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r/sysadmin and the size of this community

So I have been a part of this community for a while and it seems pretty quiet. I know Lemmy is not as big as Reddit so this community will always be much smaller but I kind of miss the activity on r/sysadmin. Infinity for Reddit still works for view only so I have been scrolling though posts on Reddit as some of the stories and...

Kiernian ,

Except for the -sysadmin IRC channel. Gibby's always shilling his "fart in a jar" NFT.

Kiernian ,

Every time some boneheaded CEO follows the whims of these billionaire types, the press should start running articles as though the company’s days are numbered.

“More sudden layoffs! Is Google worried about its own long term prospects?” … “Google’s stance has changed from cutting edge innovation and growth to shoring up its flagship products in the hopes it can weather the storm. Battening down the hatches is the order of the day, and anything not deemed ship shape is left to flounder until it sinks.” Cite that most companies only cut staff like that when they’re looking to artificially inflate their valuation for some reason. Question if the impact of any recent bad moves are worse than expected.

The press should circle layoff-prone companies like sharks until they stop listening to stupid advice.

Make them stop and THINK about what they’re doing first. Teach the people in charge how to recognize when they’re being manipulated.

We give CEO’s entirely too much leeway to do incredibly dumb shit.

Carly Fiorina, John Roth, Frank Dunn, Mike Zafirovski, I don’t know if John Riccitiello is it at fault for the unity debacle, but he should have been able to stop it, John Wendell Thompson, Bob Allen, Kenneth Lay, John Sculley, Stephen Elop (How the fuck do you destroy NOKIA?!?!), Martin Shkreli, Carol Bartz, Leo Apotheker, the list is ENDLESS.

C levels have too much power to make RADICAL decisions and the fact that boards of directors are broken-record-skipping on the words “short term profit” is what keeps causing it to happen.

The billionaires and other CEO’s are on Ron Vachris’ ass every time there’s a group call because he keeps making them look bad, but he’s proven that his way is SUSTAINABLE.

It’s time to nudge things back into healthier directions.

Kiernian ,

okay, so you’ve got 10 employees with MS licensing. They have e-mail addresses through their microsoft licensing, correct? Those e-mails go through an exchange server? (whether on-premises or exchange online, right?)

The other 30 employees have e-mail using…what, exactly? (What kind of mail server?)

Because that Microsoft doc is typically used to set up stuff like scan-to-email for copiers and although you can do other things with relays, knowing the precise setup (without the exact domain names, just use, or whatever) is important here in order to get the MX records and any relays pointing at the servers where the addresses reside.

554 does seem to indicate a configuration or permissions issue, but to go down that route, I’d need a little more info about the non-microsoft side of things.

Kiernian ,

It’s interesting because I didn’t really like Janeway a ton until her first interaction with Q. Like, there was nothing outright bad about Mulgrew’s portrayal, I just wasn’t completely and totally sold on the character yet from a writing perspective.

Something about a captain interacting with an omnipotent being really seals something for me personally, because Sisko’s interaction with Q was what sold me on him right away, too.

I enjoyed Gibney as Benteen, so I’m sure it would have worked out, it just would have been…different.

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