reddig33 , to Texas in [CBS News] Texas city strictly limits water consumption as thousands across state face water shortages

If water is so scarce in Texas, maybe we shouldn’t allow companies like Ozarka to pump it all out of the ground, bottle it, and sell it off elsewhere.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Republican attorneys general issue warning letter to Target about Pride merchandise

Well, Republican attorneys general, put up or shut up. Idle threats are a waste of everyone's time.

Col3814444 , to Politics in Trump says he'd bring back "travel ban" that's "even bigger than before"

So ARE people ‘blowing up cities’ and ‘stealing farms’ Donnie?

jeebus , to Politics in Why is the Federal Reserver trying to drive down wages? avatar

The government would rather a few percentage of its population suffer than add a windfall profits tax to the corporations. The powers that be do not want everyone realize this shit is all because of greedy corporations.

return2ozma OP , to Work Reform in UAW president Shawn Fain on labor's comeback: "This is what happens when workers get power", says 'billionaires should not exist' avatar

A clip from More Perfect Union of his interview:

Tb0n3 , to Personal Finance in Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American

If it’s getting paid for by renters or by owners, it’s not unaffordable.

MooseBoys ,

Unaffordable for the average American.

Tb0n3 ,

That doesn’t make any sense. The housing sales market is enormous. Much more than the amount of “upper crust” buyers. The rich aren’t buying them all, and the investment/landlord buyers can only afford them if the actual renters pay the bills which would not be the “upper crust” super wealthy. Therefore the statement that 99% can’t afford them must be false.

MooseBoys ,

the statement that 99% can’t afford them

That’s not what’s being said. The claim is that the median home price in 99% of regions is unaffordable with median income.

Tb0n3 ,

And? It’s near enough the same to be no different.

MooseBoys ,

It’s completely different.

Imagine you have 10 people. 1 has $100, 2 have $50, and 7 have $20. Now imagine you have 10 stores selling pants. 1 store has a few pants for $50, and a bunch for $10. 1 store has a few pants for $80 and a bunch for $25. 8 have pants for $30, $25, and $10.

In this scenario, the median wealth is $20, and in all but one store the median price is $25. So in 90% of stores, the median pants cost more than the median amount a person can spend. BUT, all but one still have plenty of pants that cost less than the median. Given this, you wouldn’t say “90% of people can’t afford pants”.

Tb0n3 ,

You don’t take out a 30-year loan for pants.

MooseBoys ,

You’re right. This is just an example to illustrate the statistics involved. At this point it doesn’t seem like you’re continuing this debate in good faith.

Tb0n3 ,

All I’m saying is it makes no sense. People keep buying houses which they couldn’t do if they were unaffordable. And it’s not just 1% that are using those houses. If those houses are bought by the 1% and rented to the 99% in order to pay the house off that means it is not unaffordable to the 99%.

MooseBoys , (edited )

it is not unaffordable to the 99%

You’re right, and that’s not what’s being claimed. It’s just saying that in 99% OF MARKETS, the median price exceeds the means of the median income. This isn’t really that surprising, actually. In a perfectly balanced market, you’d expect the median price to be exactly equal to the affordability of the median income, so about 50% of markets would be above this value, and 50% would be below it.

It’s probably also true that a far greater percentage of markets are affordable if you look at median income vs 45th percentile home cost, or 55th percentile income vs median home cost.

All this means is that if you make median income, you’ll probably need to buy a house that’s below median price.

PotentiallyAnApricot , to U.S. News in AAA pulls back from offering insurance in Florida, following Farmers

This sucks. A similar thing seems to be happening in California because of the wildfires. I heard someone on a podcast recently say that it’s like “the market” is responding to climate change before governments do. Which sucks, because it’s haphazard and profit driven, so the least responsible and least protected people will likely be hit the hardest.

(Edit: don’t see how this has anything to do with desantis or his policies? Am i missing something?)

snowbell , avatar

Yeah I think it is just people hating on floridians because bad politics man bad and so the people there supposedly deserve any bad thing that happens?

PotentiallyAnApricot ,

Weird take.

Frog-Brawler , to Politics in Trump says he'd bring back "travel ban" that's "even bigger than before" avatar

I don’t want anybody over-feeding my fish either!

ikidd , to Politics in Trump says he'd bring back "travel ban" that's "even bigger than before" avatar

Raping our churches and burning our women…

Madison_rogue , to Politics in Republican attorneys general issue warning letter to Target about Pride merchandise avatar

...but the attorneys general did suggest that Target might find it "more profitable to sell the type of Pride that enshrines the love of the United States."

Less rainbows more 'Murica, Fuck yeah!

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

… wait until they insist on selling the “Murica, Fuck Yeah” flag-printed ammunition next to the toy section. The casings being anodized in waving flags with an eagle.

billiam0202 ,

They’re absolutely ignoring the fact that you can walk into any retailer and buy flag plastered merch all year round, but most of them only sell “Hey, maybe other people deserve to exist too?” stuff from June 1st to June 29th.

GreyEyedGhost , to Politics in Demonstrators vow to disrupt DNC protest in Chicago with or without a permit

Your headline needs work. Why are the DNC protesting and who wants to disrupt that?

Numerol , to Politics in Nikki Haley walks back Civil War comments after backlash

Btw,Nikki Haley is such a pornstar name.

unconsciousvoidling ,

Her first name is actually Nimarata.

originalucifer , to Politics in Nikki Haley walks back Civil War comments after backlash avatar

name further 'aspects'. we'll wait.

Jaysyn , to Politics in Eligible voters are being swept up in conservative activists' efforts to purge voter rolls avatar

This was the plan the whole time & the media is complicit.

They will be so shocked when they find themselves against the wall as the first victims of Donald Trump's regime.

btaf45 , to Politics in Trump says he'd bring back "travel ban" that's "even bigger than before"

I bet that Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump lives near the ocean so that Putin can send a submarine for him when he needs to flee the country because a court ordered his house arrest. That's the travel ban that Treason Trump is concerned about the most.

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