Kraven_the_Hunter , to Politics in Negotiators release $118 billion border bill as GOP leaders call it dead in the House
some_guy , to Politics in Senate Republicans cast serious doubt on fate of bipartsan immigration deal

Expecting anything different is lunacy.

Lath , to washington in Mountain bikers attacked by cougar on trail in Washington state

If you're getting attacked by more than one cougar, then you're the one doing something wrong.

morphballganon , to Politics in In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call

If Reagan is in the top half, how am I supposed to take the list seriously? Or are you telling me ~28 presidents were actually worse?

Pronell ,

Reagan was loved by the country at the time and was extremely effective at implementing his agenda.

All of it is monstrous to me as well, but to compare him to Trump, who didn’t even try to implement much of an agenda and literally had ZERO party platform for his second term… it makes a little more sense in that context.

jordanlund , to Politics in In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call avatar

“Trump’s overall rating was 10.92, easily the worst showing, while Biden’s 62.66 had him tied with John Adams. Some of Biden’s appeal could be due to the person he followed in the Oval Office.”

Biden’s biggest achievements have been fixing the cluster-fuck Trump left him (cough - Covid - cough). If Trump hadn’t come before him, Biden would be seen largely as a placeholder President. Someone keeping the seat warm until the next Democrat can come in.

NightGaunts OP ,

Also worth crediting him on the infrastructure deal. This piece of legislation had a lot of needed stuff in it.
For instance
Money to replace lead service pipes
Money for bridges, etc
A HUGE sorely needed investment in public transportation including passenger rail
Various green initiatives (ev charger network, solar and power efficiency incentives)

It has been a really long time since the federal government has delivered anything (besides tax cuts that lean towards the wealthy) so it's a big deal that this was pushed through.

jordanlund , avatar

The infrastructure deal is largely invisible. The value behind it won’t be seen for decades and there will be years of fraud and abuse it will have to overcome.…/democrats-shrinking-infrastructure……

NightGaunts OP ,

Fair enough, it was watered down in the name of compromise. The last piece of major legislation that I was enthusiastic about was the ACA, and look what that ended being after negotiation/compromise - better than nothing I guess, but, in my opinion, a lost opportunity due to poor leadership. Biden has been fairly effective in that context.

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in How far can cities go to clear homeless camps? The U.S. Supreme Court will decide

City efforts to manage growing tent encampments usually take the form of punishing people for sleeping outside.

Will the right-wing court side with the cities because right-wingers love punishing people (especially the poor), or will they side with the homeless to stick it to liberal cities?

bedrooms , to Politics in How far can cities go to clear homeless camps? The U.S. Supreme Court will decide

Why do you let unelected judges decide your policies?

Disclaimer: I know.

not_that_guy05 , to Politics in Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are 'children' under state law

I highly recommend people freezing as many embryos and doing s tax credit on them at a state level. Also, federal should not provide any more to the state for said children. And build a wall around the state.

Quetzlcoatl , to Politics in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them? avatar

Selling golden shoes apparently… No, really.

atzanteol , to Politics in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them?

“Thank you for coming to my campaign event. Let me tell you why I’m the right choice for America and why a reverse mortgate may be right for you…”

style99 , to Politics in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them? avatar

The same way he "pays" all his bills: by ignoring them.

KyoStarr , to Politics in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them? avatar
superduperenigma , to Politics in RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says she'll step down March 8

Someone should steal her mail and smear shit on her walls, or as she calls it: engaging in “legitimate political discourse.”

NovaPrime , (edited ) to Politics in Alabama justice's ties with far-right Christian movement raise concern avatar

You mean the old clown who straight up quoted his favorite fiction book and referred to Christianity multiple times in his opinion is a Christian fundamentalist?! Who could have imagined this!!

spider , (edited ) to U.S. News in Places across the U.S. are testing no-strings cash as part of the social safety net

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  • eveninghere , (edited )

    IBM chief executive Ginni Rometty says “there is not one more important [topic] for all of us” than the potential of technology to create inequality by concentrating huge wealth in the hands of a few.

    This is quoted to forecast the world without the UBI. But maybe this explains, in a strange manner, why Musk supports the UBI.

    I mean that, the idea among the rich on the UBI is perhaps to rip people off job opportunities and concentrate money to them. The UBI would be a handy excuse for getting people off work. If that happens, we replace $30k, say, annual salary with $10k UBI.

    I know I’m a paranoid, but we should be careful if the rich welcome something.

    eveninghere , (edited )

    Another thing to notice here is that Musk’s world view is consistently “rich gets richer” and, naturally, his premise on the UBI is the same: the rich will take away the jobs thanks to AIs. The ordinary will be on the UBI instead. We’re gonna fuck you, and you don’t fly away.

    If he really cared about the ordinary, he’d not treat joblessness as inevitability in his argument. Because it’s him who has the power to make the ordinary richer, and he doesn’t engage on that at all. No way. No way he actually cares about the ordinary in his UBI argument.

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