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tdawg ,

Honesty I thought the article was going to be about fusion style food and got excited

tdawg OP ,

Thanks, I’ll have to check that out

tdawg OP ,

Honestly I just remember her winning by a landslide in the first round, but maybe I’m making that up

Thanks for the sources, that’s a huge help

tdawg ,

Fucking hell. Who the fuck do I have to vote against to get this reinstated? Literally the best program we could have hoped for to have a permanent solution for the issue at hand

tdawg ,

Over the next 20 years, Seattle is expected to need 3,500 new homes every year for people with low and moderate incomes. The levy is expected to fund 3,200 new homes in that income range over seven years.

Am I stupid or is this saying the program is literally 1/7th as funded as it needs to be (if passed)?

tdawg ,

They do if you have taxes on captial gains :)

tdawg ,

Most tax programs which apply to capital gains apply to the sell and exchange of the stock. Dividends are also taxed (at least here in the states). So yes, you get taxed no matter what you do unless it’s a net loss

tdawg ,

How do you feel about limiting loans against assets and total wealth based taxes?

In general I try to avoid talking about these things because people get touchy and act like the situation is hopeless. Captial Gains taxes does have an affect and it does improve the situation. And obviously what you brought up are clear concerns with how it is often setup today. So I’m interested in how we could continue to make things better in that regard

tdawg ,

Yes that’s why I said “total wealth based taxes.” If you want to make a meaningful contribution to the conversation maybe actually read what other people are talking about

tdawg ,

Damn I guess I’m not supporting the ma-and-pa places next to my apartment when I eat there literally 7 days a week. Time to go back into the office for this bullshit argument

tdawg ,

Pissed more people aren’t pissed about this

The impact of the wave of strike activity goes far beyond the 2024 election: A revitalized labor movement could lead to a fairer economy for decades to come ( )

Last week, both President Joe Biden and Donald Trump traveled to Michigan. Many in the media cast these visits as similar efforts to woo union voters for the 2024 election. But that is mostly wrong or misleading. The visits were clearly not symmetric…

tdawg ,

this just in. Unions have positive long term effects. Who could have guessed?

tdawg ,

The good news is the power is back on. The bad news is that it could go out again if another part of the system fails.

No shit? That’s how systems work. Like if there were advocating for better backups or stronger redundancy then sure I could see an argument there. But this just feels like them screaming “OMG THE POWER WAS OUT” and doing nothing about it. Journalism my ass

tdawg ,

As someone who works in tech any co-founder who gets anywhere abso-fucking-lutely believes their shit smells different. They wrap it up in all of this colorful language about making a difference and helping people and “impact,” but at the end of the day they’re there to exploit you and your coworkers to make millions

tdawg ,

The vote was met with boos and members of the public yelling, “blood on your hands” and “murderer,” and swearing at the council.

Pretty much sums it up. Baffling to me stuff like this is still getting passed when other bodies of government have effectively shown better results through helping people in need rather than persecuting people at their weakest

tdawg ,

Yeah. More people need to be comfortable gaming the system like this. They do it to us so there’s no reason not to do it right back (but double check your contracts!)

tdawg ,

Should we care what this guy has to say? I swear half the headlines these days are about the most random people who have opinions that don’t matter

tdawg ,

While I hear you my complaint mostly comes from the idea that there’s a difference between awareness and outrage porn. In my experience on lemmy (and the website formally known as the front page) the tendency has been toward the latter. If we wanted to share awareness then the focus would be on an analysis on the opinions of all the dickheads with big bank accounts rather than one-off interviews. If it were about awareness there would be suggestions of materials, yt videos, and books to read. If it were about awareness then it would be about showcasing which dickheads with big bank accounts are slightly less terrible than the others so we can rally behind them to begin to affect change

tdawg ,

This shit pisses me off. They better be calling for his fucking badge. Fucking pig

tdawg ,

Neat, now why was is so fucking close to my window

tdawg ,

I completely agree! See you never bucko

tdawg ,

Good for them. Really proud of this generation for pushing back on capatlist bullshit

tdawg ,

Hard to find places with better culture

tdawg ,

We need stronger union protections across the country

tdawg ,

First half of the article sounded a bit “say nothing with a lot of words,” but I’m really glad they brought that Seattle can and should continue to improve it’s programs. Housing first should be a right for all

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