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hesusingthespiritbomb ,

I feel like this is directed towards ICE vs EV cars. If that's the case, it's sort of frustrating.

EVs have some very real drawbacks. Even if those drawbacks are solvable problems, they are still problems right now. Pushing this narrative that EVs are universally better or that the biggest hurdle to adoption is irrational consumer sentiment will just make people feel gaslit. It'll also make people more hesitant to adopt later on, because they'll be skeptical of positive reviews that are honest.

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

Honestly I feel like most of NuTrek is overseen by people who never really liked star trek in the first place and were tasked with watering down the IP into lowest common denominator mass market schlock instead of expanding on the series.

It didn’t help that when Discovery came out the majority of reviewers clearly knew extremely little about the Star Trek as a whole. I remember reading an article on how Discovery breaks ground for female characters in Star Trek, who previously have been stereotyped to caregiving roles.

I was not a fan of SNW season 1. It felt like it focused on visuals and recycled a bunch of low effort cliches for the plot. They also seemed to try to rush character development in a way that felt completely unearned.

However, I loved SNW season 2. It’s the first show I felt was a true modern successor for Star Trek. While not perfect, it managed to do a great job taking classic themes of star trek and updating them to the modern era. I consider “Under the Cloak of War” an all time Star Trek great. Also season 1 being bad actually makes it feel more like Star Trek.

So to answer your question: No. This is incredibly stupid. While the words were by a villain, it implied that there was a lot of truth to them. There are many ways to lead a fulfilling life without (romantic) love. There are many things in the galaxy beyond coldness. This has been well established by Star Trek and demonstrated by multiple characters in multiple series.

Also, they should give whoever writes lower decks a serious show. They clearly have an extremely deep understanding of Star Trek and have done a good job developing characters.

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

It’s probably for the best that they didn’t use voyager as an example about how Vulcan emotions can infect other people…

I also enjoyed the part where Freeman tries to stop them. I sat there thinking that she was being smart it was 100 percent the betazoids. It’s a good example why the characters aren’t idiots for doing the things we yell at the TV screen.

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

This always seemed like the cheapest way to manufacture tension for me.

There are serious core philosophical differences between Sisco and Picard. There are multiple avenues that could have been used to create conflict and tension.

Instead we get Sisco hating Picard because he blamed him for that shit with the Borg. At best the first impression of Sisco is that he’s kind of an idiot. If you dig deeper Sisco is a victim blaming asshole who hates Picard for serving as a meat puppet after getting brutally violated by the Borg.

You could have just switched the reason for Sisco to hate Picard to the fact that he had his chance to strike a fatal blow to the Borg and refused for reasons Sisco would see as sanctimonious.

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

I liked the Boimler one because even when he’s screwing up he’s showing why he got promoted. Under normal conditions, he would have completed a three man job by himself.

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

So it’s basically a tale of two seasons.

Season 1, IMO, has the same flaws as discovery with more coherent writing. The plot jumps from point to point, the characters are underdeveloped, etc. It doesn’t have any “this is not only extremely stupid but feels like the writers didn’t actually bother watching star trek” moments, but it still isn’t good.

Season 2 feels like a true modern tale on Trek. They manage to truly respect the old lore while bringing in new moral dilemmas. The characters are more developed and taken in interesting directions. They managed to sneak in a line that gives a decent explanation as to why things don’t 100 percent match up in canon. There’s also one episode that I would put up there as an all time great across every series.

So I would say slog through Season 1 for the joy of watching Season 2

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

I mean let’s be real here they had every right to be concerned. TNG had serious problems in the beginning and had some pretty big flaws even as the show got going. Off the top of my head

  • The first few episodes (besides Q) were straight trash. Even if you take out the ample racism and sexism, they still kinda suck
  • Worf didn’t become a thing until Yar died. He was just kinda there. Also his hair looked ridiculous
  • Riker was half as sexy in terms of looks and a quarter as sexy in terms of personality
  • Picard was a dick. Not firm but fair. A straight up dick.
  • They straight up got rid of crusher for a season
  • The Ferengi were awful. Not like in a “lol what shenanigans is Quark up to now” but in a “TOS Gorn” way
hesusingthespiritbomb ,

Do you think the structured Soong’s character around the idea that he’d 100 percent be the type of guy to ensure Data had a fully functioning Penis?

Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous ( screenrant.com )

Strange New Worlds has been my favorite Trek since Next Generation, and if the quality continues, could easily be my favorite Trek ever. But with the e.p. wishing for more episodes per season, there’s a danger of diluting the show by adding weak episodes that would have never made it in a 10 episode season....

hesusingthespiritbomb ,

To be fair with Ortegas they lean heavily into the thrill seeking flyboy archetype.

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