@HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social cover


@[email protected]

Fiber arts. SoCal. Social justice. Snark.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Republicans target abortion pill access as government shutdown threat looms ( www.theguardian.com )

A Republican-backed spending bill threatens to end national access to mail-order abortion pills and cut billions from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Snap) that provides low-income families with food benefits....

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @darthfabulous42069, please take a look at our sidebar (or if you can't see that, the pinned comment at the top of our magazine) for submission rules around titles. We'd appreciate it if you would put those rules into practice for future submissions.

Other than that, it's very cash money of you to post the entire article in your submission. Thank you!!

Texas A&M suspended professor accused of criticizing Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in lecture ( www.texastribune.org )

The professor, an expert on the opioids crisis, was placed on paid administrative leave and investigated, raising questions about the extent of political interference in higher education, particularly in health-related matters.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I have ties to this university, and I asked my colleagues who are still there. It sounds like professors at A&M are really shaken by this revelation and the other brouhaha around the failed hiring of Kathleen McElroy. I wouldn't be surprised if professors start abandoning the university in droves.

I have a colleague who works at a state school in Florida who said at an online virtual panel a few months ago that "the Great Resignation" had her institution down 30% of all staff/faculty roles because of COVID. I audibly gasped hearing that. But also, she's dead wrong - that isn't the COVID Great Resignation anymore, that's the consequence of DeSantis eroding professor autonomy and tenure protections in the state of Florida. Texas appears soon to repeat these issues.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I fully clutched my pearls when I heard that 30% figure. You just simply cannot run a large state, public university to scale when you're down that many critical staff members. Something is suffering there.

I go back and forth whether it's really the case that politicians like DeSantis are big-picture minded enough to actively downgrade the quality of education across a state like Pol Pot did in Cambodia, to discourage critical thinking and increase dogmatic loyalty. Instead, I think it's more likely that people like DeSantis are myopically cruel and just want to hurt a subset of people so badly that they don't see the larger consequences.

Anyway, regarding Texas A&M, it's quickly about to no longer be the largest university in America in the next two years. The former president was so unpopular there and she introduced such huge changes to the institution (a big reason why I left) that they just can't be undone with a new university president. This is such a mess that I can't imagine who on God's green earth will take on this role. Chancellor Sharp is unlikely to hire anyone with a spine to dissent to him and the good ol' boys who exert quiet influence over the school. And anyone with half a lick of ethics and integrity is going to see the institution as radioactive at this point. I can't help but predict that only grifters will self-select into the president's chair. A&M is going to race itself to the bottom.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @stopthatgirl7, please take a look at our sidebar (or if you can't see that, the pinned comment at the top of our magazine) for submission rules around titles. We'd appreciate it if you would put those rules into practice for future submissions. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL ,

This is the wrong label to use for this submission. Please change to News.

Discussion threads should not link to external sources. Discussion threads should be a place for you to post original content with regard to a question or a prompt posed about a larger concept, and not necessarily about a singular event in the politisphere. This is clearly explained in the sidebar and community / submission rules.

Please correct. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL ,

I saw your report and did not act on it because this site ranks with an acceptable reliability score from the media bias chart we use.

As moderators, we cannot ascertain the veracity of individual stories from white listed sources. You can use the link in the side bar to check the reliability rating of any source before reporting it; we only remove items ranking below a 32 reliability score.

HandsHurtLoL ,

You operate here on a voluntary basis.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @EffectivelyHidden! The mod team just recently finalized some posting guidelines which you can find in the sidebar or a pinned thread in this magazine. One of the guidelines is to begin your titles with a label so readers know whether it is news, opinion, editorial, or analysis. Please add a label to the title in future posts. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Thanks @torknorggren for letting me know first link was 404'd on my first post. Thanks @PeterGintz for correcting the link. That link is now in this thread.

[Texas Tribune] Texas A&M President Katherine Banks resigns amid fallout from failed hiring of journalism professor ( www.texastribune.org )

“The recent challenges regarding Dr. McElroy have made it clear to me that I must retire immediately,” Banks wrote in her resignation letter. “The negative press is a distraction from the wonderful work being done here.”

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

If you've ever worked at A&M in the past two years, you know this couldn't have happened to a better person.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Thanks for making this suggestion.

Due to the way hyperlinking works on kbin, if I type <at>politics<at>kbin.social into any text box, it gets printed as @politics and hyperlinked to this magazine in specific. If I type <at>politics<at>lemmy.world it gets printed as @politics.

I don't know how to get around this, but I'm open to more suggestions.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I've added an extra two words in the description. I hope this addresses your suggestion!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Is this true even if it is pinned?

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm not exactly clear how to bridge this concern at this time. I have raised concern to the mod team, and we are still discussing how things are going to eventually be deployed in terms of features here on kbin.social.

What I will say is when I go to browse All, I get to look at communities in the Lemmy sphere that I'm not subscribed to. And when I click on the link to the community hosted on a Lemmy instance, I can see previous post history from other users without being subscribed to that community. I can't tell why that's not happening in the reverse for Lemmy users who are coming to our magazine.

Edit to add: I think this means much more of a concern for future instances that will eventually be created that federate here, as opposed to current members of instances who have yet to subscribe to our magazine. So that gives me a little bit of hope since the creation of instances will probably be quite slow at first in the Fediverse.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @rdeets! Thanks for submitting. We just recently added rules in our sidebar around submission titles, but it was just drawn to my attention that federated users cannot access the sidebar. Please refer to the 2nd pinned thread in our magazine for those community rules/guidelines. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @donuts! Thanks for submitting. We just recently added rules in our sidebar around submission titles that I encourage you to read. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL ,

Thanks for your reply. I see that you're on a different instance than our magazine is hosted on. OP however is on our instance and should be able to see the sidebar.

It's useful to know that other federated users aren't seeing the sidebar, so I greatly appreciate you bringing this up. I will add the rules to a pinned thread for our magazine.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I appreciate you sticking to the original headline in the future but also please add a label. Examples may be:

"News: <headline>" or "<headline> [News]"

Thank you!

Analysis: Democrats eye Wisconsin high court's new liberal majority to win abortion and redistricting rulings ( apnews.com )

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin’s Supreme Court will flip from majority conservative to liberal control in August and Democrats have high hopes the change will lead to the state’s abortion ban being overturned and its maps redrawn to weaken GOP control of the Legislature and congressional districts.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @Madison_rogue! Thanks for submitting. We just recently added rules in our sidebar around submission titles that I encourage you to read. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @JonEFive! Thanks for submitting. We just recently added rules in our sidebar around submission titles that I encourage you to read. Thank you!

HandsHurtLoL ,

Thanks for adding a label. We are encouraging people to use them because it was a stated goal when the magazine was solicited for input on community guidelines and rules, but we won't be like, coming in behind anyone to fact check whether the correct label was applied.

However, you may find this short glossary helpful:

Glossary of terms: Editorials have author bylines that denote a collection of people within a
news organization, such as candidate endorsements from a newspaper’s staff. Opinions have
author bylines from a single (maybe two) writer(s). Analysis is when an author starts with
factually verified current events and reports then explains deeper significance or motivation,
predicts future outcomes, or makes a policy recommendation based on the starting data.

Thanks for editing the title!

HandsHurtLoL , (edited )

Hi @rdeets we just added official rules in the sidebar, and we have stipulations about adding a label (not a tag or badge) to all submission titles.

Please read carefully and incorporate into future submissions. Thank you.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Thanks for asking @ptz. On kbin.social, there is an option in the link submissions form to add badges (similar to flair from reddit) or tags (hashtags to broadcast to the microblogging feature of the Fediverse). As of right now, the badges feature isn't working properly - you can type in the name of a badge (I think it's supposed to be a drop down menu, but is currently a text field) but it doesn't show up in the submission anywhere.

Our users were asked 2 weeks ago what rules they want in this space for moderation and multiple users expressed a desire to see labelling of some sort between news, opinion/editorialized, and analysis content. This is a unique community rule to the politics magazine on kbin.social based on solicited member comments.

We ask that submissions include a label in the title like "News: [Article title as it appears on external site]"

Hope this answers your question.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I'm glad you asked this question, especially as a federated user. It draws attention for me that not all of the instances may have coding for badges, so even though I had hoped we could one day employ badges here on kbin.social, I'm realizing that we can't make that a submission rule if federated users don't even have that option.

Also, it will depend on how you're accessing the magazine (which is what all kbin instances call communities), as to whether the sidebar is viewable. I can only think of describing how to access the sidebar if you're another kbin.social user accessing from mobile.

These are realistic barriers to future plans I had wanted to roll out, so thanks for asking this question and shedding light on it for me.

Tagging @Drusas if they'd like to weigh in.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Hi @Col3814444. Please take note that we have posted the official submission rules you the side bar, and there are stipulations in there about titles.

Thank you kindly!

HandsHurtLoL ,

Tags right now are not functional. Please add the label in the title, then use the article/source title as it appears on the external site.

Thank you

HandsHurtLoL ,

Example title:

News: If Trump Were Innocent, He'd 'Walk Over Fire' for Speedy Trial: Swalwell

Also acceptable:

[News] If Trump Were Innocent, He'd 'Walk Over Fire' for Speedy Trial: Swalwell

We want to avoid all caps in titles, even if it's the original title for the source, which is almost always an indicator of low reporting reliability, or that the content is so biased that reliability is hard to gauge.

If it is helpful, here is a short glossary of possible labels.

Editorials have author bylines that denote a collection of people within a news organization, such as candidate endorsements from a newspaper’s staff. Opinions have author bylines from a single (maybe two) writer(s). Analysis is when an author starts with factually verified current events and reports then explains deeper significance or motivation, predicts future outcomes, or makes a policy recommendation based on the starting data.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

In the past 2 weeks, I could have sworn I've seen the subscriber number creep up at least by 1000, but I was too busy at the time to start tracking any numbers. From the moderation side - and you can attest to this, Drusas - it has seemed that scrolling past the comments numbers, we aren't looking at <10 comments in any threads, but are looking at >40 comments for a good proportion of threads.

That kind of ballooning over just 2 weeks is exciting to see, but I also wanted to track the numbers to check whether it was my imagination or not that our activity has jumped considerably.

Looking at these stats was eye opening!

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • HandsHurtLoL ,

    Sorry Arotrios - please don't change headlines and don't repost. Another user posted this 2 hours prior.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    This is a repost of an article from a few hours prior. Removed.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    Hi @Upvotes_Kills_Birds ! Really glad to see someone testing out the discussion thread format in our magazine!

    Will you please edit your title so that it starts with 'Discussion:' to help differentiate it from other submissions to news/opinion pieces?

    The mod team is finalizing our magazine's side bar rules, but our approach to moderating Discussion threads is going to be an "enter at your own risk" caveat, so having those spaces clearly marked helps communicate to users that they should expect opposing views in the comments more than some news items may invite.

    Thank you kindly!

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    On top of that, the major questions doctrine is to help shape future legislation on these issues of American society deemed vitally important. That isn't the role of SCOTUS. The court should be there to balance and check the law; it only exists to be reactive, not proactive on matters of law.

    This doctrine is a major overstep.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    This is what AGs should be doing. Not procuring medical records from across state lines.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    I had a discussion last week about how Beto O'Rourke is never coming back from his "hell yeah, we're coming for your guns" comment a few years ago. Never.

    So why doesn't he take all his political savvy and be a consultant for the DNC to put up fresh blood in Texas? Beto is really great at connecting with voters at town Halls, he keeps it real and is willing to step up to speak truth to power enough that he keeps it spicy and stays in the headlines, and he's good at traditional political action like fundraising and phone banking. Use all those skills to help someone else up, brother Beto.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    Having read the article again, I'm commenting twice.

    What strikes me in the article is the discussion surrounding Fled Cruz running off to Cancun. The Dem strategists say that Cruz was able to repair his image on that by pointing to a lifetime of career public service, so it seems like the Cancun trip is untouchable.

    Why not go after Cruz on the fact that he proposed legislation for term limits for senators, and this upcoming term for him would exceed the term limit he proposed? You can't backpedal out of that. Do you or do you not believe in the strength of your own ideas in proposal? If you do, then why are you running again? If you don't, then why should anyone vote for someone governing from insincere positions?

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    I anticipate the hand-waving would actually be "term limits are the best option, but with corrupt pedophiles on the democrats' side, I have to stay in the game to save America. To save the children."

    Honestly, I don't know if there is any logos or ethos argument that could ever away someone completely ruled by pathos.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    I'm reminded of a very prescient joke that Seth Meyers told on his show back in 2016 that we were about to elect our first woman president ever (Clinton), or our last president ever (Trump).

    Very chilling what Trump is proposing here with being the sole authority. You know damn well he doesn't actually want to work or evaluate things on a case by case basis. This will be a stream of overlapping edicts, each one trying to undo the logical inconsistency of the last edict because he can't think through to the natural conclusion beyond his petty resentments.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    Ol' president sticky fingers, at it again.

    Base Air Show Featuring Scantily Clad Models Raises Questions About Justification for Drag Show Ban ( www.military.com )

    At Joint Base Lewis-McChord's air show just outside of Tacoma, Washington, this past weekend, onlookers and families saw tactical military jets, high-performance sports cars and risqué models dancing on stage in skintight red, white and blue bikinis, part of what organizers described as a "way to thank the Puget Sound...

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    I think conservatives are fine with skimpy models at events like this around children than drag shows because it contributes to compulsory heterosexuality (comphet), whereas drag shows - they assume - will make you gay if you watch them.

    Their argument has been in the past year or so "sexualizing children," but as with many of their culture wars, there's the implied statement not said out loud: away from heterosexuality.

    These folks still participate in purity pledges at daddy-daughter dances in which a prepubescent girl promises her sexual purity to her father until she is married off. Tell me that isn't sexualizing kids!

    New housing development in Gastonia requires ‘patriots’ to fly American flag ( www.wfae.org )

    The 1776 Gastonia housing development promises to blend patriotism and freedom, honoring the ideals that built this country. Developer Brock Fankhauser calls it a movement. Specifically, 1776 Gastonia is a planned community for people — or rather, "patriots" — 55 and up.

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    How much you want to bet it's "whites only"?

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    I would have never thought to give them traffic, but since you have, I have to humorously ask: do they really go out of their way to make sure everyone knows it's not whites only? I mean, in a "methinks the lady doth protest too much" kind of way?

    HandsHurtLoL ,

    It takes a real special kind of someone to hear "I defended you against being banned" as "we only permit one type of opinion in this magazine."

    We welcome a diversity of perspectives for civil discussion. You are aware that you are skirting civility with your words. Especially your penultimate sentence which is easy to interpret as transphobic. We have a zero tolerance policy for bigotry, so you've made your choice to no longer participate here. Congrats.

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