shath , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined avatar

wonder how much of it is just yeah this 1 doler bullet is actually 10

Omega_Haxors ,

All of it. The US military is so bloated even the soldiers complain about the prices, and they’re not even the ones paying.

usernamesaredifficul ,

yeah America also spends the most on healthcare and they aren’t the healthiest country on earth

shath , avatar

one doler asprin is now 2 bajllion dolers pay up stooge

BelieveRevolt , (edited )
Kusimulkku , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

Now that we’re in NATO I’m all for it

NuraShiny , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

It’s still not enough! Until every red-blooded American has a big red button in their home that launches 10.000 nukes at random coordinates, it won’t be enough!

Assian_Candor , avatar

They would all get fired at Washington lol

NuraShiny ,

That’s why I said random coordinates :D

Assian_Candor , avatar

I would love to see this poll of Americans actually, if you could nuke any city, where would you pick

IHadTwoCows ,

Mecca, Jerusalem, Riyahd

NuraShiny ,

If it was a poll, DC would win in a landslide, even for people caught in the blast radius.

yogthos , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined avatar

Of course, spending doesn’t actually directly translate into being able to make decent weapons. Since US relies on a privately owned military industrial complex it runs into the problem of perverse incentives. Companies want to siphon as much public money as they can from the government, and that means making expensive weapons that take a long time to produce and have high maintenance costs. This ensures you have low input costs because you’re not producing much, and that you’re able to keep sucking money out of the system for the few items you do produce. To put this into perspective, it costs ten times as much to produce an artillery shell in US than in Russia, and US is still unable to ramp up its production after a year and a half of war to match Russia.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is famous for its corruption having failed audits for 6 years in a row and is unable to account for $3.8 trillion in military assets.

All of this results in an incredibly expensive and inefficient system that isn’t actually able to produce basic things like artillery shells in large quantities. US military industrial complex is good at doing what it was designed to do, which is to divert taxes from things they’re meant for such as social services and infrastructure into the pockets of the oligarchs who own the war industry.

maynarkh ,

Yes, the US is bad, we can all agree on that. It is not a forgivable thing in a democratic country to have such an out of control oligarchy.

That said, why would the US or NATO want to ramp up production?

Look at how Russia in 2010. A major player as it had insane weapon stockpiles, nuclear capabilities and weakened but still strong alliances in Eastern Europe in Ukraine and Belarus. It had the EU by the balls through gas shipments. NATO was an irrelevant relic.

How does it look like now? It lost Ukraine as an ally, Belarus is not being helpful either. It is spending a significant portion of its weapon stockpiles on destroying a country that was one of its closest allies, while making money for the US. Every house destroyed is a contract for Blackrock, every fighter shot down is a new sale for Lockheed.

The war in Ukraine is grinding down Russia from being a major power, while the US is making bank off of it. It’s just going “Aw shucks we aren’t able to supply enough munitions to kick out Russia and stop this racket, guess you’ll need to knock out a few thousand more tanks!”

yogthos , avatar

What I’m saying is that neither US nor EU are capable of ramping up production. Despite all the talk over the past year and a half, no serious ramp up in production has been seen. Meanwhile, Europe is now going into a recession and spending increasingly more money on the military is going to require more austerity which will in turn keep driving civil unrest.

Also, not sure what universe you live in where Russia is being ground down from a major power buddy. Russian economy is currently booming even according to western sources, Russian industrial production is at six year high, and Russian global trade is as big as it’s ever been. If you think Russia came out of this worse than the west then you really need to stop guzzling propaganda.

Might want to listen what a US ambassador had to say the issue just recently

mojo , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined


IHadTwoCows , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

This is the proof that it is a failed nation.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Plenty of successful nations spend a lot on their military, it’s just important to recoup the investment by invading other countries for resources when they get bored so they’re too busy to launch a coup

RizzRustbolt , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

Uh… why is Ukraine on the left side?

naeap , avatar

Because they also spend money themselves, I guess.
Why do you think they should belong (exclusively) to US spending?

Dogyote ,

[gestures broadly at everything]

Dogyote , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

The US is just getting ripped off by private contractors and the rest of the military-industrial complex.

GutsBerserk , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

A great chunk of this money should be spent on healthcare, education and infrastructure. Instead, politicians have successfully managed to deceive common taxpayer for decades.

ILikeBoobies , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

Military spending isn’t a bad thing but I wouldn’t trust numbers from China and Russia, Russia being in an active war and China rapidly expanding

Cipher22 ,

Also, they’re pulling their numbers from congressional allocations, which include massive amounts of medical and retirement benefits investments. Let’s include all medical and social Benicia for anyone whose served from those other nations and look at the numbers.

Who knows, maybe they don’t change much because those countries don’t even try to take care of their service members? I honestly don’t know because the only numbers are always this skewed metric.

yesman , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

The following is for informational purposes only; do not assume I’m advocating for or against anything.

It’s a myth that the US spends more on the military than it does on social programs and healthcare.

Medicare Advantage (a simi-private part of Medicare) costs the US about the same as the Army and Navy combined.…/medicare-advantage-fraud-allegation…

In 2022, the Defense Dep spent 585 Billion dollars while Medicare, Medicaid, and healthcare tax credits totaled nearly 3 times that at 1.4 Trillion.…

The biggest difference in spending between the US and countries like China, Russia, and India is not that we have X times as much or better weapons, it’s that our soldiers and defense contractors are paid US salaries in US dollars.

urshanabi , avatar

Crucially, the ventures make US profits.

Cipher22 , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

I feel like this is patently deceptive. The DoD’s allocation includes the US’s only socialized medical system and universal income for hundreds of thousands.

Honytawk , to Politics in The United States spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined

Is it me, or is their budget increasing or the others budgets decreasing?

I swear it used to be the same as the next 7 countries a while ago.

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