Tankiedesantski , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

On the other hand, I doubt China is spending $14,000 on one toilet seat, so the bloated US military budget probably doesn’t even convert to proportionate fighting capabilities. For example, all that money and the US can’t even manufacture enough artillery shells to keep Ukraine going against Russia and it’s tiny sliver of expenditure on that chart.

SeventyTwoTrillion , avatar

Russia, China, and Iran (the last of which isn’t even on that image) have hypersonic missiles, which effectively mean that aircraft carriers are now pre-sunk artificial coral reefs in a direct conflict with those countries. America does not have hypersonic missiles and keeps failing their prototype tests.

Kusimulkku ,

I don’t think they’ve been proven in any real sense to satisfactorily bypass the insane defences those carriers have. They’re boasted as sorta wunderwaffen at this point lol

America does not have hypersonic missiles and keeps failing their prototype tests.

I don’t know how big of a priority it is for them, considering the situation Russia, China and Iran have with aircraft carriers

maynarkh ,

Well, how many aircraft carriers did the US lose so far? I mean Russia just lost a shitton of military equipment fighting one of its former allies while the US made bank by rearming half of Europe, there must be an equivalent response from Russia then, if they are capable of it, right?

Commiejones , avatar

How much has been spent on R&D for hypersonic missiles in USA? How much was spent in Russia or China or Iran? and who has hypersonic missiles?

shath , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined avatar

wonder how much of it is just yeah this 1 doler bullet is actually 10

Omega_Haxors ,

All of it. The US military is so bloated even the soldiers complain about the prices, and they’re not even the ones paying.

usernamesaredifficul ,

yeah America also spends the most on healthcare and they aren’t the healthiest country on earth

shath , avatar

one doler asprin is now 2 bajllion dolers pay up stooge

BelieveRevolt , (edited )
PinkPanther , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

And yet, they keep losing more than winning. Unless you got stocks in weapons…

li10 ,

Losing more than winning?

Not saying it’s right or worth the disproportionate investment, but the true value is the threat they pose keeps other countries in line (to a degree), winning the battle before it starts.

e_t_ Admin ,

If you win a conflict decisively, then the conflict is over and weapon sales dry up. Continuous, low-level, indecisive battles are what keep the weapon dealers in business.

Speculater , avatar

Maybe we should start marketing it different like Republicans did in an attempt to privatize the mail system.

“U.S. military loses $877B annually!”

BB69 ,

Ah yes, the epic fail of Ukraine being able to not collapse due to American equipment propping up the armed forces against Russia.

Situations like this is why the budget is so high.

Perfide ,

Funding to Ukraine has all been additional funding approved by congress, it didn’t come from our defense budget…

papertowels ,

I’d argue that the additional funding has allowed the US to leverage the investments they’ve previously paid for in their regular budget to help Ukraine.

You cannot throw the money congress has budgeted for Ukraine at a vacuum to get nearly as much support - you need the logistics of a ready to go military industrial complex that everyone loves to hate.

BB69 ,

Aid given to Ukraine has mainly been material the US already has. We aren’t building new weapons for them. The dollars on the aid packages is the value of the equipment.

Omega_Haxors , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

And still loses to farmers.

Kusimulkku ,

Afghans beating British Empire, USSR and the US/NATO. Who is the madlad that goes next for it, it would be China’s turn to have a crack at it imo

Kusimulkku , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

Now that we’re in NATO I’m all for it

pineapplelover , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

“but we need to protect our country”

zepheriths , (edited ) to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

An easy fix: European nato country reach their contribution requirements and the US can downsize

CalicoJack ,

But then the Europeans would need to come up with new jokes to feel superior to Americans. Not as easy as expected.

takeda ,

It doesn’t work that way, each country spends it for themselves, NATO allows to combine the defense force.

The reason US spends so much is to maintain its status of super power and to allow us to live without having wars on its territory. For example what happened in Ukraine in 2014 and in 2022 is sobering experience that if you are militarily weak others will exploit the situation.

A lot of things that we are assuming are normal are possible because of it. For example. US naval force for example allowed to protect international waters allowing for global trade.

zepheriths ,

In 2006, NATO Defence Ministers agreed to commit a minimum of 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to defence spending to continue to ensure the Alliance’s military readiness.

That literally is how it works.


Knightfox ,

Nah, even if they did their NATO % contribution the amount would be pitifully small. When you look at most of the articles that talk about “10 Best Places to Live” it’s mostly super small population, low immigration, countries with virtually no military.

Most NATO countries are between 1-2.5% of their GDP, but that’s only ~$300 billion. The US does ~3.5% which amounts to ~$811 billion.

The other NATO countries wouldn’t just need to meet their NATO 2%, they’d need to more than triple it. Even just for the US to come down to 2% would cause a ~$348 billion decrease (more than the rest of NATO combined).

If I were a European country free riding in NATO the last thing I’d be pushing is the US to reduce military spending.

TootSweet , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

I’m so glad medical treatment can put me in lifelong debt for this.

takeda ,

I’m fixing tired of this meme, let’s put it into context:…/Expenditures_in_the_United_Sta…

BTW: The reason we don’t have socialized Healthcare is because certain party blocks it, not because we can’t afford it. If we had a single payer we would actually be spending overall less on Healthcare not more.

SupraMario ,

It’s not just the red team blocking it. The ACA was written by insurance companies. If the Dems actually wanted to push through single payer, they would be able to each time they have controlled Congress and the pres. Don’t get me wrong, red team has never been for it and are much more to blame, but the Dems carry it as well.

NewNewAccount ,

Reminder, Dems had a filibuster-proof supermajority in the Senate in 2009

SupraMario ,

Yep, people keep forgetting that they could have pushed it though. They just don’t want to.

deweydecibel ,

I mean…yeah? They’re a big tent party, they had to compromise within their ranks to get it passed, and even with a super majority, some Dem senators are more centrist than others.

The Democrats are not a leftist party, they never have been. They’re a collection of people who aren’t conservative. But that’s the best we can get until the county’s population stops being centrist and starts voting more left.

Tak , avatar

It’s always weird watching people protect Dems as if it’s a party of uniform desires. At least half of them in office agree more with Republicans than they do with the progressive members of the same party.

SupraMario ,

I think this is what bothers me the most, yes they’re not as shit as repubs but damn…why just let them get away with being meh.

be_excellent_to_each_other , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined avatar

Now do healthcare and education.

amotio ,

Lucky I was not drinking because I would have spat it all Jim Carry style.

selokichtli , (edited ) to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

This comparison caughts my attention every time. I wonder how well-spent this money really is, conceding it’s for “defense”.

deweydecibel , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

We invest quite a lot, and our allies benefit from that, so they don’t have to invest as much.

So how about for a compromise, our allies start providing health insurance for Americans.

bhmnscmm , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined avatar
maquise ,

That was Eisenhower, yes? Should probably cite your quote source.

bhmnscmm , avatar

Yes. The entire quote is a link to him making the speech.

maquise ,

Okay, viewing on the Memmy app does not show a link.

shalafi ,

Bah. What the hell does the Supreme Allied Commander Europe for WWII know about the military? Eisenhower should have just stayed in his lane.

Iwasondigg , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

Should have shopped around.

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