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Nikki Haley walks back Civil War comments after backlash ( )

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is facing backlash after she was asked on Wednesday what caused the Civil War and failed to include slavery in her answer, instead saying the conflict was about state's rights. On Thursday, she attempted to walk back the comments, saying that slavery was an "unquestioned" aspect of...

stolid_agnostic ,

Yep. This is all a PR machine like what W had.

stolid_agnostic ,

This is seriously the most Texas thing ever.

stolid_agnostic ,

I’m now convinced that a lot of this is trolling. People who say “Well I’m Muslim and it bothers me that Biden supports Israel so I won’t vote for him” have to be completely out of touch with reality or are completely fake. Same thing here–not voting for Biden ensures that Trump wins, and your theoretical third-party person has no chance of doing anything except dilute the vote.

So? I’m really not buying this narrative or these polls anymore. The respondents are either morons or plants.

stolid_agnostic ,

You put down half a thought. So what are you going to do, vote for an actual fascist or not vote so that an actual fascist wins?

stolid_agnostic ,

You mean like when he won the primary against Bernie, even though Bernie was actually more popular? The primary is only part of the picture–the other is the party apparatchik that gets its pick no matter what.

stolid_agnostic ,

Why do you want Trump to win? Because that’s what you are arguing for here.

stolid_agnostic ,

Have no idea what was said because mod removed it. My experience is that a lot of people are reactionaries who only understand part of any given problem. They get into a huff because they make this ignorance part of their identity.

stolid_agnostic ,

Meanwhile, he’s supporting an ongoing genocide!

LOL you’re delusional. Biden is provided typical support for the country in the way of supplies and money. Trump would send the actual US military over.

Now tell me, which is worse?

stolid_agnostic ,

you are voting for genocide

And if you don’t vote for Biden, then you are voting for children in cages and people being pushed under buoys in rivers as they try to escape whatever hellhole they left.

stolid_agnostic ,

Liked your comment. What is “ML”, though?

stolid_agnostic ,

Functioning as designed.

stolid_agnostic ,

You sound like someone who is hungry but won’t take my food because they want better food.

stolid_agnostic ,

I’m saying that advancing that argument is actively hostile to your own individual safety.

And your argument seems to be that you shouldn’t participate unless at least one truly perfect candidate is available. But not participating means that the worse of the two evils wins. So you’re, unironically, hostile to your own individual safety.

stolid_agnostic ,

Bernie or Bust comes to mind too…

stolid_agnostic ,

I like that, the double whammy of selfishness.

stolid_agnostic ,

OH lol I am actually on the ML lemmy too and didn’t realize what it was. Thanks for the education.

stolid_agnostic ,

LOL what a narcissist.

stolid_agnostic ,

It would be nice if Smurfs walked around singing all day long but that’ll never happen either.

stolid_agnostic ,

I’m all about it, but it also explains why I have seen so many references.

stolid_agnostic ,

I don’t tend to let people insult me then attempt to influence me. Learn a little about the art of persuasion and try again. Also, get a grip. This isn’t Facebook or Reddit. Try not to act like those people.

stolid_agnostic ,

By voting for Biden I’m a tool of Trump and Putin. Riiiiight.

stolid_agnostic ,

Copy pasta. Got it, you’re a troll and are now blocked.

stolid_agnostic ,

Yes. Why are you acting like a Republican?

stolid_agnostic ,

Here’s the thing. There’s a big brigade thing going on right now where I’m apparently the worst human who’s ever lived for asking a question. But, one thing that nobody seems to be able to do is tell me what the alternative is to voting Biden. Nobody can answer that question–it’s just “you’re stupid because Biden” and that’s the end of it. So, I’m really asking–what is the proposed alternative action?

stolid_agnostic ,

I still don’t get what you really want to argue for, though. Is it just to not participate until better candidates come around?

And, having in excess of 15 comments insulting my person in one thread is being brigaded.

stolid_agnostic ,

This is why I don’t participate in Pride. It’s all corporate bullshit.

stolid_agnostic ,

Thanks, that take makes sense. Now I wonder if that is the base from which many are operating?

stolid_agnostic ,

Sadly, the moment people try, it’s no longer communism. The entire populace would need to see the world differently than they do now.

stolid_agnostic ,

I’ll rephrase: each time it has been attempted it wasn’t really a communist revolution, but rather a group responsible for regime change using the term as they appoint a new elite.

stolid_agnostic ,

You are saying that because the process isn’t automatic, and people now do not already see the world that way, that the process should never begin

No, I’m saying that it hasn’t happened yet because humans as a whole aren’t ready for it. Maybe in 150-200 years we’ll be in a different place. Remember that when people said “Please wear a mask, my grandmother has cancer” about 50% of the populace yelled “FUCK YOUR GRANDMOTHER MY LIBERTIES ARE THE ONLY THINGS THAT MATTER.” With people like that, you can’t really have communism.

stolid_agnostic ,

I guess I’m saying that Lenin, Mao, and Castro were after the power grab and dressed it up in the clothing of communism.

stolid_agnostic ,

Such a missed opportunity. You could have used the chance to persuade me but instead decided to go ad hominem and make it personal.

stolid_agnostic ,

You, as ever, unable to provide a single idea of what the alternative is.

stolid_agnostic ,

Nah. This is a circle jerk. I say a thing and then the reactionaries descend to tell me that I’m wrong. Yet nobody has anything to offer beyond “you’re stupid”.

stolid_agnostic ,

“You just don’t know what you’re talking about…”

That’s the part that makes it personal. Notable that you’ve still offered nothing in the way of your perceived correction. It stops at “you’re wrong” as if that were how conversations operate. If you believe I’m wrong, why not try to convince me?

stolid_agnostic ,

What are you doing to educate me? What have I learned here other than that a difference in thought offends you?

stolid_agnostic ,

The fun for you really is the ability to tell others they are wrong. Then you’re not willing to help others learn things you think should. You must be great at parties.

I’m out.

stolid_agnostic ,

Yet are unwilling to state what that disagreement actually is. You’re definitely a reactionary. You’re here for the angries.

stolid_agnostic ,

You can’t be conservative and a decent person at three same time. Also glad you realized you were rude.

stolid_agnostic ,

This is a good example of what was once a really good company that made really good products but was ruined by the business bros. Everything they touch turns into garbage.

stolid_agnostic ,

I tried it for some time but couldn’t get past the onerous need to reconcile and categorize every single transaction that it detects. It finally made me shut down my account because it caused me such great anxiety.

stolid_agnostic ,

Ah, sorry, your required sacrifices have entered the stage where premium quality virgins are now required.

stolid_agnostic ,

Hire more lawyers, obviously.

stolid_agnostic ,

Can you imagine trying to publicly strongarm and shame the people you call colleagues for just a little bit of power? He betrayed every relationship he had and expended all of his political capital, gaining nothing in the process.

stolid_agnostic ,

That is probably not true if you look across the history of human civilization. I agree that it’s a recent development vis a vis growth in this area.

stolid_agnostic ,

There’s a reason that hospital and hospitality are such related words. They were originally more like inns with physicians. You paid for a room and received treatment in it. Profit was certainly part of the picture.

stolid_agnostic ,

Now that’s the service I wish still existed.

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