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QuazarOmega OP ,

Oh, I didn't know that! It would kinda makes sense now that you say that, but I'm not too sure about this, the system resources taken by the app seem like they don't change at all when I start the scan and it's impossible to abort it (actually, I can't do anything, not even close the window, only terminating the app works).
If this is an actual issue I should probably report it, maybe there's more tests I can run?

Otherwise, do you know if there are similar apps (either GUI or CLI) that handle this better? Better in the sense that maybe it's still really slow, but, well, not freezing at least lol.
Or if I just have to find something to use on Android directly, like SD Maid

QuazarOmega OP ,

In my experience mtp (especially on Linux) stops working if you look at it wrong, so probably not.

Haha, that may be, I've never done anything aside from just moving and copying files with it luckily, so I don't really know.

Perhaps kde connect’s folder view works?

Interesting idea, I should try that!

I’d run gdu in termux on the phone though.

Ooo, you just unlocked a fabulous CLI tool for me that I didn't know about!
Does it work on the whole phone storage? I remember there being a symlink (?) to the user's home in Termux's folder, but I'm wondering if it'll leave something out

QuazarOmega OP ,

Yes, i got that, but isn't it still abnormal behavior not to respond to user input while performing the operation?

QuazarOmega OP ,

Yeah, I guess there's nothing to be done there.
Thanks for the app suggestion, I've never seen it before, it looks really promising!

QuazarOmega OP ,

There's a built-in tool?

QuazarOmega OP ,

Makes sense

QuazarOmega OP ,

Oh, that. It's true that it's similar and it's not bad either, but I really like the kind of insight Filelight gives, with its folder sunburst view especially. It's more complete, since it shows everything, not just what it thinks I should get rid of.
Disky, mentioned by others, is the closest to that, as far as I've seen. It's really good and you can have the same experience on it regardless of the ROM you're using, since it's just a normal app instead of a vendor dependent system app

QuazarOmega OP ,

That's actually awesome!

QuazarOmega OP ,


QuazarOmega OP ,

Wow, that's really neat! Seeing something so flexible as an underlying architecture for KDE apps is a pleasure

kde , to KDE
@kde@floss.social avatar

The Plasma 6 Megarelease is just 2 weeks away! Have you signed up for your local party yet 🥳?

KDE is organizing parties around the globe to celebrate the megarelease. Join us in the celebration with a party in your city or town!



QuazarOmega ,

As you said, what’s stopping you from customizing the taskbar? There’s a few good applets to replace the start menu with something different as well

QuazarOmega ,

What is it? It’s not explained in the post

QuazarOmega ,

You can use almost* all applications regardless of desktop environment, when you install them they’ll just pull in all their needed dependencies by themselves (which won’t include the full blown DE but just toolkit libraries and other platform components), be it the standard distro package manager or Flatpak

*almost, because sometimes, but very rarely, they depend on some DE specific feature, maybe some Freedesktop portal or a specific Keyring

QuazarOmega ,

Inkscape gang

QuazarOmega ,

That doesn’t sound right, how can they have other designers contribute then? Maybe that’s just a placeholder project for now?

Speaking of the plugin, I don’t know how hard it really is to develop one and what KDE needs, I can only guess they went with Figma because the available designers are most familiar with it rather than Inkscape, though I also noticed from that readme that this plugin should support Penpot as well, so they’re probably leaving it up as future possibility to shift to that

QuazarOmega OP , (edited )

Thanks for the detailed answer! The filesystem browser trick is pretty neat, but still I feel that this is less than ideal as I have to climb up the tree each time I reopen the session.
I also tried the “project” solution and it seems like it doesn’t work as I expected it, for example I put a .kateproject file in the parent folder containing this:

<span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#183691;">"name"</span><span style="color:#323232;">: "Genshin web cache",
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#183691;">"files"</span><span style="color:#323232;">: [
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#183691;">"directory"</span><span style="color:#323232;">: "webCaches",
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#183691;">"recursive"</span><span style="color:#323232;">: </span><span style="color:#0086b3;">1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  ]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

I thought I’d find this project in Kate’s welcome screen, but it’s not there, am I missing something?

(very late) EDIT: I had made a mistake there, I placed the file in the wrong directory, it actually works as intended and I can see the file tree without issue in this way

By the way, I think this is worth opening a feature request for, it’s way too hard to use for no apparent reason imo

QuazarOmega OP ,

You have a point, I should try again to get it to work first.

And, to be honest, I’m not even sure, if Kate itself has a concept of a directory

Is it possible that it doesn’t? When I do “Open Folder” it does exactly that: open the folder and allow me to access all subdirectories and files within it, I feel like there is extra logic implemented to ignore directories as elements to remember and only count the files, but I don’t know tbh, I’ll be asking and see what they say

QuazarOmega OP ,

Tried now, you’re right! But then it navigates to the file I opened rather than keeping the view starting from that directory I chose:


I have to close the file and climb up the tree to get what I want the next time I open it T-T

QuazarOmega OP ,

Ohhh, that did it! Thank you so much

QuazarOmega OP ,

Update: this was kinda driving me insane again and I was about to write a bug report, but thankfully I didn't have to, because I found out while I was writing and doing some digging, that an option for this exists already! (oopsie)

Go to:

Settings > Configure Kate > Projects > Session Behavior

And check the box for "Restore Open Projects" to enable it, now when you reopen a session that had a folder opened in it, the folder will show up once again in the Projects view.

QuazarOmega ,

Someone mains Kate for development? That’s really cool actually, I’ve always just seen it as a better default text editor

QuazarOmega ,

Ah yes, the kernel’s flavor

QuazarOmega ,

Yeah, I had heard a few things about him, incredible work

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • QuazarOmega ,

    And is there a preview version of 6 available yet?

    You can try it on KDE Neon if you want something already packaged up.

    Falkon Browser Privacy Hardening

    I’ve been wanting to use the Falkon browser as my daily driver because I like the integration with the Plasma desktop and it works quite well for most things, but I’ve been hesitant to do so because there are so few extensions and the only privacy-focused one is the AdBlock. I’ve tried using GreaseMonkey scripts, but half...

    QuazarOmega ,

    …Wait, it’s all KDE?

    QuazarOmega ,

    Yeah, I found out about this tidbit of history not too long ago and I think it’s really neat!
    Goes to show how open development is often at the forefront of innovation, or when it isn’t, it ends up better than the crippled proprietary counterparts.

    Thank god iGNUcius for copyleft, otherwise the web landscape could be much grimmer today

    QuazarOmega ,

    He was a time traveler boycotting Google with a Firefox-only website before they could even come out with Chromium

    QuazarOmega ,

    I’d keep the watermark if it said

    Activate Plasma

    Go to dotfiles to activate Plasma

    kde , to KDE
    @kde@floss.social avatar

    Introducing KDE for Students

    Make your sessions more productive, compose papers with ease, and ace your with KDE. Our apps and Plasma desktop will give you all you need to succeed during your studies and in ... and will even run fine on your old laptop!



    QuazarOmega ,

    What I’ve understood thus far on dual booting is that it’s never really safe unless you keep the two OS installations on different drives with each its own boot partition, so you never risk of one overwriting the other.
    You can still try to install on a single drive, but, unless things have changed, you should make sure that Windows (don’t know about macOS) is installed first and then you install a distribution second, you’ll have trouble if it’s a Fedora immutable flavor though because in my experience that erases the boot partition as well

    QuazarOmega ,

    Seconded, fortunately Windows makes you save that immediately after enabling it so I still had that key on me and Fedora has the ability to mount BitLocker encrypted drives so I was able to recover all my data

    QuazarOmega OP ,

    Thanks for the through response! It makes sense, especially this

    they can just go to “File a bug”

    I hadn’t really considered that since I had in mind only application related issues, now that you say that though, the guiding process feels really important to get issues in the right places.

    Also thanks for the searching tips!

    How do i debug xdg-desktop-portal-kde? ( lemmy.ca )

    Hello, how do i debug the portal?, in my system it has a problem, every time i try to select a directory using it(like selecting the directory on ktorrent, or selecting the rom directory on Rosalie’s Mupen Gui, both flatpak) i start eating ram infinitely and don’t show up, i need to kill it from the task manager, but i...

    QuazarOmega , (edited )

    I’d say keep it, you never know who might need it in the future. Could you format line breaks a little better though?

    QuazarOmega , (edited )

    Well their instance is open though, it’s just that the official Gitlab instance has more features that aren’t released in the OSS repository of the Gitlab software.

    Still, if/when forge federation happens, I think it would be amazing if all major organizations that self-host their forge used one that supports this new feature (Forgejo), so the need to make all those sign-ups, usually just to open a single issue (shudder), on a million websites would finally vanish.
    Who knows, if the idea picks up, eventually we might see it implemented into Gitlab too!

    QuazarOmega , (edited )

    Ah yes, I understand.
    What is your concern with Gitlab exactly though? Is it relying on open core software that makes it seem fickle to you, maybe?

    QuazarOmega ,

    Gitlab offered us a free ultimate subscription but we decided to keep using the 100% open source version instead.

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