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Sunforged ,

This is such a weird thing to get hung up on, I understood exactly where on I-5 the crash happened.

Sunforged ,

You're right, but probably not in the way you intended. Better use of tuition money than tax dollars funding genocide.

Sunforged ,

I like that he often pauses to formulate how to express his thoughts.

Great interview.

Sunforged ,

Do you need any help organizing your co-workers to put up a fight for the next contract?

Sunforged ,

And we have a city council that wants to remove "the red tape" from the hiring process. What a joke.

Sunforged ,

Hey there, I worked in the market for 5 years at a produce stand and still have contact with many vendors through my current job.

The big money customers are regulars who come down to the market weekly or bi-weekly to get a service level that is not provided at a regular grocery store. Those customers drop hundreds of dollars at multiple vendors and absolutely do drive through to get loaded up after shopping. Many of those customers are retirees that absolutely could not carry their purchases down to the parking garage.

The market is a very unique place and if it caters only to the tourists it will kill what makes it a tourist destination in the first place. It would become even more hollowed out as it drives away locals.

Sunforged ,

Pretty disingenuous to say a person that can’t carry $400 worth of groceries shouldn’t be able to drive.

It will cease to be a market is my point, but hey we can just fill in that space with more corpo restaurants like the most recent addition. Problem solved I guess.

Sunforged , (edited )

I’m sharing my point of view as someone that has an direct understanding of not only the businesses in the market but their profit margins (historic businesses are already on a subsidized lease if you didn’t know). If you want to write off that experience as unimportant then go ahead.

We’re literally talking about parking only the western side of the market rather than the eastern side.

Tell me you’ve never shopped at the market without ever telling me you’ve never shopped at the market. That is the side of the market with the butcher, the produce, the fish mongers its literally “the market” side.

You keep talking about safety but I have yet to see an extensive report on traffic incidents that compares to other downtown areas. I’ve spent my entire life going to the market and not once have I felt unsafe, I’ve yelled at a couple drivers but that’s not unique to the market.

Sunforged ,

Do you not think it’s odd that the non-profit Freinds of the Market, the organization that actually saved the market in the first place is against closing the street. An organization whose ongoing goal is “Support and promote activities to ensure Pike Place Market’s historic and traditional use as a farmers’ market.”

I feel like many of the most vocal advocates for shutting down the street are ones who never actually use Pike Place as a market, but instead see it as a fun place to go out to lunch or look at the craft tables.

Sunforged ,

I’ve helped customers down to western before or out to the parking garage on the occasional festival day that does close the street. What could be an easy load in 2 minutes becomes a 30 minute walk round trip. That’s 28 minutes I could have been making sales to street traffic on top of that large order. Nothing to you as a customer buying a few bags, but I just cannot stress enough that it matters to the vendors and will impact their already low bottom line. Their are no adjacent streets that provide easy access to the market and that’s pointed out in the article.

Sunforged ,

There are possible solutions, like a voucher to enter that vendors could hand out to customers. The problem is the traffic density of 1st and Pike and the problems of clueless tourists doesn’t go away. There is not an easy turnaround for a car that doesn’t have a voucher and now your holding up traffic in an intersection, you see it every time the market does shutdown traffic. Cars at least go slow through the market, 1st is way more of a public safety issue with the speed for cars getting stuck and trying to turn around.

Sunforged , (edited )

OP is literally the opposite of solidarity smdh.

Sunforged ,

Sara “human-powered water transportation as a viable alternative mode of transport for people and goods” Nelson is a font of bad ideas.

Sunforged ,

Commercial canoes in Elliott Bay. I wish I was joking.

Sunforged ,

I’m still cracking up your off-hand joke is a legit better (yet inhumane) solution than the actual idea.

Sunforged ,

Check out On Strike! on YouTube for labor news and analysis without capitalist spin.

Sunforged OP ,


The vast majority of metropolitan areas are controlled by democrats. I live in Seattle and we haven’t had a Republican mayor since 1969, well before I was even born, I can’t remember a Republican making it past the primaries for city council in my adult life.

Did you actually watch the video or not?

Sunforged ,

“It would be great to audit the full budget, but that’s not practical,” Rivera said. This is something their opponents noted repeatedly on the campaign trail, but both stuck with their “audit the budget” promise until the end of the campaign, abandoning it only once they were securely on the council.

Sunforged ,

So many stupid loopholes we have to jump through because we can’t have income tax. So sick of stupid people voting against their own interests.

Sunforged ,

Support the union drive at Amazon KCVG airhub! The airhub is a choke point and would be a huge win, as well as encourage other warehouses to unionize.

Sunforged ,

And the libs cheered.

Sunforged ,

They sure did when Kshama’s district got gerrymandered to shit. Now all we are left with are these liberals posing as progressives with all the wonderful policy that goes with it.

Sunforged ,

Seattle has very limited places you can get to on it. SeaTac to downtown is great but neighborhood connections are all via bus. We are working on it and hopefully by the time my kids are adults they can actually get around the city using it.

Solidarity to drivers though, fuck rideshare companies.

Sunforged ,

That’s cuz the Times is a union busting rat rag.

Same as it ever was.

Sunforged ,

During the 7 week strike in 2001 the Times fired striking workers and hired scabs “permanently”. Part of the final deal was to rehire union members and let go of the scabs. But they quickly downsized in the following year, this was really the start of them utilizing syndicated reports instead of having a robust journalism team.

But the Times has always been against labor. It’s not a unique ideology amongst our current media landscape but good God is it tiresome.

Sunforged , (edited )

Actions like this do little other than make the people participating feel good. Edit: I hate that phrase, let me restate that. Actions like this do little other than diffuse revolutionary energy by wasting peoples effort with ineffective and often counter productive action. I don’t say that to take away from the energy and need to do something that people feel, but it’s constructive criticism on where that energy should be directed.

For real effective change we need to be engaging the working people at Boeing to organize within their union to enact a strike over the company’s involvement in Gaza. Actions like this and the one in the port of Tacoma refuse (don’t think?) to bring in union workers to their organizing, treating them antagonistic instead. This ends up being detrimental to the cause as it turns off fellow working class people to the goals of the protest.

Organizing tables day after day at Boeing to engage with employees is not as exciting as blocking roads and chanting, it’s hard and can lead to conversations that are difficult to navigate, but it’s the kind of approach that is much more effective in actually making progress.

'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs ( )

I assume that somebody, somewhere, has done the detached corporate penny-pinching to make this all make sense on paper. But this is a disastrous move from a consumer goodwill standpoint. If you have the CEO of a studio which handed you a major commercial success publicly mourning the depth and scope of your layoffs, something's...

Sunforged ,

Don’t forget sending Pinkertons to intimidate and reclaim cards from a YouTuber because they fucked up and sent him product yet to be released.

Sunforged ,

When the average person is being told by Biden that the economy is doing great but don’t see it in housing/food/gas prices where all their money goes, you can bet people will swing back to the lunacy of the right. When you only have two options and are desperate for change what option do people feel they have?

We desperately need third party options.

Sunforged ,

Tried? No. A few paid lip service. If the democratic party wanted something done they would get it done.

Sunforged ,

Not a king. But the bully pulpit has considerable power to shape public discourse.

All I have seen from the administration is explaining how Bidenomics are a huge success, and look at these amazing numbers on a graph that don’t represent working class struggles. It’s a waste of breath when they could be pushing for policies that would make material change for working class people.

He sure as shit used the bully pulpit to explain why breaking up the railway strike was “in our best interests”.

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