half_built_pyramids , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

I’m immediately click bait suspicious of any reporting that’s generation says this.

S_204 ,

This generation says they’re not falling for your clickbait headlines!

Mango ,

Yeah and a “future-of-work expert”? 🤣

Steve , to Work Reform in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says avatar

He said unconditional cash grants deterred people from working and reaping the benefits of success.

Just like the wealthy people who keep working after they've made enough to live the rest of their life on the interest.

agamemnonymous , avatar

Or their children, who didn't even work to get to that point. If unconditional cash grants are bad, outlaw inheritance; it's just an unconditional cash grant awarded by genetic lottery. If working for success it's so paramount, make everyone do it.

Wiz ,

I'm pretty sure it's wrong, too. Every UBI trial I've seen has people improving their lives. Some get lifted into work. Some get necessary training. A very high percentage have their life and status improved, better than welfare.

Ramsey can duck right off with his bullshit.

floofloof ,

Those who only ever act out of greed and selfishness always believe these are the only reasons anyone could ever be motivated to act. The notion that people could work because they like it, or because it helps others, or because they would rather be active than inactive, is out of reach of their imaginations.

just_change_it , to Work Reform in Return-to-office orders look like a way for elite, work-obsessed CEOs to grab power back from employees

commercial real estate values are one rationale but I don’t really buy that unless you own the property. Lots of companies that don’t own their property are doing it.

One big rationale behind forcing return to office is that it causes soft layoffs from all of the people who do not want to return to in person working. It’s a great way to downsize without announcing layoffs and taking a share price hit.

frezik ,

Sunk cost. No matter if they buy or lease their building, it seems like a waste to have it empty all the time. But that money isn’t coming back whether employees come in or not.

Hold out a couple more years for leases to expire. Office real estate market hasn’t seen its bottom yet.

_Sc00ter ,

A part of that real estate equation is that the municipalities give tax breaks to the companies because they anticipate the extra people in the area getting them more money from gas stations, lunches, etc. Those contracts usually state that the building needs to have a certain occupancy for them to maintain the credit… and now municipalities are coming knocking for their back taxes since buildings haven’t been full.

Thats what’s happening around me, at least

PseudoSpock ,

Then I have the perfect solution! Burn the offices! :)

lemann ,

Double dip! Insurance companies hate him!

Tenthrow , to Work Reform in Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000-a-year package with a mixture of anger and admiration avatar

All work should be organized work.

Lmaydev ,

Yeah this isn’t a bad thing. If anything it’s an excuse to ask for more. Tech workers are notoriously shit at unionizing.

Dagwood222 , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want.

Read “Hell’s Angels” by Hunter Thompson.

There’s a chapter about the economics of being a biker/artist/hippie circa 1970. A biker could work six months as a union stevedore and earn enough to spend two years on the road, and a part time waitress could earn enough to support herself and her musician boyfriend.

Kolanaki , to Work Reform in I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices avatar

That’s a rather long way of saying “I’m a greedy, capitalistic piece of shit.”

metaStatic ,

it's the first 5 words of the title. could be shorter if you omit the location I guess.

Num10ck , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

never had a good experience dealing with Chase, I guess leadership feels the same for the employees?

ablackcatstail , avatar

They say the fish stinks from the head. Jamie Dimon is your typical corporate CEO asshole. I wouldn’t expect any different.

Nollij ,

That vast majority of their former employees that I’ve spoken to feel the same way

donut4ever , avatar

Chase has been mailing me literally the same letter for the past 12 years. I think they send it once or twice a month. It is a cardboard paper with a huge “500” on it, begging me to open an account with. Mind you, it goes directly in the trash. They waste so much paper.

uriel238 , to Work Reform in I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices avatar

If your company doesn’t pay its employees a living wage or better, then your business model sucks and should collapse.

Since anticompetitive practices and lobbying are the norm and the most profitable investments businesses can make, the whole capitalist system sucks and we should move towards socialized hamburger franchises.

dimath ,

Definitely, that will leave only one business model so it’ll be the best business model (cause there are no others, you know).

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

all these greedy fucks balking at the idea of paying employees a living wage are short sighted fucking morons.

You know what happens when employees get better pay?

They spend more

Which means your business will see more customers, and wil earn more

That is, if your business isnt run by a myopic jackass who cant see beyond the his own personal and immediate greed. *-

857 , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

That's OK, I didn't have any desire to work for that asshole anyway...

Most folks are exponentially more productive when they don't have to waste hours of their day (stressfully) driving/public transit from A to B just to do their job.

sadreality ,

Yeah but have you thought about this Boomer's CRE clients/friends? What about his origination business?

You are insensitive... why do you hate freedom and holy profit of another man who works very hard for every penny.

EnderWi99in ,

I am way more productive when I'm not also being constantly interrupted by the people around me all day long. When I sit down to work at home I will go hours without even looking up from my screen. When my attention is interrupted in the office, which happens regularly, it takes me a good 5-7min to focus again. Repeat that same process a couple times an hour and not a lot gets done.

lobut ,

I can’t believe how much time I waste in the office. It’s unbelievable. I will say that certain meetings in the office are better. However, maybe a day or so for those but for the most part. It’s such a waste.

eran_morad , to Work Reform in The end of workplace loyalty: Why work feels so broken right now — and how it can be repaired
  1. Pay me
  2. Leave me the fuck alone

Do these adequately and I will provide labor in due proportion. Otherwise, fuck off.

Zaktor , to Work Reform in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says

It's worth underscoring that many proponents of UBI disagree that it eliminates the desire or need to work.

Or you know you could just reference actual studies instead of countering one dude's unsupported opinion with an unsupported opinion from "many proponents". You don't need to pretend like it's unknown and the best we can do it jot down opposing opinions from random people.

reversedposterior ,

Yeah pretty much what I would expect from a business oriented website to offer counterpoints as 'beliefs' so that they are dismissed as ramblings from crazy people

derf82 , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it

Gee, I wonder how much he and JPMorgan are invested in commercial real estate.

OwenEverbinde , avatar

… and car manufacturers, and oil companies, and tire companies, and the fast food franchises lining every freeway exit…

Grimr0c , avatar

Ill give you a hint: JPMC owns one of the largest buildings in the United States, second only to the Pentagon. Their Columbus location is a multi-mile long, 6 story, repurposed Mall. And thats just one of 8 Non-Branch locations they use in Columbus.

Saneless ,

I know dozens of people who work there. Most hate it

Parking is atrocious and you have to walk like 10 minutes from your spot to the building. And then I’m the building another 5 to your office

Oh and you thought you were leaving at 5? It’s a 30 minute commute just from the parking lot to the first street because of the traffic

Grimr0c , avatar

Lol. So accurate. The streets to I70 are fucked, then you get on I70 and its backed up all the way to 270. Awful lmao.

Saneless ,

Know what’s a good idea? Taking the two most important freeways in the city and having their on and off ramps overlap, and it’s for only 200 feet total. Won’t cause any traffic

ccunix ,

Hang on!

If it was a shopping mall, surely it had really good parking. Why does everyone go to shopping malls instead of town centres? It easy to park!

They must have actively tried to break it!

Grimr0c , avatar

It’s mostly due to the sheer amount of people who work in the building. The building holds over 10k employees. Problem is, everyone wants to park near their office space so they dont have to walk a mile or two to get to the other side of the building. So it gets cluttered very quickly around key lots.

Also, there’s no parking garages. It was a flat lot until a few yesra ago. Now its a flat lot with a second story.

rmuk ,

Shopping malls tend to have choke points where the rapidly flowing road traffic transitions to more random car park traffic. Not a problem if a few thousand people are coming and going as they please throughout the day but thousands of people arriving together at 9:00 and leaving together at 17:00… they’re just not designed for that sort of thing.

TheDemonBuer , to Work Reform in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says avatar

I'm sure Dave Ramsey has never read Marx, and I'm equally certain he is proud of that fact, so how can he claim to know what Marx did advocate for or would advocate for? I'm not a Marxist, nor an expert in Marxian theory, but I have read and studied some Marx and based on what (admittedly little) I know, I don't see a connection between Marxism and universal basic income. In fact, I think Marx would have been opposed to UBI, maybe even viewing it as something that would strengthen the capitalist class and weaken the working class.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

It is. Welfare states are perfectly fine expressions of enlightened self interest under capitalism. The owner class is guaranteed a relatively healthy population to exploit, the wage slaves are kept just happy enough to not rebel.

Lennnny , to Work Reform in Gen Z is unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want. avatar
  1. stop hoarding wealth
  2. 1 but louder
Kusimulkku , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

I’m so fucking tired reading articles about boomers this, millenials that, zoomies this.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

All I see is author projection.

Dagwood222 ,

What you’re seeing is the result of decades of Reaganomics coming home to roost.

Look up Hunter’ Thompson’s book about the “Hell’s Angels.” There’s a chapter on the economics of being a biker/hippie/artist circa 1970.

A biker could work six months as a Union stevedore and earn enough to live on the road for two years, and a part time waitress could support herself and a musician boyfriend.

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