would say, “he’s the first person to tell you that there’s more than one way to skin a cat - but his way is the right way.” Dude couldn’t understand why kids on their summer vacation wouldn’t want to work 45 hours a week.

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