
mox , to KDE in How to render videos with multiple audio tracks with 2 languages (select between tracks)?

Not rendering. Muxing, which is short for multiplexing. Lots of software can do this, including MKVToolNix, ffmpeg, and GPAC/MP4Box. If you're also encoding the video, Handbrake could do the job.

e0qdk , to KDE in How to render videos with multiple audio tracks with 2 languages (select between tracks)?
@e0qdk@reddthat.com avatar

I don't know how to do it with KDE's tools, but on the command line with ffmpeg you can do something like this:

ffmpeg -i video_track.mp4 -i audio_jp.m4a -i audio_en.m4a -map 0:v -map 1:a -map 2:a -metadata:s:a:0 language=jpn -metadata:s:a:1 language=eng -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4

Breaking it down, it:

  • runs ffmpeg
  • with three inputs (-i flag) -- a video file, and two audio files.
  • The streams are explicitly mapped into the result, counting the inputs from 0 -- i.e. -map 0:v maps input 0 (the first file) as video (v) to the output file and -map 1:a maps the next input as audio (a), etc.
  • It sets the metadata for the audio tracks -metadata:s:a:0 language=jpn sets the first audio track (again counting from 0...) to Japanese; the second metadata option sets the next audio track to English.
  • -c:v copy specifies that the video codec should be copied directly (i.e. don't re-encode -- remove this if you DO need to re-encode)
  • -c:a copy specifies that the audio codec should be copied directly (i.e. don't re-encode -- remove this if you DO need to re-encode)
  • output.mp4 -- finally, list the name of the file you want the result written into.

See documentation here: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html

If you need another language in the future, I think the language abbreviations are the three letter codes from here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes -- but I'm not certain on that.

VHS , (edited ) to KDE in How to render videos with multiple audio tracks with 2 languages (select between tracks)?
@VHS@hexbear.net avatar

You can just use MKVToolNix to add the second track to the MKV file after rendering, it's still another step but doesn't require re-encoding.

If you're just trying to multiplex tracks and not actually edit the video, I'd recommend doing it entirely with MKVToolNix and skipping Kdenlive for this use. I've done this previously to combine a subbed video and a dubbed one into one file, you can offset or stretch the audio if needed as well.

e_t_ Admin , to KDE in How to convert xdg/autostart processes to systemd services?

For your unit files, you have Wants in the [Install] section. That is not correct. Wants belong in the [Unit] section. The [Install] section is where you define WantedBys. You may want to read the man page for systemd.unit.

To interact with user services, you do have to always use systemctl --user.

If you put your user unit files in /etc/systemd/user, they're accessible to all users. If a particular user wants to enable the service, they can run systemctl --user enable $service. Defining the unit in ~/.config/systemd will mean only the one user will be able to start the service. Defining the unit in /etc/systemd/system indicates it is not a user service but a system service.

boredsquirrel OP ,

Thanks a lot, I will fix them!

So even though they are placed in /etc/systemd/user every user can enable and disable them? This sounds like a good option for many services.

Do you know if it is possible to for example place them in /etc/systemd/user/kde/ to have them grouped better?

e_t_ Admin ,

Every user can enable services from /etc/systemd/user for their account. If the user doesn't log in, their instance of the service won't start. There is a way to have user services launch without logging in, but that would obviously be nonsensical for desktop services.

I don't think systemd would find units in /etc/systemd/user/KDE. Look at the mess that is /usr/lib/systemd/system. Organization doesn't seem to be a thing.

boredsquirrel OP ,


I am still a bit confused about systemd services, timers, units, targets and whatever but slowly getting there.

Also do you know how dbus activation would make sense, if it is already used in some ways and if it should be?

I think nearly all these services should run as user ones. I will fix their Wants entry and try to enable them again. Then see if some are dependencies of others, and the other way around on what they depend (like graphical.target, network-online.target, network.target etc).

Also I feel something with accessibility can be improved here, as orca and kaccess may be invoked intelligently (and otherwise dont bother users).

e_t_ Admin ,

I really don't understand dbus.

I think systemd targets work opposite to your expectation. The Wants in [unit] define the things that that unit needs to already be available. For instance, you might add Wants=network.target to the unit for nginx so that it won't try to start until the network is available. When I wrote a unit to start my company's application, I also had Wants=postgresql.service to ensure that the database came up before the application. Remember that sysyemd tries to run as many things in parallel as it can. This is one thing that makes it much faster than classic sysvinit which started things sequentially. But it means race conditions can occur. You use Wants to break those races where necessary. The targets that you'd specify in WantedBy in [install] more closely resemble SysV runlevels. You might want to read how runlevels used to work in SysV, in order to understand systemd targets.

boredsquirrel OP ,

Something ChatGPT gave me

Requires vs Wants:

  • Requires: If a unit "requires" another unit, it means that the former cannot function properly without the latter being active. If the required unit fails, the dependent unit will also fail.
  • Wants: As mentioned earlier, "wants" implies a weaker dependency. If a unit wants another unit, it will start if the wanted unit is activated, but it won't fail if the wanted unit fails.

Sounds like most of the services actually have Requires and not Wants.

So Wants is more used to indicate in what "wave" a service should run. Quite nice!

boredsquirrel OP ,

I fixed them and edited the post. There now is a Github repo for the script, and guess what? Most services still run, so there are at least 2 mechanisms to start them. What a mess

Alice , to KDE in How to convert xdg/autostart processes to systemd services?
@Alice@hilariouschaos.com avatar

Scotty pippin

boredsquirrel OP ,


Alice ,
@Alice@hilariouschaos.com avatar


Pantherina , to KDE in Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!

Btw, look at this!


louis_sch OP ,

I already know this project.

At the very beginning I was doing things the same way (it’s based on an example project from QT) but it was to limiting for what I wanted to do.

Now that I have more experience I could maybe revisit the code to see if I could use it for wysiwyg. Thanks for the reminder.

Pantherina ,

Interesting, I will wait until it appears on Flathub and compare them!

carlschwan Mod ,

I plan to move the wysiwyg part to a library (probably Kirigami Addons) so that it can be easily reused by other projects.

louis_sch OP ,

Great ! If I remember correctly I had issue mainly with images. It would be cool to have good support for that. I could find workaround for other thing if needed.

carlschwan Mod ,
Strit , to KDE in Amarok 3.0 beta (2.9.82) out now!
@Strit@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show avatar

This is the next step towards a proper KF5 based release.

Not to rain on the Amarok devs parade, but KF 6.1 was just released. Wouldn't it make more sense to start targetting KF6 instead?

carlschwan ,
@carlschwan@floss.social avatar

@Strit @leopold It takes a lot of time to port to KF6 and it is good that a release sooner than later even if it is still based on KF5.

leopold OP ,

Work on a KF5 release had already started years ago and was mostly completed. With the recent revival of the project, it made sense to take things one step at a time and complete the KF5 port first.

Strit ,
@Strit@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show avatar

That makes sense. I didn't realize that they took this long to port to KF5.

winnie , to KDE in Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!
@winnie@lemmy.ml avatar

Would it ever support Windows?

I know that some KDE apps do.

louis_sch OP ,

I have no problem with supporting Windows. However this means that I should build it and try it on Windows, which is not my top priority when it comes to OS support right now.

Flatpak is currently giving me enough problem tbh :/

louis_sch OP , to KDE in Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!

I’m open to discuss on here to :-)

takeheart ,

So I wanted to give Klevernotes a try tonight but:

  1. it doesn’t show up in Discover when searching for any of the terms Klevernotes, Klever Notes, or just klever. On the command line apt search klevernotes returns an empty result set.
  2. the install on Linux link on apps.kde.org/klevernotes/ doesn’t work either. It opens Discover but yields the error message Could not open appstream://org.kde.klevernotes because it was not found in any available software repositories. Please report this issue to the packagers of your distribution.
  3. I tried building it myself via the instructions on the GitHub repo but got stuck among the way. Building binaries is a bit beyond my expertise unfortunately.

I’m on Kubuntu 22.04 with KDE Plasma 5.24.7 in case that matters. Can also file an official bug report as the error message suggests if you advocate for it.

louis_sch OP ,

Thanks you for wanting to give it a try, and also to explain the issue clearly without being agressive, that really nice to see.

Klevernotes is a new project (± 1 year old) and doesn’t have a package right now (working on flatpak). So it’s pretty normal to not find it in Discover nor apt.

You guessed it right, you need to compile the project to test it.

I can try to guide you on how to use kde-src build to build klevernotes, but that might be a bit overkill since it will build every dependencies (useful for devs, a bit less for user). Or I can let you know when the flatpak is ready.

takeheart ,

I’ll wait for the flatpak in that case. Too many other things I also want to do these days 😀.

louis_sch OP ,

I’ll let you know when I get it to work ;-)

carlschwan Mod , to KDE in Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!


Pantherina , to KDE in Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!

Cool app! I use Markdown a lot but think it makes little sense for writing notes. You want the text you write resemble what you mean, its for yourself not some latex project others should read.

So I prefer Nextclouds editor a lot. Using something similar would be revolutionary, for sure an efficient Qt/Iced app is nice, but its nothing new.

diazona ,
@diazona@techhub.social avatar

@Pantherina @louis_sch Markdown does resemble what you mean though. Like, that's part of the intent of Markdown (and also part of why it became so popular), that the raw markup is readable and lends itself to being understood in the same way as the formatted version. The markup for emphasis actually looks like emphasis; the markup for a list looks like a list; likewise for a section header, or a table or footnote if you're using a variant that supports those, or so on. So I don't think that particular argument that Markdown is not good for note-taking holds up very well.

Pantherina ,

Sorry “display what you mean” is of course a “WYGIWYM” triggerword. I mean notes should have bold headers, not hashtags. It is readable but its strange to use. Why not use plain text then? I think the separation between writing and viewing is strange, as this makes little sense for stuff you write and read alone.

diazona ,
@diazona@techhub.social avatar

@Pantherina "I mean notes should have bold headers, not hashtags." OK, but that reflects what you want from a notes app, not what everyone wants. And of course that's totally fine, you can get that from a notes app that has WYSIWYG formatting if you find that it works for you. But I would suggest that it doesn't make sense for you to enter a discussion about a Markdown notes app and tell a bunch of people, for many of whom that app probably works pretty well, that they're making a bad choice to use it because it doesn't offer the behavior you want.

For what it's worth, I think a lot of people use Markdown notes apps in a way that you might not be considering. Like, this separation between writing and viewing that you're talking about simply doesn't exist in my note-taking workflow. I usually just read the raw markup, possibly with some minimal formatting added on by whatever app I'm using.

Pantherina ,

But I would suggest that it doesn’t make sense for you to enter a discussion about a Markdown notes app and…

I dont. I just think that writing inline Markdown formatting is really nice and better than clicking buttons, and at the same time I think that Nextcloud Notes has a pretty nice concept.

So it you view the raw code always, what is the benefit of markdown here? I dont see how

<span style="color:#323232;">### Header

Is better than

<span style="color:#323232;">--- Header ---

Which is what I normally use as header formatting in scripts etc.

ianp5a , (edited )
@ianp5a@mastodon.cloud avatar

@Pantherina @diazona @louis_sch
Having an option to choose should keep twice as many people happy. The markdown apps I use, don't show any formatting marks, and have style icons. Lots of us outside the IT world are used to this wysiwyg way.

louis_sch OP ,

I can understand the use case for WYSIWYG and I have thought about it many time, but I have not found a good enough solution to integrate it into the app.

At the beginning, I made the choice to use the Markdown format for a pretty selfish reason. This was just a private project for me to learn both C++ and markdown. Now that it kind of got out of hand in that regard (I’m pretty happy about it), I really don’t regret Markdown.

Your note are stored directly on your drive in a markdown file, which mean that, if for whatever reason you want to open it outside of the app, you can, without any issue.

Now, for the editor/preview. Both can be disable (not at the same time), so you can just focus on the editor, or just focus on the final result. You can also just print your note as a Pdf, I’ve wrote some school project paper like this lol.

I hope it makes sens, it’s a bit early here, let me know if you want more info :-)

Pantherina ,

Did you try Nextcloud notes? I think it is pretty cool.

Does it use Pandoc or something else for the PDF conversion? Very cool!

louis_sch OP ,

I don’t have next cloud but yes I saw their note app. This kind of wysiwyg is ok imo, and that’s what I would do if I had a solution for this issue (still searching to this day).

Nop, I grab the pdf directly from the preview which is basicly a Web page

Pantherina ,

I am also not sure how this could work, their approach is very different and likely more messy. Switching between codeview and WYSIWYG view also has some issues, like backspace not switching to the previous line etc.

louis_sch OP ,

Well, I could not have found a better argument to defend markdown. Bravo !

sonnenzeit , to KDE in Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!

Didn’t even know that this existed. Will have to try. Thumbs up for using mark up which makes it easy to export/import notes.

louis_sch OP ,

It’s pretty knew and still in incubator, so it’s not well known.

I started the project partially to learn markdown, and I quickly found out that this was a really cool format to deal with

Let me know what you think about it when you try it ;-)

PlexSheep , to KDE in Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!

Never heard of it but seems really nice. Good work

louis_sch OP ,

It’s been roughly a year since it has been added to the KDE incubator, and I started working on it like 2-3 months before that, so it’s fearly new.

And thanks, I’m working hard to improve it even more ;-)

frogmint ,

Very cool! Nice work!

louis_sch OP ,

Thanks !

FatLegTed , to KDE in I really hope that they do let us know what went wrong with Neon during Plasma 6's release. I love Neon, and will stick with it.
@FatLegTed@feddit.uk avatar

I put it onto a USB stick and was running g it for a couple of days from that. No issues at all.

Currently waiting for it to be available on Endeavour.

BumblebeeMan ,
@BumblebeeMan@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I put it onto a USB stick and was running g it for a couple of days from that. No issues at all.

Yeah, the described issues only happend to the new release of the “User Edition”. ;-)

Moshpirit , to KDE in KleverNotes: Monthly news
@Moshpirit@lemmy.world avatar

Looks promising ♥️

louis_sch OP ,

Thanks, I’m doing my best to add features.

If you have any idea let me know, currently I’m adding features that are useful for me, but I would love to help other too :-)

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