I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too, baby.

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Nemo , to Work Reform in America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer

We have a lot of desert. And mountains. And Alaska.

Nemo , to Work Reform in America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer

But expanding into agricultural areas instead of making current living spaces denser or better is the definition of sprawl.

Nemo , to Work Reform in America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer

Hell no. More sprawl is not the answer.

Nemo , to Work Reform in What kind of institutional gaslighting is this?

Saving that for my exit interview.

Nemo , to Work Reform in What kind of institutional gaslighting is this?

Additional info: I typically work the least desirable shifts because of family obligations. Me leaving this position or even dropping to part time would leave a hole in the schedule, and she's very lazy when it comes to the schedule. I'm offering to take the same shift in a different role.

Nemo , to Work Reform in What kind of institutional gaslighting is this?

She's thoroughly mid. She has strengths but connecting with her supervisees is not one of them. I've had worse.

Nemo , to Work Reform in What kind of institutional gaslighting is this?

I asked questions during the review. My.manager was evasive but it wasn't hard to put together. In the restaurant industry, everyone is hiring right now as they expand for patio season. That won't be the case as much in two months and we both know it; if I'm going to leave it'll likely be in the next two weeks.

Nemo , to Work Reform in Poll: 61% of young adults confess they are not saving for retirement

I didn't start until my late thirties. I didn't have enough income. It's not a confession. I'm not ashamed.

Nemo , to Work Reform in What kind of institutional gaslighting is this?

I had an employee review with my manager this week, at my request. She told me she wasn't comfortable uptraining me right now even though they badly need the help in the position I asked to be crosstrained for, because they'd rather hire someone just for the role; but we could talk about it again in two months. After a little digging, I found that (A) they can't afford to lose me from my lower-paid role and (2) they know I'm looking for another job and don't want to train me until I demonstrate I'm planning to stay.

My response is that (A) well you're definitely gonna lose me now and (2) I'm definitely no longer willing to stay.

Nemo , to Work Reform in Somebody do something. Somebody?

Mines the other way around. That's the nice thing about sales.

Nemo , to Work Reform in to those of you who get bored at work if there's lots of downtime, why?

I actually like my job. It's meaningful and fulfilling.

But I don't get paid by the hour, I get paid by the amount of work I do. If it's slow but I'm still required to be there, that shows that my employer doesn't respect my time and doesn't prioritize my income, and that's offensive to me.

Reading a book or dicking around on a phone goes against professional standards; even if it wouldn't endanger my position I still wouldn't do it. I want to work when I'm getting paid and get paid when I'm working, and make the most amount of money in the fewest number of hours so I can go home to be with my family.

Nemo , to Work Reform in The end of landlords: the surprisingly simple solution to the UK housing crisis

Early on:

Rent controls, secure tenancies and high interest rates

were how landlords were put out of business the first time. Not regulation, but economic levers that made renting out property unprofitable.

Presumably, these levers still exist and can be pulled. It’s mentioned right after that the Thatcher administration worked to undo these effects, but the article moved on without further discussing how in detail.

Nemo , to Work Reform in Take it from a former banker: the budget is for ordinary people. The mega-rich look on and laugh

“I walked away and now I’m telling you about it. Incidentally, buy my book for $40!”

ja o k

Nemo , to Home Improvement in Completed mountain feature wall for son's bedroom

Looks great, what an awesome parent!

Nemo , to Work Reform in I love gen-Z's attitude towards corporate culture

which is why I didn’t think I needed to highlight the irony with a sarcasm tag, but apparently I was wrong

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