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Lemonparty ,

Half the country votes for a party that is totally anti-worker because said party tells them they're pro-worker on TV... so that's not really all that surprising.

Lemonparty ,

And how many non- republican leaders did you manage to get elected? Clearly you un-purging yourself did not result in not “electing a state government run by a criminal mafia”

Come on bro, think about what you wrote, you literally proved his point. Whether it was true or just some shit you made up, you gotta either lie better or truth better.

Lemonparty ,

Okay but is pornhub banned under that leadership, yes or no? Or do you get a special exception cause you tried so much harder than everyone else in that district the gerrymander mafia left you?

See what I mean? Your point is moot. Not even picking sides, I live in a lefty state, I have no skin in the game. I was just saying your argument is self defeating because you picked a flawed approach, defending something that already played out and lost. You just gotta work on your tactics in these type of convos, that’s all I’m saying.

Lemonparty ,

Got it, so now we’ve established you were just talking some bullshit you made up, and/or that you failed to effect the change you condescendingly told others to effect with your initial self-defeating comeback and left the state you claim to have un-purged yourself from five separate times. 👍🏻

You really do suck at this man.

Lemonparty ,

I was removed from the voter rolls in Texas 5 times and still managed to vote. Cry to somebody else.

This you?

Elect better leadership. A state government run by a criminal mafia isn’t going to operate in your best interest.

This also you?

I now live with non Republican leadership

This also you?

Lol no I have pornhub


So you either live in Texas where pornhub is now banned, the LITERAL topic of this post, making your JuST eLecT Nu LeEdeRShIP comment the dumbest thing ever said, which explains your absolutely impressive number of downvotes, OR…you don’t live in Texas and are talking out your ass. Still. Inexplicably, despite how many people have pointed out how stupid you sound.

Which one is it Mr. “You guys can’t read”?

Lemonparty ,

Lol, my scores are at zero, the only one downvoting me is your salty ass. Are you gonna keep huffing your own farts and rolling the same line out again and again, or are you gonna set us all straight there Captain?

Here I’ll make it simple - do you, presently, live in Texas?

If yes, your entire argument train is asinine because despite all your grandstanding, you failed to do the thing you told everyone else to do (like it was ez) leading to pornhub being shutdown in your state.

If no, you’re talking out your ass because you couldn’t affect ANY change in Texas and left.

Lemonparty ,

It’s easy guys, just elect better leadership!

Don’t worry everyone, the guy that (checks comment thread below) left Texas for a blue state has figured it all out! It’s so simple, I can’t believe we didn’t think of it sooner!

Lemonparty ,

It’s ez guys, just leave Texas, run to a blue state, and then condescendingly tell Texans to just vote harder like 200 years of racism, gerrymandering, and voter suppression is their fault.

My favorite is that he turtles and says “you guys can’t read” when you point out how fucking stupid he sounds.

Lemonparty ,

Lol, you’re still sticking to the “I know you are but what am I” defense I see.

Lemonparty ,

Maybe if I rearrange the words a little they won’t realize I’m repeating the same thing over and over.

Literally you

Lemonparty ,

I dont see that quote anywhere in my comments?

Oh, we know you don’t. You’ve made your lack of self awareness abundantly clear

Lemonparty ,

Because sound does travel up? Is this a serious question? Assuming it is, you can prove this yourself with a simple experiment. Go stand on your roof. Now, drop something onto the ground below you, preferably something breakable, and drop it onto something it will break against like concrete (not necessary, just helpful).

Did you hear it hit the ground? Congratulations the sound traveled upward to your eardrum, and you’ve discovered sound does in fact travel upward. In fact it travels in all directions because sound is just air molecules moving around, which is why there is no sound in space (where there is no air).

Lemonparty ,

I’ve never heard this in my life. Are you sure you’re not missing a key piece of the equation? For example, you might hear sounds more easily at a high elevation (like several floors up a high rise) than at ground level? Or that sound travels further over a body of water than it does over other types of media? Because both of those are true (in certain circumstances), but they’re a function of the physics of air molecules.

Lemonparty ,

I feel like a lot of people won’t realize this isn’t hyperbole. Beers are literally $18 or $21 a pop at dodger stadium.

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