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WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Future of American Dream 🏡

Yeah. Pretty sure you can get a bigger one from the big box hardware stores. For way cheaper. You'd still have to finish the insides, though. Not everyone can follow code for frami ng let alone plumbing and electrical. We won't even get into hanging and mudding drywall.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS OP , to Politics in "The Myth of Frontier Individualism" from The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 1941-06: Vol 22 Iss 1

I stumbled across this and I found it particularly interesting that 93 years ago the GOP was being called out for their use of this myth. It is one the GOP has continued to rely heavily on, especially in modern times. It is also interesting that this myth almost never benefited the real frontierspeople, but rather the rich industrialists from the East and Europe. I was hooked after the first paragraph,

There is no more persistent myth in American history than the myth that rugged individualism is or has been the way of American life. Many influences have entered into the creation of this myth, but the man who is chiefly responsible for its general acceptance is Frederick Jackson Turner, who, in 1893, when the western states were loud in their demands for national regulation of industry, said in his now famous Chicago address that the American frontier had promoted democracy—a democracy “‘strong in selfishness and individualism, intolerant of experience and education, and pressing individual liberty beyond its proper bounds.” Its tendency, he said, was anti-social. “It produced antipathy to control, and particularly to any direct control.” It permitted “lax business honor, inflated paper currency and wildcat banking.”*

Sure sounds like not much has changed other than the scale of the belief in this myth.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to askscience in Would it be possible to comfortable survive 10 Gs if the acceleration was slow enough?

That's exactly what happens. The human body cannot withstand more than 2-3 G for a prolonged period. Above that, the heart just can't pump blood and you die if you stay there too long. For instance, Stapp, the world record holder only withstood 46.2 Gs for a brief instant. Normally your blood weighs about 8-10% of your total body weight, so for the instant he was at 46.2 G, he weighed about 7700 lbs and his blood weighed between 616 lbs and 770 lbs.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in The Supreme Court Says No, Greg Abbott Cannot Just Do Whatever He Wants to Keep People Out of Texas

When they openly declare themselves to be so. This is not rebellion, just more performative governance by the right.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , (edited ) to Politics in Is Iowa the next step to civil war?

Not even a majority of Republicans want a civil war. It's just a bunch of wonks looking for views and loud idiots who don't get what it would actually take for it to happen or what the fallout would be. This has also been a narrative that Russia has been pushing for decades.

I live in Texas. The rural and urban Republicans here do not all see eye to eye. When they've actually worked at passing non-performative legislation the two groups have fought each other on many occasions. There is no monolithic GOP here. And if there's no monolithic GOP in Texas, then it likely doesn't exist elsewhere. They only succeed here because of the stigma attached to voting Democrat. If the Dems had run someone other than Beto and who had good charisma, there might have been a fair chance at unseating Abbott. As it stands, Beto still gave him a run for his money and his smallest win yet. Hell, it was the smallest GOP win since W beat Ann Richards in 1994, so almost 30 years. This is against a man who the GOP here absolutely hates with a burning passion. There were plenty Republicans interviewed who said they didn't want Abbott, but Beto was a non-starter for them to vote Democrat. All that and he still got the biggest vote percent for a Dem in 28 years.

All this talk of civil war is just bunk that has no basis in reality whatsoever. It is all just foreign propaganda that people on both sides are eating up without using their critical thinking skills.

Edit: Allow me to put forth a more timely statistic. Recently the Texit movement tried to get a resolution to discuss Texas leaving the Union. Out of the 103k signatures they gathered, less than 9k were actual Texas citizens. So, in a state with 30 million people, this group could not even muster the 0.3% of the population of this state to want to leave the union. They didn't even get 0.03%. So, do you think Texas really supports leaving the Union or joining a Civil War? No, they don't. Neither do the politicians because they know the absolute nightmare it would be to try to support all the people who would lose their federal support. Every military veteran getting support from the government, every retiree, every child in a poor household. Texas makes a fair bit of coin, yeah, but they don't make enough to be able to replace the payment for all those without significantly raising their taxes and people here are already pissed about taxes, especially their skyrocketing property taxes. There's zero chance any politician who supports any increase in the way the government generates funds, whether you call them taxes or fees or whatever, will get re-elected. Abbott, Patrick, etc, are not so stupid as to not be aware of this. Nor are other conservative political leaders across the country that stupid or unaware, either.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Politics in Is Iowa the next step to civil war?

Yeah, the right is trying to soothe their conscious by labeling what is clearly a moral decision as politics. No, saying that it'd be better to kill your fellow citizens than allow them to express themselves is not political, it is clearly a lack of morality. Hope you told your aunt to pound sand and take a hard look at what morality she believes in that allows for people to wish death on others.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Federal appeals court rules Texas book bans likely violate Constitution

Except Texas Republicans would rather elect ineffectual politicians than ever vote outside of their party.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Politics in Michigan Supreme Court rejects ‘insurrectionist ban’ case and keeps Trump on 2024 primary ballot

The problem with section 3 is that it says nothing of running for a position, just that someone who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion may not hold an office, elected or appointed. If we go with the strictest interpretation, Trump absolutely can run for president. He can even win. However, can he hold the office? That's another question. It could be sidestepped if the Republicans gain 2/3rds majority in both Houses of Congress as they can "remove such disability." If they don't, it will go to the Supreme Court most likely. And, well, barring several of them dropping dead or retiring, we all know how that is gonna play out(2000 all over again, basically).

What we really need to see in 2024 are states amending their constitutions to bar those who engage in insurrection and rebellion from being on the ballot or, better yet, from being certified or whatever it is in each state when deciding electors for the electorate college vote. This is something that should have happened after Jan 6th, but, well, here we are.

Regardless of what happens, any outcome other then Trump being made sitting president again is going to harm the Republicans going forward as it will further alienate Republican voters from the voting process. The likely violent backlash from a Trump loss will also likely alienate more levelheaded independents from voting for Republicans, as well. If he is refused to be seated, shit is going to be insane. This election is a hail Mary for the Republicans - if it goes any other way than in their favor they have likely hamstrung themselves for the foreseeable future. It could even blow up in their faces if it goes to them if Trump actually goes through with trying to make his senile self a dictator.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in [Chron] Texas Republicans' abortion laws impacting 2024 elections

Republican voters showed up and Democratic voters didn’t.

This is the way.

Seriously, this is how it always is in Texas. The Democrats here don't bother to get off their lazy asses.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Texas companies say Republicans are ruining their business

This is the reality GOP voters don't want to confront. The migrants are the fucking backbone of America - moreso than anyone born in this country. If it doesn't have an underclass to exploit, this country cannot be as successful as it has been. They provide the underpaid workforce that has allowed for wage stagnation to persist for decades.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Texas companies say Republicans are ruining their business

The DNC has ceded Texas to the GOP. Especially after Beto lost his bid for Governor on the heels of the Uvalde mass shooting and Abbott's bungling of the aftermath. This state is owned by Republicans lock, stock, and barrel.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Texas group pulls 23 books about slavery from plantation

Racists doing racists things in a severely racist state ruled over by racists that were elected by racists.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Texas power plants have no responsibility to provide electricity in emergencies, judges rule

Tried that, got betrayed by blue politicians. The Democratic party in Texas as well as nationally have ceded Texas to the GOP. I'm still voting blue but I have zero expectation of anything of worth out of that party at the state level.

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Texas currently requires you to upload a picture of your face to view porn

I mean, here's mine

WHYAREWEALLCAPS , to Texas in Texas currently requires you to upload a picture of your face to view porn
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