elscallr , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

All the valuable employees: go to work somewhere else

Jamie Dimon: shocked Pikachu

fuklu , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

There’s more nuance to what he said if people take time to read the article. I’m a huge fan of working from home, but it has drawbacks. One that Jamie notes is that a lack of office environment is terrible for someone starting their career, which is true.

Grimr0c , avatar

I assure you, JPMC office environments, as they currently are used, are useless. They’re making everyone operate as though we work from home, while in office. We still use Zoom for everything… 40 feet away from eachother. Its as stupid as it sounds.

fuklu ,

Do people meet in meeting rooms as well or it’s all just Zoom?

Grimr0c , avatar

All Zoom. All the time. Nobody uses the meeting rooms anymore unless they’re for 1 on 1 conversations that cant be held on the floor.

fuklu ,

Ouch, yeah that defeats the purpose

Saneless ,

And usually you go into a meeting room with a few others to do a video call with someone. Why not just do it from home?

fuklu ,

I think that’s ok? People are in different offices, but as long as you can also work with the local people…

I’m a fan of hybrid, with like 4/5 days at home, assuming people aren’t heavily distracted at home.

HobbitFoot ,

You aren’t going to get people who will be willing to accept that anything but full WFH would be good here.

steebo_jack , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

This guy's like an old record...should find something new to say...

HubertManne , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

Well. Im sure you will attract the best and the brightest.

aaron_griffin , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

I bet he said this from an “off-site” and hasn’t been in the office in weeks

Nioxic ,

It is july?

Prime summer holiday month, at least where i live.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yeah, but he’s not at his summer house, where he could be working from and maybe be less productive. So that’s almost the same thing.

Grimr0c , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

No problem, I’m on the way out the door anyway with this stupid, corrupt, abusive company.

wagesj45 , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

Jamie Dimon can suck a turd, then.

Vlhacs , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

And that’s how you lose talent…

I don’t mind visiting the office once in awhile, say 2 or 3 times a month. But to mandate it to every day is asinine. I’m never going back to wasting 3 hours a day sitting in a train/stuck in traffic.

DebraBucket , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

Pay people during their commutes, they “clock in” as soon as they get into their cars and “clock out” only when they get home.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That rewards employees for living as far away from the office as possible. Is that a fair thing to do? I seriously don’t know.

Brainsploosh ,

Not rewards, incentivises, means the employer has a larger labor pool to pick from, which in capitalism is good.

FlyingSquid , avatar

But isn’t making commutes longer a bad thing? Especially for the planet? And this is encouraging it.

rivermonster ,

It makes commuting/commuters more expensive, so financially it incentivises remote work–which is objectively a better alternative.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I agree remote work is a better alternative. I was just addressing this idea of paying people to commute.

mamotromico ,

Decent public transportation can offset this easily

FlyingSquid , avatar

At which point they say, “if we’re paying you to sit on the train, you can do some work while you’re sitting there.”

DoomsdaySprocket ,

Then hey, I can get some of my 8 hrs done on the train and only have to sit in the office for 6 hours! Sounds like a win-win to me.

Brainsploosh ,

Capitalism in general is bad for the planet

loom_in_essence ,

you’re right, let’s scrap offices altogether and wfh 100%

FlyingSquid , avatar

Something tells me there might be a middle ground here.

superduperenigma ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • FlyingSquid , avatar

    I’m not sure why you’re talking to me like I’m suggesting some sort of crazy thing when I wasn’t even making any suggestions…

    MadgePickles , avatar

    Sometimes you just gotta pick someone to reply to the whole conversation going on

    DebraBucket ,

    Does it? You are still working the same hours, it’s just that you are spending some of those hours driving. I suppose if you like driving more than your actual job? On the other hand, it makes your labor more expensive, and thus you are less competitive if other people happen to work closer. Why pay someone 8 hours of pay for 4 hours of work when you can pay someone 8 hours of pay for 8 hours of work, either because they live next door or they work remotely?

    MagnusRobotFighter , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

    the same management who wanted everyone to return to the office are the same people who are still joining Zoom calls from home.

    spark947 , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

    Pay people for the commute.

    HortiEastwood ,

    And for the commute time, regular pay

    MadgePickles , avatar

    I would honestly rather have the time

    Captain_Patchy , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

    Jamie Dimon can just fg ahead and make his millions without any employees, that will maximize his profits too.

    ccunix , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

    My employer would beg to differ. Seeing as they pay my mortgage and not him, he is irrelevant.

    rivermonster , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

    LOL, because that company did sooooo badly when everyone was remote for COVID. Boo hoo, my real estate is worthless now that remote work has been proven to have no significant impact on productivity–objectively and empirically

    supratachophobia , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

    The reality is that Jaime Dimon is out of touch. On last year’s employee conference call, he was asked about return to office and how WFH has opened up significant flexibility for employees personal lives, specifically, children’s doctors appointments. He responded that your nanny should be taking the kids to your kids doctor’s appointments so you can work at the office.

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