Drusas , to Seattle in At Mariners' Request, Mayor's Office Pushed for Encampment Removal to "Make Opening Day Great" Last Year

I mean, surely we all already knew that his saying the sweeps and clean up of the area were unrelated was a lie. He should have just been open about it.

BrianTheFirst , to Seattle in City Appeals Graffiti Injunction, Council Restricts Public Comment, Candidates Include Lots of Landlords - PubliCola

What a strange thing to focus on

Drusas , to Seattle in City's Primary Tool for Sweeping Encampments Without Notice Ruled Unconstitutional - PubliCola

While I sympathize with those who don't have houses to sleep in, as a disabled person, I will point out that blocking the sidewalk at all makes it unusable for many disabled people. Not just "completely blocking" the sidewalk, as is mentioned in this article. It does constantly feel that the city and the country care more for the homeless than they do for the disabled. It sure would be nice if they really cared about either.

Mediocre_Bard , to Seattle in No Solutions for Unsheltered Burien Residents After Another Contentious Council Meeting

I mean, Burien doesn’t want ANY homeless people in their city. Maybe they should just come out and say that rather than do all this bullshit.

Chickenstalker , to Seattle in An Outreach Worker's Offer to Homeless Shelter Residents Sounded Too Good To Be True. Turns Out, It Was - PubliCola

Turns out it was…Publicola. oh no no no no no no no

kinther OP , avatar

Yeah the title sounds like a Scooby Doo mystery

Drusas OP , to Politics in [News] "Write a Check for $11,000. She Was 26, She Had Limited Value." SPD Officer Jokes with Police Union Leader About Killing of Pedestrian by Fellow Cop - PubliCola

Seattle PD has been under a consent decree for the last decade for over-use of force and racist practices. The decree is about to end (and the PD is petitioning to end it early), and the problem has not improved. It's gotten worse.

There's all this talk here (I'm a Seattleite) of how the police is trying to regain trust or is frustrated at the lack of trust, but they don't take accountability for their actions.

10% of all homicides in Seattle are committed by the police. They don't show up when you report a shooting.

I wonder why we don't trust them.

RandAlThor ,

The blatant disregard for human life should be enough cause for them to be fired from a public post.

Drusas OP ,

We need national licensing for police. And an overhaul of training (which should be much, much longer and much less violence-oriented). We need to take military equipment out of their hands. We need to largely disarm them (firearms, not other, "less lethal"methods, necessarily), except for certain specialized officers, such as they do in England. Training requirements should be the same throughout the entire country. Repeated training should be required. Training on the actual law should be required (before they get their license to become a cop). Some sort of organization that provides serious oversight, which is not comprised of politicians or anybody related to the justice system in any way, should be required.

It's so easy for them to commit a crime in one jurisdiction and then just move a town over on the off chance that they lose their job over the crime they committed. And they never go to prison for the things they should (well, rarely), so we also need to get rid of qualified immunity. Which is a made-up concept invented by SCOTUS to begin with.

MonsterHighStan , avatar

I agree completely with everything you've said. The way it is now, the police are pretty much just a legally protected gang. It doesn't feel like they're here to protect civilians at all. I just have one question - does it make sense to take guns away from cops when the US has a gun problem? In England there are significantly fewer guns, which is just one of several reasons why it works for the police there. I feel we would need significant overhaul to be able to get to the same point, and only after we did so could they start to build trust with the public again.

Drusas OP ,

Cops pull out guns on traffic stops. Talk about an escalation. I would be surprised if cops weren't much more likely to escalate to firearms than the suspect is.

Unaware7013 ,

They absolutely are. Hell, one of my most vivid memories is getting into my buddy's grandmother's jeep tracker at a hobby store parking lot, and a cop walked up and unholstered his gun to talk to a couple teenagers.

Our crime? Using a handicap stall while driving a car with a handicap placard in the license plate.

QHC , avatar

They can keep their guns if they pass mandatory training.

Most cops don't ever fire a weapon on duty over the course of their entire career, so most of them don't actually need to be armed all the time.

tdawg , to Seattle in King County Regional Homelessness Authority lays off homeless advocates; abandoning 5-year commitment

Fucking hell. Who the fuck do I have to vote against to get this reinstated? Literally the best program we could have hoped for to have a permanent solution for the issue at hand

BeautifulMind , to Seattle in King County Regional Homelessness Authority lays off homeless advocates; abandoning 5-year commitment avatar

Yeah the NPR weekend roundup talked about the city ending this program, and cited the costs as a reason for shutting it down- and strangely, there was zero mention of Seattle adding $20M to what it spends on police.

So, instead of dealing with homelessness by helping the homeless out of it, they’ve elected to re-org Seattle DOT back into SPD.

I was about shouting at the radio asking them when they’d consider funding homelessness outreach out of cuts to the police budget but noooo Seattle media people seem to think the answer to any problem is cops

sleet01 , avatar

Seattle media come in three types:

  1. Sinclair, so, unabashedly authoritarian; they actively lobby for more cops no matter what.
  2. Incapable (sorry KING 5, you guys ain’t evil but you ain’t competent either); they just pass on whatever the SPD has to say.
  3. Independent / Fringe; they don’t support the cops but they’re on shoestring budgets and have limited effectiveness.

So we’re pretty much screwed on the media front.

kalkulat , (edited ) to Seattle in King County Regional Homelessness Authority lays off homeless advocates; abandoning 5-year commitment avatar

Seattle needs to -completely- separate the homeless dilemma from the hands of ALL government agencies. The money just goes down some rat-hole and/or to padding their worthless existence after they do some self-promoting hand-waving. FAIL FAIL FAIL.

Good things don’t happen, just more stalling. For decades. Take it away from the City of Stall.

Helsinki is the same size, and had its program going great guns 5-10 years ago … -big- reductions by then. It starts with a home. A stable place to get your life together.

bigbadmoose , to Seattle in “Nightmare Tenant” Story Amplified by Seattle Times Crumbles Under Scrutiny

Fuck landlords

dhcmrlchtdj__ OP , to Seattle in “Nightmare Tenant” Story Amplified by Seattle Times Crumbles Under Scrutiny avatar

As always, great reporting from PubliCola.

62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, homelessness rates continue to rise in Seattle, yet the Times continually choses to eschew reality and side with the conservative minority in the city.

Sunforged ,

That’s cuz the Times is a union busting rat rag.

Same as it ever was.

lolcatnip ,

Source? I tried searching and nothing relevant turned up.

Sunforged ,

During the 7 week strike in 2001 the Times fired striking workers and hired scabs “permanently”. Part of the final deal was to rehire union members and let go of the scabs. But they quickly downsized in the following year, this was really the start of them utilizing syndicated reports instead of having a robust journalism team.

But the Times has always been against labor. It’s not a unique ideology amongst our current media landscape but good God is it tiresome.

neuracnu , to Seattle in “Nightmare Tenant” Story Amplified by Seattle Times Crumbles Under Scrutiny avatar

Aaaaand the pull quote that ties the whole thing together:

Headlines about a nightmare tenant and a homeless landlord get more attention than stories about a somewhat rudderless guy from a privileged background making a hash of managing his father’s property. Hunter said The Seattle Times didn’t even contact him before running Roth’s self-serving version of the story.

kf076948 , to Seattle in A Foregone Conclusion: Tanya Woo appointed to Seattle city council two months after losing election

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  • neuracnu OP , avatar

    Kshama Sawant did not run for re-election during the last election cycle. Her seat is now filled by Joy Hollingsworth who was elected in Nov 2023.

    specseaweed , to Seattle in Harrell Considered Hiring Ceis to Embed in Homelessness Authority, Council Starts Government 101 Briefings - PubliCola

    Boy that name just keeps popping up doesn’t it? You’d think we elected him to something.

    Sunforged , to Seattle in Harrell Considered Hiring Ceis to Embed in Homelessness Authority, Council Starts Government 101 Briefings - PubliCola

    “It would be great to audit the full budget, but that’s not practical,” Rivera said. This is something their opponents noted repeatedly on the campaign trail, but both stuck with their “audit the budget” promise until the end of the campaign, abandoning it only once they were securely on the council.

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