I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too, baby.

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Nemo ,

Hell no. More sprawl is not the answer.

Nemo ,

But expanding into agricultural areas instead of making current living spaces denser or better is the definition of sprawl.

Nemo ,

We have a lot of desert. And mountains. And Alaska.

Nemo ,

I didn't start until my late thirties. I didn't have enough income. It's not a confession. I'm not ashamed.

Nemo ,

I had an employee review with my manager this week, at my request. She told me she wasn't comfortable uptraining me right now even though they badly need the help in the position I asked to be crosstrained for, because they'd rather hire someone just for the role; but we could talk about it again in two months. After a little digging, I found that (A) they can't afford to lose me from my lower-paid role and (2) they know I'm looking for another job and don't want to train me until I demonstrate I'm planning to stay.

My response is that (A) well you're definitely gonna lose me now and (2) I'm definitely no longer willing to stay.

Nemo ,

I asked questions during the review. My.manager was evasive but it wasn't hard to put together. In the restaurant industry, everyone is hiring right now as they expand for patio season. That won't be the case as much in two months and we both know it; if I'm going to leave it'll likely be in the next two weeks.

Nemo ,

She's thoroughly mid. She has strengths but connecting with her supervisees is not one of them. I've had worse.

Nemo ,

Additional info: I typically work the least desirable shifts because of family obligations. Me leaving this position or even dropping to part time would leave a hole in the schedule, and she's very lazy when it comes to the schedule. I'm offering to take the same shift in a different role.

Nemo ,

Saving that for my exit interview.

Nemo ,

Mines the other way around. That's the nice thing about sales.

Nemo ,

I actually like my job. It's meaningful and fulfilling.

But I don't get paid by the hour, I get paid by the amount of work I do. If it's slow but I'm still required to be there, that shows that my employer doesn't respect my time and doesn't prioritize my income, and that's offensive to me.

Reading a book or dicking around on a phone goes against professional standards; even if it wouldn't endanger my position I still wouldn't do it. I want to work when I'm getting paid and get paid when I'm working, and make the most amount of money in the fewest number of hours so I can go home to be with my family.

Nemo ,

Early on:

Rent controls, secure tenancies and high interest rates

were how landlords were put out of business the first time. Not regulation, but economic levers that made renting out property unprofitable.

Presumably, these levers still exist and can be pulled. It’s mentioned right after that the Thatcher administration worked to undo these effects, but the article moved on without further discussing how in detail.

Nemo ,

“I walked away and now I’m telling you about it. Incidentally, buy my book for $40!”

ja o k

Nemo ,

Looks great, what an awesome parent!

I love gen-Z's attitude towards corporate culture ( lemmy.world )

i recently lost my job and it’s horrible being in the ‘unemployed’ class – you’re made to feel worthless, you have to take advice from people, perfectly well meaning of course, that are basically encouragement on digging your own grave - i love being in the position where i have to do some fake elizabethian courting...

Nemo ,

how much of a suck up someone is

something every manager values

and how willing they are to fake their emotions.

a useful skill in every public-facing profession

Nemo ,

which is why I didn’t think I needed to highlight the irony with a sarcasm tag, but apparently I was wrong

Nemo ,

Tell that to the maniac who wired my house 95 years ago.

Nemo ,

AFAICT it was all done in a four-year period from 1926 to 1929 and untouched until I ripped the ceiling open in 2018.

Nemo ,

Because meaningful labor is fulfilling. I’m not in this community because I hate work, I’m here because I hate exploitation and despise the meaningless bullshit tasks that are attendant upon so much of the way we currently handle employment.

Nemo ,

You know that Chicago and DC both have robust public transit systems too, right?

Nemo ,

Of course I didn’t watch it, it’s a fucking video. Text summary or GTFO.

Nemo ,

Buckowski is great, but who the hell is out there pooping before work?

Nemo ,

And I shower after I poop. The question remains.

Nemo ,

Your job must be cleaner than mine, or your home dirtier.

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( www.cnbc.com )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....

Nemo ,

I just dropped $150 on clothes for my new job, which isn’t the same color palate as the clothes from my old job.

Nemo ,

This is true, in Illinois. However, restaurants can do whatever they like with “service charges”, though customarily those go to the service staff. Automatic gratuity is already illegal in Illinois, or at least illegal to enforce, so a lot of restaurants already apply a service charge on large parties… easy enough, and perfectly legal, to expand that and claim it as revenue.

And that’s just the legal route. Wage theft is rampant in this industry, at least in Chicago.

Source: Am current server in Chicago for over decade.

Nemo ,

I don’t think it’s just in Chicago, but I can only speak to my experience, which is in Chicago.

Nemo ,

Which is bad if you have a lot of money, but not so bad if you have a lot of debt and can still sell your labor and its produce.

Nemo ,

Summary for the video-impaired?

Nemo ,

Well, and also by removing currency from general use, raising value by decreasing availability.

Nemo ,

She means, people are expecting this strike to impact the availability of new cars, which is making used ones more valuable.

Nemo ,

What do you mean “this quickly”? The strike has been coming for a long time.

Nemo ,

I’ve been lucky enough to have one job that did pay for transit. Specifically, they would pay for a weekly bus pass for any employer that wanted one, plus monthly bikeshare membership for any employee that wanted that. It was solid.

Nemo ,

more time to care for one another, focus on food production, distribution, healthcare, and education, things that involve taking care of other humans.

These are productive pursuits.

Nemo ,

And that’s the real problem. Not productivity itself, but monetization.

Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay ( www.commondreams.org )

As part of his Labor Day message to workers in the United States, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday re-upped his call for the establishment of a 20% cut to the workweek with no loss in pay—an idea he said is “not radical” given the enormous productivity gains over recent decades that have resulted in massive profits for...

Nemo ,

Would this include a 25% increase to hourly minimums? Because otherwise it only benefits salaried employees.

And what about workers who are paid by productivity and not time? Salespersons on commission, servers receiving tips, ride-share drivers?

I’m all for a 32-hour work-week; that’s what I have myself. But let’s not pretend this would be enough, or that the main beneficiaries are he working class.

Nemo ,

Abstention. Voting the lesser evil is a downward spiral.

Nemo ,

Ugh. I once did some independent programming and the guy insisted I do it in front of him because it involved his proprietary data. So much griping about the time I spent looking at documentation or referring to coding assistance sites like Stack Overflow. I quit on day two.

Nemo ,

My job, I notice I’m often somewhat off-flow after a vacation or an unexpected day off. But I also drop off significantly after six hours. RN I do work 32 hrs: 3x 6-hr days and 2x 7-hour days, more or less.

Nemo ,

Uhh, what? “Shut up and work, minion”? Didn’t expect to see this on a work reform community. Hell yeah I’m going to continue to demand recognition for my contributions. Staying quiet is how you get taken advantage of.

some people are motivated by external rewards and recognition rather than the inherent satisfaction of the work itself.

Damn straight I expect to get acknowledged and paid. I like working, but putting food on the table, today AND tomorrow, comes first.

What a load of management-apologist, productivity-first drivel.

ForestOrca , to RedditMigration
@ForestOrca@kbin.social avatar

I made a Magazine called Photobiomodulation (https://kbin.social/m/photobiomodulation/) for the discussion of this topic on the Fediverse. I've left Reddit behind, and am recreating this community here.

Nemo ,

post it in !newcommunities

Nemo ,

Sounds like you’re operating off how you think tipping should work, and not the organic system that’s actually in place.

Being paid by the consumer rather than the restaurant means my loyalty is to the consumer, not the restaurant. And that’s a good thing.

Nemo ,

Yeah, but “reform” has the connotation of “making things better” and also “working within the current system”. Scrapping a working system for the sake of ideological purity ain’t it.

Nemo ,

Except the rate IS set. Almost everyone knows what the going tip percentage is. I can manage my income just fine on this expectation, and consumers can manage their costs. The lack of a fee schedule and enforcement mechanism don’t change the mechanics of the interaction.

Nemo ,

If they raised the prices 20%, most of that’s not going to the workers. You know it and I know it.

Nemo ,

A cogent point, but nobody is saying tipping is, or should be, a solution to low wages. Tipping in the restaurant industry is an evolved, organic things that fills a specific niche. I don’t think copy-pasting that onto other industries will help workers there; but I also don’t think copy-pasting the compensation system of other industries onto restaurants will help servers. I think it can only hurt us.

Nemo ,

Servers don’t typically blame the guests or have an adversarial attitude towards them. The ones that do don’t last. The bulk of any adversarial attitude, at every place I’ve worked in the two decades I’ve been waiting tables, is directed at management. Tables sometimes stiff us, but mgmt are the ones out here setting shitty schedules and commiting wage theft.

Nemo ,

Having read the article, no, he isn’t. He’s saying that a tip interface is a sign that the employee is being underpaid, but multiple interviewees (the barista and the economist) note that tipping is an incentive that doesn’t fix the underpayment issue.

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