@HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social cover


@[email protected]

Fiber arts. SoCal. Social justice. Snark.

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Trump Says He’s a Target in Special Counsel’s Capitol Attack Investigation ( www.nytimes.com )

It would be the second time the special counsel has notified the former president that he is likely to face indictment, this time in connection with the criminal investigation into the events leading up to the storming of the Capitol....

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @pgm_01, consider copy and pasting the whole article into the body of the submission when linking to paywalled news sources.


HandsHurtLoL ,

Upvoted and boosted! Thanks

HandsHurtLoL ,

Gosh, it's almost like if he just endured these things quietly, they wouldn't be so publicly humiliating.

HandsHurtLoL ,

This same article was posted 1 day ago. Removed.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Shit this gets tricky because I wouldn't want states to not talk to each other about domestic violence if a person is trying to buy a firearm in a new state...

HandsHurtLoL ,

TL;DR: It's because his campaign is beating the antivax and COVID restrictions drum, but GOP polling shows that COVID isn't listed in even the top 15 issues of concern for conservatives. Also, DeSantis is somehow boosting Trump's numbers because Trump has managed to play both sides of the vaccine issue with his base.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Well MTG does CrossFit, so she is probably the stronger of the two. But she also has just more pure surface area of face which makes Boebert's ability to land a punch higher.

Hard to tell who would win.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I mean also, if this article were bacon I'm trying to buy, it's all gristle... Surely there's something more substantive to say about this speech out there in the politinews arena?

HandsHurtLoL ,

I'm removing this comment because you've been reported for trolling.

Be aware that every member of the mod team has brought up your name and the word "ban" in the same sentence, especially for your behavior in other magazines.

I defended you and said no - let's not judge their actions for other parts of the Fediverse. That's how you become r/pyongyang. But when your behavior in this magazine earns reports from other members of the community, we will act on them.

You have a choice right now: you are in full control of your actions to participate in this community by not antagonizing or trolling. Nobody is asking you for ideological agreement, just that you don't spend all your free energy here trying to get a reaction out of others.

I hope you make the right choice.

HandsHurtLoL ,

All Congress needs to do is add three dates to our campaign law: one for the earliest launch of campaign exploratory committees, one for the launch of campaigns proper, and one for a universal primary vote and caucus day.

I agree that the country needs a single primary voting day, but I cannot see how it is possible to achieve when individual states have laws about the day of their primaries. For example, Iowa always has the first primary because it has a state law to ensure it will always have a primary before any other state. As much I believe we would all benefit from centralizing voting (one universal ballot, national holiday across all business for voting, universal primary day), the reality is that all the things that make your voting experience good or awful are under the purview of the states. I don't see any outcome for the proposal in this writing that doesn't end up in SCOTUS with an opinion that reiterates states' rights.

So I think the tactic is to look at the states like a domino run. Iowa has to be the first, but doesn't have to happen any earlier than it does. Why not instead coax the later primaries into pushing back as far as their laws permit, then slinking back primary dates for middle states, etc., until Iowa starts in July instead of March?

I will also throw in that one reason why campaigning in the US takes so long compared to countries in Europe is because we are 4000% larger in geographical area. Yes, I would like to see shorter primaries in the lead up to the general election, but candidates stand to make impact on their numbers and recruit from undecideds and independents through travel and town hall events. Some politicians such as incumbents are still juggling governing while campaigning. I don't think traipsing across the US in 1-3 months would benefit anyone other than extremely wealthy and bored candidates (as in, they don't have anything more pressing to do but travel). I'm not sure this improves the quality of our options, per se.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Yes, there is middle ground for these policies, but it wasn't acceptable to people on the right. Safe, regulated abortion on demand for any reason at any point prior to labor is the farthest left; no abortion access even in the event of miscarriages, rape, or incest is the furthest right. We had safe, regulated abortions almost on demand until the end of the second trimester. That was the middle ground and conservatives pushed and pushed to either completely remove access through nonessential bureaucratic hurdles such as how Texas passed a law in 2013 that all abortion clinics have admitting privileges at local hospitals and all hallways and doors in the center had to be wide enough to wheel gurneys through in the event of an emergency - ostensibly solutions in search of a problem, just to shut down the large majority of abortion providers - or have engaged in a decades long push to manipulate the right type of Manchurian president into attacking the Supreme Court into overturning Roe v Wade.

In the years following that 2013 law, Texas dropped from 41 abortion centers to 10. The law was overturned in 2016, but the damage had been done. Leases for centers had changed terms, funding streams dried up, staff had scattered to the winds... If what we already had in place wasn't an acceptable middle ground, then we as a country would have been able to codify Roe v Wade.

To put it a different way: I'm not saying there is no middle ground. They have said there is no middle ground. To use your own words, it's disingenuous to act as though both sides are being intractable in the policymaking process.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Personally, I'm against the kind of hunkered down tribalism of the 2-party system. It is challenging and difficult to campaign as a politician who wants to show that you will be responsive to the plethora of various needs and experience that our country expresses when you have to distill down to party purity in order to clench nomination.

But we are in a place where one of those two parties is not running in favor of democracy. It's running in favor of fascism. Until that party has either lost relevancy in American politics to the point it is a neutralized threat or until leadership changes significantly to more democracy minded people, this is a Fascism v Everyone Else election, and as a member of the Everyone Else party, we have to organize and throw everything we've got against fascism. These 3rd party ventures (including Cornell West in the Green Party) need to step down and take several seats. Take what your skill set is and use it to either throw it in the lot to defeat fascism, or shoot, use it to vet real leadership in the GOP if you want to be so bipartisan.

HandsHurtLoL ,

If his largest donors have already maxed contributions, then this fundraising model is not sustainable for the transition from primary to general campaigning. Without people on his team who can stretch a dollar (spent $8M in six weeks?!) then he's going to flame out early each quarter.

HandsHurtLoL ,

As someone 10 years older than you, let me tell you: the Bill Clinton campaign was amazing. Like, completely forget whatever you think you know about him being a womanizer for a moment...

Clinton went onto a late night talk show geared to black audiences (The Arsenio Hall Show) and played jazz saxophone live like Duke Silver. Clinton, in the typical politician suit, would get on stage and rip a blue streak of reedy sex in front of the house band. In the '90s, everyone jokingly called him the first black president.

At a town hall against George Bush Sr., a black woman asked a question how national debt impacted each of them individually. GB fumbled in his response, but Clinton deftly jumped into show he wasn't out of touch. Collective memory repaints this moment as Clinton with his steely blue eyes stepping forward and saying, "I feel your pain," in a lilting cadence and bit his lip empathizingly. It was noteworthy that a politician was saying "I see you, I hear you" at this kind of event.

And myself being a child in the '90s, Clinton talked to young people about the role they play in democracy and the future of America in a way that had me believing that I could vote for him at the age of 10. Every other politician up to then had talked about children like they weren't in the same room watching the same news as their parents. After becoming president, Clinton went onto Nickelodeon and did a town hall with preteens and teens about smoking that walked that line between getting lectured at and being invested in. It was hosted by a Nickelodeon journalist named Linda Ellerbee who had a show that presented the news to kids for 25 years. Clinton's directed messaging to children probably came from his own experience of having met JFK when he was in his teens as part of a leadership program he was selected for. Shaking JFK's hand and getting to talk with him has been described as the moment young William Jefferson Clinton knew he would one day run for president.

I'm sad we haven't had a politician like this in a terribly long time. I will say though that from a couple of videos I've seen, Obama has been great with children and Biden really talks to kids in ways that show that they will one day be adults. I've never seen them just use kids as political props in a kiss the baby and smile for the photo, then hand over the kid back to the parent like the kid is plutonium.

I will add here that when I first wrote this up and then went to go find source links, it stood out to me how much of my memories were inaccurate compared to the videos I found. I am going to chalk part of this up to the Mandela Effect, but also part of it to remembering the impact these moments had on me and the way these moments were played up in the immediate retelling in conversations at the dining table and from the media (such as SNL who parodied Clinton for well over 10 years). It's weird to think that my memories are wrong, but I think it speaks more to the legendary status of Clinton before his scandals broke out and he was impeached.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I agree that we need something to stop the hate machine, but it occurs to me that there are still people who carry water for him that in the event of his sudden absence and power vacuum, another toady political figure is going to immediately take up the reins. I wonder how many decades it will take for the reverberations of Trumpism to fade. The Whigs existed in America well until the Civil War... and has even been revived in the last 10 years.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I think a Trump 3rd party run is the only surefire Democratic victory. I believe that a Trump GOP run will mirror 2016 in which the popular vote is a razor thin (yes, I'm calling a 3-4 Million lead razor thin) victory overshadowed by the electoral college.

I seriously worry about the Cornell West Green Party campaign splitting the Democratic vote for Biden. Biden isn't my first pick, but I would have preferred to see West try to primary Biden and then once West gets any traction, platform planks can be transplanted into the Dem platform. That is not even a possibility for this 3rd party approach.

Also, Jill Stein was a Russian shill to disrupt Sec. Clinton so I can't believe Cornell West has thrown his lot in with the Green Party.

Planned Parenthood Immediately Takes Iowa’s New Six-Week Abortion Ban To Court ( talkingpointsmemo.com )

Planned Parenthood of the Heartland went to court Wednesday to block Iowa’s six-week ban, a product of a one-day special session marathon on Tuesday Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) had called for the sole purpose of passing abortion restrictions.

HandsHurtLoL ,

What do these states think they have to gain with this? I know they're coming at it from a "think of the children" point of view, and are fully willing to ignore the criticisms that a potential child shouldn't have more rights than a realized adult.

But why do these people think this is an issue for the State? I'm thinking here about when this eventually goes to SCOTUS... What is the State's vested interest in denying health care to people who can conceive fetuses?

Inflation is plummeting across America except in Ron DeSantis’ Florida ( www.alternet.org )

Americans learned Wednesday morning the rate of inflation nationally has dropped dramatically, to just 3% annually, down from over 9% one year ago.But not in Florida, which MarketWatch reports “has the highest inflation in the U.S.”For much of the year, even before his presidential campaign official...

HandsHurtLoL ,

Removed. Be civil.

HandsHurtLoL ,

If I'm not mistaken, DeSantis is out at Florida no matter what because of term limits for the governor. So I am not surprised to see slipping poll numbers for favorability. I am shocked to see him diving below the margin for error beneath a democrat in a presidential toss up poll though!!

HandsHurtLoL ,

That is the lowest I've ever seen a margin of error. During general election voter polling, the average is 3-6%, which is why I found the 5% lead Biden has on DeSantis so surprising.

HandsHurtLoL ,

The GOP field looking like an asymptotic graph.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Phenomenal and essential question to ask.

North Korea launches ballistic missile toward sea two days after making threat over alleged U.S. spy flight ( abcnews.go.com )

North Korea launched a ballistic missile toward its eastern waters Wednesday, South Korea said, two days after the North threatened “shocking” consequences to protest what it called a provocative U.S. reconnaissance activity near its territory.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I'm just struck by the fact that NK never seems to experience "threats" from any other country to justify its display of arsenal. Like, France or Germany are never targeted, not even really Japan. This is clearly due to NK's alignment with Russia, but even so.

I was glad to read in this article a few insights from professors who teach NK studies who were able to point to patterns of when NK performs these launches. That was illuminating.

HandsHurtLoL ,

This was immediately paywalled for me with a request for free registration.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Thank you so much!

HandsHurtLoL ,

This news source is rated below a 32 on the Media Bias Chart from the sidebar. Removed.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Thanks for the kind words, but honestly - just the fact that so many users felt confident enough here to voice their views is already proof that we're headed in the right direction.

I agree with what you've said here, but I have my concerns about the microblogging feature of these ActivityPub instances. I'm going to be honest and say that I'm not super clear about the interplay of threads and microblogs in the magazines. When a user boosts an item, it appears on their timeline feed in their microblog, if I'm understanding this platform correctly. My reservations about using tags is that they could put the spotlight on our magazine across the entire Fediverse at once, which may end up a nightmare. I am confident we can influence events between kbin and Lemmy. But I think it will feel like drinking from a fire hose if we get all of Mastadon jumping down our throats, too.

For what it's worth, I wish we could move more quickly on some of these magazine rules, but two of us mods had real life stuff planned prior to taking on the magazine that's made the timing weird. When I asked Ernest to hand off the reigns, I assumed he would be too busy to do anything for a few days. He replied within an hour, so I became a mod for a topic I deeply care about knowing full well that I was supposed to get on a plane and fly across the country for a weeklong work event in not even 9 hours! I've been doing all this in spare time from the hotel. Guess I must have been pretty convincing to Ernest lol

Anyhow, I have appreciated your engagement! Thanks for being a member here.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

It is extremely easy to start a magazine for only uspolitics, but I won't be taking that on. Maybe another mod here may be interested. Or even you (hint, hint). 😄

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Glad to have you weigh in, so thanks for taking the time! I agree that some of these topics may be best handled with a cross the bridge when we get there approach.

I'm open to test driving the discussions threads until it's obvious that it is a bad idea (lololol), but I would prefer that users refrain from trying them until we flesh out community guidelines first. Otherwise it'll be the wild wild west in those threads!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I also saw this scatter plotting that you described, and for Fox News, it is more of a swing / crap shoot. Another media watchdog organization called Poynter used to have a media bias report and ultimately deemed Fox News reliable for any coverage besides politics.

To get around this, we can utilize a whitelist/blacklist of news sites. For sources of information not on those lists, we as the mods can refer to the Media Bias Chart from Ad Fontes. For sources of information not measured by Ad Fontes, moderators may use personal discretion.

Example: yesterday someone posted a link from pinknews.com, but I couldn't find it on the media bias chart. That's fine. The headline seemed like credible news, but from a queer news source.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm really touched by this praise. Thanks so much!

And to think, I was a pure lurker on r/politics.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Excellent points here. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I appreciate you articulating all this!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I have seen enough users actively combat alt-right content here that I'm happy to swing the ban hammer on neo-Nazi and pro-white supremacy content.

What I don't want to create is an echo chamber that only permits the views of people I agree with.

I say this with all sincerity: as a progressive, we need genuine and legitimate leadership to step up and start governing again in the GOP. We don't need people who were once too awful to embrace getting a redemption arc (a la Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney style), but real and serious political leaders. I would like this magazine to be a place to stay informed about the moves and leadership on the right that are worth building bridges with.

And as much as I hate the entire MAGA crowd, we still need to be informed of their movements and goings on. So I'm not willing to draw the line at no right wing content from right wing sources ever. But I happily draw the line at no neo-Nazi or white supremacy sympathizing.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm seeing pretty broad support for not even tolerating even an inch from this camp, so I'm sure this will come out in the moderation rules.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Within reason, given my personal values, I too am willing to be a bit more lenient if that's what the community wants. Taking on mod responsibilities shouldn't become my entire life (nor any of the other mods on the team now) and part of that is letting the userbase self-regulate up until a user's presence becomes disruptive.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I didn't think you were asking for an echo chamber. I added that information to add some transparency so that members of this community may understand more on my perspective and get to know my philosophy a bit more. I wasn't reacting directly to you by saying that.

I want to be sensitive to outside perspectives (not yours) who may be seeing this dialogue as a witch hunt for them because of my own personal foibles and emotive reactions to their positions on politics, hence all this - what is apparently coming across as - softer language.

Please know, in my heart, I'm more Malcolm X than MLK.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Yes, we are triangulating around this. Others have signaled a similar take, and I'm on board with it. We may add "badges" which are similar to post flair from reddit.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Easy buy in from me. =)

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

No, usually this is only the first 50 words or first 2 sentences. I have noticed a few posts like this, now that you mentioned it. I thought the users were doing it - didn't know that was a functionality of pulling in an article for submission.

Thanks for sharing!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Yeah, I see your viewpoint on this.

The only reason why I'm still leaning towards the litmus test being on the news sites versus the author is because the legal teams at NYT are not going to permit "freedom of the press" to be the fig leaf covering a very poor piece of writing, even from opinion pieces.

I'm willing to see the counterexamples, but this is based on my experience as a journalist back in the day.

Having said that, I do think that a poor writer could communicate a lot of bad takes and still get printed. The issue really only comes up when a writer makes baseless claims - it now opens the door for lawsuits against the publisher.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm interested in this idea, but I have to ask for community support on this project.

Is this something you'd like to take initiative on? waggles eyebrows convincingly

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I can admit I'm getting outnumbered on this. I appreciate you adding your voice to this perspective so that I can re-evaluate my stance on it in an effort to provide this community what it wants.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm quite positively bolstered by the number of users advocating for a zero-tolerance policy regarding fascism in the magazine.

I have added preliminary community guidelines into the side bar and have made an overt stance regarding neo-nazism, white supremacy, and fascism.

Thanks for weighing in!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

It's good to see such a consensus on this matter.

I updated the sidebar with preliminary guidelines last night! 😄

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Thank ya thank ya!

Mod post is now stickied at the top of !politics soliciting input for community guidelines. Feel free to chime in!

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