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kde , to KDE avatar

Phone Link is Microsoft's late and closed source alternative to KDE Connect. It requires you sign in to a Microsoft Account for it to work.

This means all the transactions between your phone and your PC are monitored and sucked up by Microsoft.


mox ,

KDE Connect also runs on more operating systems. It's worth mentioning to friends who run Windows.

mox ,

Do you have the xdg-desktop-portal-kde package installed?

be4foss , to KDE avatar

MacBook Air owner?

2018/2019 models are losing support.

with / to keep your device in use! These machines will run beautifully for many years to come.

Not only wallet friendly, keeps CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Ca. 75% of Apple's emissions comes from production alone (details in alt text).

Sustainable, independent : Better for users, best for the .


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  • mox , (edited )

    On the other hand, I can put an open OS on my Android and get security updates long after the manufacturer has abandoned it. Can't do that with an iPhone. (But honestly, few Android devices make it easy, and none that I know of allow every little part of the system to be supported this way.)

    It's about time we started legally requiring manufacturers to unlock our hardware when support ends, and release the driver specs ahead of time, so the open software community can take over support. The unending accumulation of e-waste due to nothing more than abandoned software is unforgivable.

    This goes hand-in-hand with the right to repair.

    mox ,

    and your only option is to drop another couple grand for a whole new device

    ...and send another whole system into the waste stream. It's incredibly irresponsible.

    mox ,

    OEM support for the device is needed because an alternate OS cannot provide firmware updates otherwise.

    Firmware and drivers can be made open, just as other software can be made open. It's really just a matter of incentives. In my experience, law tends to be a pretty effective incentive.

    If the bill of materials included the legal requirements discussed here, then a component supplier would either start producing open firmware/specs, or they would lose that market to another supplier.

    Obviously, Android would not be the only project/product affected by such a legal change.

    mox , (edited )

    Yes, Alt+Wheel normally works. I think it's a standard shortcut in Qt apps. (Gtk apps use Shift+Wheel.)

    This assumes you're not in Fit Width or Fit Page mode, of course.

    mox ,

    Alt+Wheel works for me. Plasma 5.27.5, Qt 5.15.8, Okular 22.12.3.

    Is it possible you have overridden the default shortcuts, or something is interfering with them?

    Do you have an unusual mouse wheel, like one that rolls freely instead of in steps, or a touchpad-simulated one?

    Maybe you've discovered a Plasma 6 bug?

    mox , (edited )

    I use KDE on Debian. I have not encountered this, nor can I think of a reason why showkey would break a user's desktop session.

    If the GUI login screen is still visible when it hangs, I suppose sddm might be having trouble. To investigate, I would run journalctl -f in a text console, and maybe tail -F /var/log/Xorg.0.log* in another, while attempting a GUI login. When it hangs, I would switch back to the text consoles and see if the most recent log messages hint at what's hanging.

    *(Or whichever log file corresponds to the new X session, assuming you're using Xorg instead of Wayland.)

    Could the fingerprint reader be causing the problem on the main account?

    mox , (edited )

    Another thought: Is it possible that your original user account (which hangs) is trying to log in to an X session while the new one (which works) is using a Wayland session, or vice-versa? That might explain the difference in behavior if only one of the two session types is broken.

    Good luck!

    tobozo , (edited ) to KDE avatar

    omg KDE @kde if it ain't broken, fix it until it is?

    mox , (edited )

    I don't know what this image is supposed to tell us, but I can confirm that KCalc behaves badly in some common situations. (At least, it does in Plasma 5.) Want to see an example?

    Put it in Simple Mode, and try copying and pasting various multi-digit numbers with leading zeroes. Some of them work fine. Others, like 054 and 009, yield surprising results.


    054 becomes 44
    009 becomes nan

    A programmer or mathematician might be able to deduce that KCalc is trying to interpret those numbers as octal (base 8 instead of base 10), if they're paying close attention. That doesn't help anyone who is just trying to total a bunch of numbers from a document, using their default desktop calculator, and doesn't notice a misinterpreted value along the way. Their total will just be wrong, or in the case of nan, they will just be frustrated that the calculator doesn't work.

    This behavior is probably not appropriate for Simple Mode.

    It does the same thing even in Numerical System Mode with decimal (base 10) explicitly selected, which is absolutely not appropriate.

    mox , (edited )

    I followed your steps and got 8 in KCalc 22.12.3.

    Perhaps you found a bug in your version? You can search for existing bug reports, or create new ones, here:

    kde , to KDE avatar

    Amarok, KDE's legendary music player, is out with version 3.0.1.


    mox ,

    I tried Clementine for a while, but I didn't like how careless the developers were with privacy and security. For example, quietly downloading and executing a Spotify blob (even when I don't use Spotify), and sending pings to a geolocation service without my permission.

    mox ,

    I'm pretty happy with Cantata for now, but if it ever fails me, it's nice to know Amarok might be a decent alternative.

    mox , (edited )

    You might also check to see if it has already downloaded any .so files. (These are executable code, like Windows DLLs.) I found one in $HOME/.config/Clementine/spotifyblob/ when I used it a few years ago, but recent versions may store them elsewhere or do it conditionally.

    mox ,

    The blob wasn't packaged with the application. Clementine downloaded the blob after installation. It's possible that it doesn't do this automatically any more, or does it under different conditions. I have no reason to investigate further, since I no longer use it.

    mox ,

    Not rendering. Muxing, which is short for multiplexing. Lots of software can do this, including MKVToolNix, ffmpeg, and GPAC/MP4Box. If you're also encoding the video, Handbrake could do the job.

    Maybe I'm just new, but I just realized you can Ctrl-select or Ctrl-dblclick individual, separate pieces of text and copy them to the clipboard in one operation.

    I have no idea how long this has been a thing, and maybe every clipboard works that way, not just Plasma, and I never realized it. It also lets you do things like Rt-click on it and do the regular operations like Search in Firefox. Spaces aren't preserved unless you specifically select them but search engines seem to be able...

    mox ,

    Are you talking about selecting multiple unconnected sections of text, so that they are highlighted at the same time? I think that's a Firefox feature.

    Or are you talking about selecting something and then something else, so that only the last thing is highlighted, and finding both selections listed as separate items in KDE's clipboard manager?

    mox ,

    Neat. Where does the name come from? What does it mean?

    mox ,

    Petition the KDE maintainers to make it work like all the other KDE Background Services, rather than the ridiculous current approach of launching it at session start (whether the user wants it or not) and allowing systemd to automatically re-launch it (also against the user's wishes).

    mox , (edited )

    It uses a dbus service definition to make it re-launch when that service is called.

    mox ,

    I suspect @mox is confused somehow

    Then you are mistaken.

    Read the bug report, and look at /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kdeconnect.service . I have observed the same behavior described there.

    mox , (edited )

    That’s not a systemd service definition, it’s a dbus one

    It's both. They can work together to accomplish the the launch.

    There are cases where systemd doesn't take part, but that's irrelevant to the point I made. (Nevertheless, my follow-up comment did mention dbus.)

    mox ,

    If you're comfortable with user-contributed task switchers downloaded with the Get New Task Switchers button, there's one called MediumDefault by user "adhe" that resembles the one I last used on Windows. I don't know if it's different in modern Windows versions.

    mox , (edited )

    Why would you drop a 10GB file in /tmp and leave it there?

    Every decent app I've used that processes large files also moves them to a final location when finished, in which case it makes sense not to use /tmp for those, because doing so would turn that final move operation into a copy (unless you happen to have /tmp on the same filesystem as the target location). That's why such applications usually let you configure the directory they use for their large temp files, or else create temp files in the target dir to begin with.

    For what it's worth, I changed my /tmp to a tmpfs years ago, even on a 16GB system, for performance and to minimize SSD wear. I think it was only ever restrictive once or twice, and nothing terrible happened; I just had to clear some space or choose a different dir for whatever I was doing.

    It's worth reviewing the tmpfs docs to make sure you understand how that memory is actually managed. It's not like a simple RAM disk.

    mox ,

    Why would it matter the reason of dropping a file of X size? The point is that not all applications are “decent” and some will undoubtedly use /tmp because “it might be the most logical thing” for any developer that’s not really up to date.

    It matters because it's the difference between a real-world situation, and a fabricated scenario that you expect to be problematic but doesn't generally happen.

    All filesystems have limits, and /tmp in particular has traditionally been sized much smaller than the root or home filesystems, regardless of what backing store is used. This has been true for as long as unix has existed, because making it large by default was (and is) usually a waste of disk space. Making it a tmpfs doesn't change much.

    The point is that not all applications are “decent” and some will undoubtedly use /tmp because “it might be the most logical thing” for any developer that’s not really up to date.

    In my experience, the developers of such applications discover their mistake pretty quickly after their apps start seeing wide use, when their users complain about /tmp filling up and causing failures. The devs then fix their code. That's why we don't see it often in practice.

    I don’t see how reviewing the tmpfs helps in this scenario if at all…

    I mentioned it in case it helps you to understand that the memory is used more efficiently than you might think. Perhaps that could relieve some of your concern about using it on a 16GB system. Perhaps not. Just trying to help.

    we are talking about end-users your common joe/dane running your day to day applications, whatever they may be.

    We are? I don't see them echoing your concerns. Perhaps that's because this is seldom a problem.

    mox ,

    it wasn’t hard to implement huge part of the markdown specification.

    I wonder why you implemented part of markdown, rather than using QTextDocument's existing markdown support. Is something that you need missing?

    I already have some patches up for review in Qt.

    Will you submit one for Qt's markdown functionality as well?

    be4foss , to KDE avatar

    Selenium automation for measuring software's energy consumption?

    @prady0t wants to guide you!

    Read about his Season of KDE 2024 work on documentation for AT-SPI, including video guides for the community.

    "How Selenium Helps Build Sustainable Software (And More)"

    Keep an eye here for the videos (coming soon)!


    mox ,

    The underlying issue is part of why I avoid Electron (and similarly bloated) apps. I hope the drive for efficiency that was once a necessary part of software development once again takes hold.

    Amarok might be coming back in 2024

    Amarok was KDE’s flagship music player during the KDE3 and Plasma 4 days. For Plasma 5, a new music player called Elisa was created with Kirigami which is the current KDE flagship music player. The last full release of Amarok was 2.9.0 in 2018, still targeting Qt4. A Plasma 5 port was started with the intention of being...

    mox , (edited )

    I’m glad to see revived interest in a full-featured music player.

    Others who find Elisa too simplistic might want to give Cantata a try. Unfortunately, its development has stopped, but it still works well in my experience. (It uses mpd for decoding and playback, so formats and encodings remain up to date, and that stuff stays hidden in the background rather than burdening the user with mpd configuration/management.)

    I used Clementine for a while when I was on a Gtk desktop, but privacy problems led me to abandon it. (It loaded Spotify’s proprietary code blobs and quietly pinged geolocation services without asking my permission.)

    Most Kirigami apps don’t both with this at all

    Was that part of the sentence an autocorrect error? I don’t know how to parse it.

    mox ,

    For what it’s worth, Cantata configures and manages mpd for you, in the background. It’s mostly just an implementation detail.

    mox , (edited )

    I hope you’ll report the problem, so it can be fixed.

    mox ,

    Edited. Thanks.

    mox , (edited )

    Is that the launcher called Application Dashboard? I don’t see a way to do what you’re asking with that one.

    The default one in Plasma 5.27 (Application Launcher) makes the leave buttons somewhat configurable. It might be worth a try.

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