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Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. ( arstechnica.com )

Big tech companies are still trying to rally workers back into physical offices, and many workers are still not having it. Based on a recent report, computer-maker Dell has stumbled even more than most....

henfredemars ,

Like they were going to get promoted anyway. That’s not todays job market.

henfredemars OP ,

Thank you! I'm going to try walking through this first.

henfredemars ,

Mozilla has no plans to deprecate MV2

Love it. Add-on support is the greatest strength of Firefox. Let’s not make that mistake again for as long as we possibly can.

henfredemars ,

Penny wise and pound foolish. They can’t resist the opportunity to exploit, even if it costs the company in the long run.

henfredemars ,

Sure they’ll keep doing it. It saves more money than it cost in fines. They just use your stolen wages to pay the fines.

henfredemars ,

As designed. They don’t really want these laws to be enforced, so you create the department but starve it of resources so it can’t do its job effectively.

henfredemars ,

Yep. Half my vacation is just calling in sick because of reluctance to let me use my earned PTO.

henfredemars ,

I’m not sure if even that much is true. The data shows the proportion of buyers with mortgages exceeding 30% of income is greater in Texas than the national average.

henfredemars , (edited )

Paywall after first opening.

EDIT: Paywall Was on the second load of the page. It works fine on my PC so I don’t know what’s going on there.

henfredemars ,

We had a tech office there. Things are getting too politically extreme for our risk tolerance. It’s bad for business.

Mehrad , to KDE
@Mehrad@fosstodon.org avatar

Tbh, I'm still super impressed with smoothness of :kdenew: KDE Plasma5 on :postmarketos: PostMarketOS on such an old phone (Samsung Galaxy A300FU). Truly an achievement. Of course it is far from optimal (e.g notifications can clutter the screen and their close button are out of bound of the display).

Well done @kde , @kde and @postmarketOS 👏🏼

henfredemars ,

Always great to see old hardware getting a second shot at life.

henfredemars ,

My girl had this monster plushie as a puppy. She’s worn it out so bad that we now have a small strip of unidentifiable fabric that she now guards jealously.

Knights among toner cartridges ( infosec.pub )

(Business people) speaking a language familiar and dear to them. Its portentous nouns and verbs invest ordinary events with high adventure; executives walk among toner cartridges, caparisoned like knights. We should tolerate them - every person of spirit wants to ride a white horse. -William Strunk Jr. (The Elements of Style)

maegul , to Work Reform
@maegul@hachyderm.io avatar

Performance reviews are just employers controlling the narrative when employees are underpaid

If you underperform, brutal negotiations ensue … prove your value or the deal is off.

Buuut, if you’re overperforming, you get gold stickers and praise, and the possibility of a pay bump through a process controlled by the employer …

instead of you telling the employer that they have to prove their value or the deal is off.

Instead over performing then becomes the expectation.


henfredemars ,

This reminds me of a previous employer that mandated strictly 20% employees must be rated as underachievers and get a 0% COL adjustment i.e. a pay cut in the face of inflation. But, my whole team was important to our successful year. Yet, someone is forced to take the pay cut.

It’s a system predicated on the false assumption that the bottom 20% by some arbitrary ranking aren’t fulfilling their job duties nor instrumental to success. It exists to codify and justify whatever the employer desires, which was in this case and as often is the case–underpaying employees.

In my experiences, performance reviews are 5% facts and data, 35% writing skills, 60% company predetermination of your worth and compensation.

henfredemars ,

In every case I’ve been involved with so far it boils down to arbitrary feelings with only a slight correlation to actual performance. You get a good score if they like you.

So, the system is simply you get a raise based on feelings. Why have the performance reviews? The performance system is used to backdate reasons for the a priori decision if required for legal reasons. It maintains the illusion that there’s something to be gained by working harder when that’s simply not true.

In such a system, you re-roll bosses until you get one that likes you. Job hop. Move around laterally inside a company. Be a social chameleon. It’s much more effective to just ask more women on a date (bosses in this analogy) than to keep trying with the same one because people don’t generally change their minds.

henfredemars ,

If we hire 10 people, 2 will be in the bottom 20%, even if they are meeting their responsibilities.

henfredemars ,


I was able to find some context. I hope this helps other curious visitors.

henfredemars ,

Yes. I share the link in another comment.

henfredemars ,

According to the link I shared:

The deformation has been linked to a recessive gene mutation from her parents.

henfredemars ,

It’s almost like the endgame of capitalistic acquisition and consolidation into one giant government=business is just a badly drawn, ad hoc implementation of communism.

henfredemars ,

Don’t give them ideas. Speculators will sell you apartments that don’t exist betting most people can’t visit it anyway.

henfredemars ,

Whenever I hear: There’s a labor shortage!

My brother in Christ there’s over 8 billion humans alive today surely you can solve this problem.

henfredemars ,

I didn’t see a brief description for this community, so please excuse me if I’m off topic.

Small victories: I set up my first containerized WordPress application with the whole nine yards. Object cache, DB, PHP, web server in separate containers connected together by a simple and readable compose file. The task was easy. What was hard was changing the way I think about running a server as this monolithic thing. True, it’s all on one physical server in the end, but the changes in mindset are becoming more difficult for me as I get older. I had always hated Docker as this wasteful oxymoronic “serverless” thing, but then I saw how I could use it to control dev environments. From there I’ve started to understand when the tool makes sense. For the first time, I feel like I get it.

henfredemars ,

That’s a picture worth a million dollars.

Senators introduce bipartisan ban on stock ownership for executive and legislative branch office holders and their families | CNN Politics ( edition.cnn.com )

New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley are introducing bipartisan legislation that would prevent members of the executive and legislative branches — as well as their spouses and children — from trading individual company stocks.

henfredemars ,

They’re not going to vote against their own interests.

henfredemars OP ,

Yes. He’s a pug-beagle mix, and true to it with the talking and the snorting.

henfredemars OP ,

When we adopted him, his name was Maximilian. I don’t think so–Smudge it became.

henfredemars ,

I remember when we got our first dog. My now-wife left us alone in the pet store for a few minutes where they had held the adoption event, and I remember our new dog looking back at me with questioning eyes from the end of the leash, worried, not understanding what was happening and trying to find some reassurance from these unfamiliar humans.

I was terrified of being alone with her. I didn’t know what I was doing being totally responsible for an animal, and it clearly made an impression. I saw her reaction change immediately from “Is everything going to be alright?” to “We’re going to die. We’re definitely going to die!”

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