ohlaph , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American

We purchased right before ar the beginning of the rate increases. A 10 year ARM. Hoping the rates stabilize by that 10 year mark or things might get expensive for a few years.

shortwavesurfer ,

Purchased at like 4.1% but absolutely refused an ARM. We have a fixed rate and absolutely nothing would ever make me get an ARM.

CodexArcanum , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American

It’s more than homes. Groceries have rocketed up in price. Cars are also unaffordable. Business people crowing about how great the (phantom) economy is are going to be leaping out of windows by next year. That’s when “the economy” will catch up to the fact that if no one can afford to buy anything then there is no economy.

FunnyUsername , avatar

I live on social security disability, about 1100$ a month.

A combo meal at McDonald’s is 12$.

2 combo meals a day from a fast food restaurant would completely wipe out my budget. No money for rent. No phone bill. No water or electric money. No money for garbage removal. The idea of a car is laughable. There wouldn’t even be enough for a bus pass.

It’s been a real struggle. After all the inflation hikes of 2022, they only raised my payments 50$ a month.

They simply don’t care about the people voting for them more than the companies bankrolling their campaigns that earn their paychecks. It’s that simple.

Car ,

I feel for you.

I’m in an average family earning average wages. Maintaining our standard of living is now at least $500 more a month, and that’s just from utilities, rent, and groceries (!). I’ve cancelled everything streaming aside from Youtube. We don’t eat out any longer, because that’s easily jumped at least $30 a meal for a family of four. Depending on your point of view, we were fortunate enough to have things we could cut back on that weren’t essentials.

I grew up fairly poor and by all metrics my family is better off, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it at times. I’ve had more month left at the end of my money more times than I’d care to admit.

I have no idea how those who were “just getting by” are continuing to do so.

FunnyUsername , avatar

Dang, sorry about all that. “More months left at the end of my money” really hits home for me, haven’t heard that expression before.

The only reason I’ve just been able to get by is because of friends and family, if I had any smaller of a safety net of people that care about me I would absolutely be on the streets. I’m not sure where you live, but the number of beggars has skyrocketed around me, and it’s not dirty crazy homeless people that just need help in general, it’s regular people out of work that are just trying to get money to pay their kids. People are selling 10$ roses on the sides of the highways to try to get by. There’s no affordable housing for anyone and the best jobs available still don’t pay much more than 50K a year. My boyfriend is a fully licensed mechanic and has about as much money leftover each month as a fast food worker in the '90s. Pays $1,400 in rent a month just to have a place to live (475sq ft), which is often nearly half of his income for the month.

I didn’t mental ramble so much with all those complaints, I think it’s just baffling in mind blowing how bad everything is and how little politicians and even companies seems to be noticing or caring about it. Citizens need money to give companies money. Eventually if people are only buying their necessities, companies won’t be able to make money. It just seems so unsustainable and I don’t know why more alarm bells aren’t being rang.

Strawberry ,

jesus, there aren’t even studio apartments in my area for 1100 a month

LongPigFlavor ,

If it weren’t for my parents I couldn’t afford to live in this state as I live with them. Even as a homeowner, my mom is finding it hard to cope as homeowners insurance rates keep rising and the crisis is deepening as more insurers leave the state or stop offering new policies. I financed a used car back in 2022 for $8,500. I don’t think I’ll ever own a home here, not that I’d want to anyway, and as for cars I’m better off buying cheap and used.

rosymind ,

California too, huh? That or… Florida?

LongPigFlavor ,


pingveno ,

Meanwhile, Florida’s Republican politicians plug their ears the moment anyone mentions the numerous threats Florida faces in the here and now from climate change. How dare anyone ask me to do anything about my state being overrun by the ocean and smothered by increasing hurricanes! Shameful!

teamevil ,

I just made the mistake of moving here…truth on never owning a home.

American_Communist22 , avatar

I pay 12 dollars for a gallon of milk at least, 6-7 dollars for bags of chips that are mostly air

BigBananaDealer , avatar

milk is 12 dollars? what? please tell me thats an exaggeration

American_Communist22 , avatar

Hawaii, 95 percent of our food is imports, the government is a colonial one, the megacorps own the entire islands land and industry, the military gets to do whatever the fuck it wants, Leech landlords raise rent, its a fucking shithole socioeconomically for anyone whos not inheriting blood money.

BigBananaDealer , avatar

oh that makes sense then

python ,

I find it so dystopian that cars are one of the essential things to have when living in America.

Maggoty , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American

It’s worse than the headline says. The study set 71k as the average US income for a single person…

Which is the official household number. The actual single income average is 50-60k.

SendMePhotos ,

The heck? A ton of my friends are making like 40k… I guess they’re still within the bell average.

Maggoty ,

Oh that’s the fun part. Everyone discusses mean and median. Mode is in the 35-40 range last I tracked it down. (it wasn’t easy to find and I have my theories about why)

Doxatek ,

This still seems high to me, damn. In my town average household income is 30k lol. Even surrounding “nice” towns aren’t that much higher

I guess there’s places where people must make so much money

Maggoty ,

Oh definitely these are national numbers. Even just state by state starts to vary a lot

Redditgee ,

West Virginia, or something?

Doxatek ,

Lmao rural Illinois

Waraugh , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American

Wow, I just bought a house three months ago, I guess I’m part of the 1%.

rbos , avatar

Lemmy leans tech and higher income, so yeah, I’d expect a higher proportion.

NotErisma , avatar
Kiosade ,


barrbaric , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American

If I had to move to my current area now, my rent would be around 50% of my income, and that’s with a job that used to be able to support the whole nuclear family bullshit as little as 20 years ago. I’m like $2k below median family income by myself.

Bnova , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American avatar

Well yeah, the average American is broke. And the average house is expensive. Give me whatever funding this study receives because this shit didn’t need one.

American_Communist22 , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American avatar

comrades the .world comments are such libshit lol, count your lucky stars you can’t see them

AnnaFrankfurter , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American

Oh I’ve a solution for this the average American can all go and try to buy home in that 1% are so it also becomes unaffordable. Problem solved.

btaf45 OP , to Personal Finance in Is Medicare supplemental insurance worth it? Here's what some experts think.

You are only guaranteed on Medigap with the best prices if you get it within 6 months of first enrolling in Medicare. That’s why it is critical to get real Medicare + Part D + Medigap when you are first eligible. If you initially get Medicare Disadvantage, and then realize how bad it is, you can switch from Part C to Part B/D during the next enrollment period, but it will be hard to add Medigap to that.

An audit done by the government’s inspector general found that Medicare Disadvantage falsely denied 18% of payments that they were supposed to approve and that real medicare would have approved. This amounts to 1.5 million times per year that Americans were shafted by illegal payment denials from those companies. There are also increased hassles and delays in getting your medical care and limited choice of doctors.…/Tinker-Testimony.pdf

[An estimated 18 percent of payment denials met Medicare coverage rules and MAO billing rules and therefore the provider payments should not have been denied by the MAOs. This projects to 28,949 payment denials that met Medicare coverage rules and MAO billing rules for these MAOs during the first week of June 2019.]

e_t_ Admin , to U.S. News in Ohio GOP lawmakers vow to target state judiciary after passage of Issue 1 abortion measure

Ohio GOP lawmakers evince a design to reduce [Ohio] under absolute despotism.

Powderhorn Mod , to U.S. News in Ohio GOP lawmakers vow to target state judiciary after passage of Issue 1 abortion measure avatar

Surely, this won’t backfire. Just like the summer election.

vinniep OP ,

That’s what confused me about this too.

Abortion is a loser for the GOP. With the passage of this ballot issue, they could take their loss, played the “aw shucks” for their base, and moved on to other issues in 2024. Instead, they’re giving the Ohio Dems their talking points for them and doubling down on a platform that’s been killing them every time citizens cast ballots.

healthetank , to Men's Liberation in How gender disparities are affecting men

Interesting article

I especially liked that they raised point like the fact that despite the fact that men earn more on average and make up more of the top CEO/Board Members spots, that those things don’t help the bottom segment of boys who are left behind in school and left unsupported.

Their program to try and pull those teens back into post secondary is helpful and I’d be excited to see their long term impacts

Jaysyn , to Politics in Eligible voters are being swept up in conservative activists' efforts to purge voter rolls avatar

This was the plan the whole time & the media is complicit.

They will be so shocked when they find themselves against the wall as the first victims of Donald Trump's regime.

btaf45 , to Politics in Eligible voters are being swept up in conservative activists' efforts to purge voter rolls

["I believe it's what God wants me to do," Lee said. "He knows what's right and what's wrong ]

Wow you totally got that wrong. What Yahweh wants you to do is to not spread false reports of election fraud.

You disobeyed God all 3 times here, hypocrite.

Exodus 23:1-2

"Do not spread false reports. Do not help a wicked man by being a malicious witness.
"Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong."

gravitas_deficiency ,

So, my imaginary friend is telling me to pull down as many voter records as possible for swing states and build an analysis pipeline to determine which voters are conservative and then automatically file challenges to their registrations.

If these chucklefucks really want to fuck around, I and many others are perfectly happy helping them find out.

Jaysyn , to Politics in Eligible voters are being swept up in conservative activists' efforts to purge voter rolls avatar

Just discovered that Florida purged my GOP mother from the voting rolls, but she doesn't know & I'm not telling her.

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